~*Eclipse [Pet Shop of Horrors Sim] Count D*~ Ver. 2.0
Eclipse-[CountD]Sim_Banner.jpg - width=524 height=631
Eclipse-[CountD]Sim_Clothing.jpg - width=594 height=600
Eclipse-[CountD]Sim_Comp.jpg - width=700 height=500
Eclipse-[CountD]Sim_Detail.jpg - width=702 height=198
Eclipse-[CountD]Sim_Extra.jpg - width=527 height=600
Eclipse-[CountD]Sim_FacialStructure.jpg - width=462 height=310
Eclipse-[CountD]Sim_Hair.jpg - width=800 height=600
Eclipse-[CountD]Sim_thmb.jpg - width=204 height=276

This is a Photo-manip banner. NOT In-Game!
Okay, I know I already made a Count D sim... but it was so long ago and I was still pretty new at meshing (My old version was my first clothing Mesh attempt actually). So I wanted to make an entirely new version.
This new sim shares no content with the old one and is totally remade. I was thinking of removing the old one from MTS2, but I think some people may still want some of the content he comes with, so I'll leave him for now.
Character Information:
Anyway, for those not familiar with this D, he is the main character from the manga "Pet Shop of Horrors" created by the talented Matsuri Akino. (It's my favourite manga ever! :p). D runs a mysterious Pet Shop located in the Chinatown of New York, selling strange, exotic, and often deadly pets to his customers. He claims he sells Love, hope and dreams in the form of animals. Just don't break the contract provided with each sale... or the Count is not liable for any misfortunate accidents.

He has no last name... He's Just D. Which made it annoying to make him in sims... I dubbed him as the "Dream Dealer" family.. because I could not think of anything else. :/
I don't own the Pets EP.. but I'm sure anyone who does will have way more fun with him. XD
New Facial Structures + Genetics

Yes, back to the usual MS3D facial adjustments.
The 3D model for Count D's face was imported into MS3D after undergoing much work in bodyshop. For some reason his face was REALLY annoying. I don't know why... but it took ages to get it the way I wanted.. DX
His genetics were programed from toddler to elder. So babies will get all the new pretty genetics. XD
Want to try all this excessive work for yourself?
Read HystericalParoxysm's wonderful post here:
How to 3D Edit Faces (Yes, Really!)
All genetics and make-up textures are mine.
SADLY... I was unable to create D with two different coloured eyes. Originally he has one gold eye and one violet. But because maxis mapped both eyes to the same area, I was unable to get two different colours on the same model. All overlays, including makeup use the same mapping. I considered creating an accessory, but eye accessories look odd because they do not follow the facial morphs. I even went as far as duplicating his face as an accessory so that the morphs would remain and then making the face transparent except for the eyes, then pulling one eye back so that only one side would overlay. This took a day and was a giant sack of FAIL!
I'd be eternally grateful if anyone could offer advice in a comment or something. On a way to create an eye accessory overlay that will follow facial morphs. (Although I'm thinking that's not possible at this point).
Anyways, because of this, both of D's eyes are purple. But I guess that works out okay.

This hair was a sacrifice! It's not as super smooth as it could have been because I tried to reduce the polygons as much as possible so more people could run it. The textures are also smaller than my usual hair meshes. Although, I think this hair has the nicest animations of all my hair so far.
The features on the hair are as follows:
Dark Desires Hair in "Raven":
-Fully Animated
-All ages and Both Genders
-Genetically correct
-Colour binned (Black)
-Family Linked for more colours coming later (As you can see in the preview).
For the female version of the "Dark Desires" hair, you'll need to grab the extra rar file!
But the mesh itself is bundled with the Count D sim.
The hair meshes and textures are my own. Textures digitally painted via photoshop.

New mesh with new textures that are mine + a bit of maxis (recognise the flower patterns from a maxis female formal dress?).
Also has some very nice bumpmaps.
Outfit Features:
-Footsteps fixed
-Includes Fatmorph
-All parts hold Bumpmaps.
-Jewel on the outfit shimmers
Extra Detail + Accessories

The jewel on his robe is not an accessory and part of the outfit. But it is fully modeled and contains it's own texture and reflectivity so I though a closer shot would be appropriate.
I did create Count D's earrings, although they are not really noticeable with his hairstyle. They are just simple round studs and nothing super special. I did make them available for all ages and all genders though. Personally I've never seen regular little stud earrings for download.. which is surprising because earring like this are pretty common... I know I own a few pairs..
I only made red so far, but feel free to make recolours if you want.
Accessory Features:
Simple Studs:
-Jewel is Shiny.
-Available on all ages and genders
I also made Count D's nails. The texture and alpha is mine, but the mesh is not! For the nails to show up in your game, you'll need to grab shadylady482's Nail mesh found here: New Nail Polish Mesh for LONG Nails + 12 Recolors.

Some pictures of D from the Manga.
His official hair colour is black, but Akino often changes the highlight colour of his hair when she paints him... usually to green, blue, or purple. I think it's mainly for aesthetic purposes and to unify composition. (Or maybe simply because it looks cool).
Download Instructions:
All mesh files are included in the main rar with Count D.
Double click the sims2pack to install, then put all remaining files into your downloads folder!
For the female hair if you want it, download the additional Fhair package. You still need the mesh in the rar with Count D however.
Count D SHOULD work in base game! I made all files originally from base game package files only. Hopefully there are no issues. I have OFB installed, but nothing later.
And again, REMEMBER to grab shadylady482's Nail mesh found here: New Nail Polish Mesh for LONG Nails + 12 Recolors.
*Ignore the BV file if you do not own the "Bon Voyage" expansion pack!
Downloading for Bon Voyage:
I have taken the time to bin the earrings for the BV expansion pack.
To fix them for BV follow these instructions:
-Install Count D and all other files first!
-Afterwards, extract the "BVversion" earrings found in the extra rar on this page.
-Override the old file in your downloads folder with the new BV ones.
*The earrings should both appear in the "Right side earring" jewelry area.
I did not bin the nails, as I believe people had some trouble with my previous custom binned accessories that were not categorized as a jewelery type.
The nails will remain available in the glasses area. Sorry for the inconvenience.. but it's hard to test something that requires an EP I do not own.

Poly Count
Dark Desires Hair:
Count= 4282
Count= 2384
Count= 276
Count D is a character created by Matsuri Akino.
Lunar Eclipse holds no rights to "Pet Shop of Horrors" or the character "Count D" or any associated affiliates.
The Simple Stud Earrings are available seperately and in different colours on my website.
My Website is finally up.. yay!
So if anyone is interested, you can find it here: Eclipse Sims 2
Custom Content by Me:
- Eclipse-[CountD]_CompleteSim060908
- Eclipse-[CountD]_Brows
- Eclipse-[CountD]_LipColour
- Layerable Mouth Corner ~(D.Eclipse)
- Eclipse-[CountD]Eyes_Amethyst
- Eclipse-[CountD]_EyeShadow
- Eclipse-[CountD]_Lashes
- Eclipse-[CountD]_BlushMask
- Eclipse-[CountD]Nails_Rose
- Eclipse-MF[SimpleStuds]Earrings_Ruby
- Eclipse-[CountD]_SkinTone
- Eclipse-MHair[DarkDesires]_Raven
- Eclipse-MA[CountD]Robes_RedandGold
- Eclipse-FHair[DarkDesires]_Raven
- Eclipse-MF[SimpleStuds]Earrings_Ruby
Additional Credits:
shadylady482 for the great long nails for both genders. :D
Filename | Type | Size |
EclipseCountD_CompleteSimMTS2.rar | rar | |
Eclipse-[CountD]Complete_Terms-of-Use.txt | txt | 1052 |
Eclipse-MF[SimpleStuds]Earrings_MESH.package | package | 226516 |
Eclipse-MFHair[DarkDesires]_MESH.package | package | 1746108 |
Eclipse-MA[CountD]Robes_MESH.package | package | 245315 |
EclipseMTS2-Count_D.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 14549040 |
Uploaded: 9th Sep 2008, 14.7 KB.
Uploaded: 9th Sep 2008, 401.4 KB.
Uploaded: 9th Sep 2008, 3.75 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you get an error that says "This content requires expansion pack data that is not installed", please use either Clean Installer to install this sim.
Meshes needed
This download requires one or more meshes to work properly. Please check the Description tab for information about the meshes needed, then download them below:MTS cannot guarantee any off-site links will be available |
New Nail Polish Mesh for LONG Nails + 12 Recolors by shadylady482 |
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Updated: 14th Sep 2008 at 10:05 PM
#count d, #d, #anime, #manga, #matsuri akino, #pet shop of horrors, #petshop of horrors, #manga, #chinese, #oriental, #bishounen, #bishonen, #androgynous, #androgyny
by Sharkshooter 29th Dec 2004 at 8:31am
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About Me
If you've messaged me here, my PMs are disabled. Please read the autoreply for an Email.*hugs*