~*Eclipse [Dilandau Albatou & Miguel Lavariel] Sims*~*UPDATED*
Eclipse-[DilandauMiguel]Sims_Banner.jpg - width=432 height=600
Eclipse-[DilandauMiguel]Sims_Clothing.jpg - width=790 height=600
Eclipse-[DilandauMiguel]Sims_Comp.jpg - width=778 height=582
Eclipse-[DilandauMiguel]Sims_Extra.jpg - width=504 height=830
Eclipse-[DilandauMiguel]Sims_FacialStructure.jpg - width=721 height=508
Eclipse-[DilandauMiguel]Sims_Hair.jpg - width=664 height=558
Eclipse-[DilandauMiguel]Sims_Kneel.jpg - width=771 height=600
Eclipse-[DilandauMiguel]Sims_Sword.jpg - width=790 height=465

Finally!!! These two were due months ago! >_<
Anyways, this is an insane group upload.. with lots and lots of stuff, so let's get started. :D
Some people who watch popular anime from the 1990s might recognize these two. It's Dilandau Albatou, one of the antagonists from the anime "Tenkuu No Escaflowne/The Vision of Escaflowne" and one of his main subordinates, DragonSlayer Miguel Lavariel.
Dilandau has 5 main Dragonslayers, but I made just one because I wanted to upload this sometime this century. I chose Miguel.. because he's so my favourite one. Plus, he's the only one with an official last name, making sim creation more accurate.
The Dragonslayer armour is the traditional outfit for all 5 boys anyways, so if people want to make the rest themselves, the outfit is already complete. :D
Dilandau is my favourite silver-haired pyromaniac and took about a month to complete. Miguel was an additional week or two because his hair was heck-in-a-handbasket to mesh... ^^
So what's special about these Simmies?
Read On!
New Facial Structures + Genetics

Yes, back to the MS3D facial adjustments used on my Ash Crimson sim!
The 3D models for both faces were imported into MS3D after undergoing as much as humanly possible in bodyshop. Very anime-eque features are nearly impossible to perfect in bodyshop alone.. at least for a freak perfectionist like me. In MS3D the eyes were altered to appear more square and the nose was narrowed and shaped to mimic the famous "Escaflowne" nose. XD (For those familiar with Esca you'll know what I mean about the nose).
Also the jawline was seriously touched up a lot... to make the face narrow along with lower cheek bones. Normally doing this in bodyshop alone causes a malnourished look paired with offensive bulges during smiling animations. I eliminated that.... but it took FOREVER. *cries*
Also, the genetics were programed for toddler to elder. So babies will get all the new pretty genetics. XD
Want to try all this excessive work for yourself?
Read HystericalParoxysm's wonderful post here:
How to 3D Edit Faces (Yes, Really!)
Seriously. This tut is the best thing EVER! :D
All genetics and make-up textures are mine.

Oh.. two all new hair styles. :O
The features on the hair are as follows:
Dilandau's Hair - Albatou Flip
-Fully Animated.
-All ages + All genders
-Genetically correct
-Family Linked
-Colour binned
Miguel's Hair - The Lavariel
-Fully Animated.
-All ages
-Genetically correct
-Colour binned
-(Sorry, I think I forgot the family link for this one. If it pleases anyone let me know and I'll adjust that and upload a fixed override).
Also, I apologize. Miguel's hair took a long time because I kept hating on it and fussing over it. So I did not make a female counterpart. If anyone has now died a little inside for lack of Female versions of Miguel let me know and I may try to find some time to do the female refitting!
For the female version of Dilandau's hair, you'll need to grab the extra last rar file!
But the mesh itself is bundled with Dilly.
I don't know if I'll be doing any recolours yet. Feel free to create your own recolours if you like. Just credit me and don't upload to any paysites, yadda yadda...
The hair meshes and textures are my own. Textures digitally painted via photoshop. No photoskinning or ref.

OMG. Crazy outfit.
For the Armour...
It's easier to state what parts I did NOT mesh totally myself. I did not mesh the Sim torso (eg: chest, arms, hands), those parts are just an altered maxis base. Everything else including pants, boots, belt, shoulder plates, collar, lower coat... were meshed out by me from rough drawings.
The boots and shoulder plates are reflective. The gold trim, buttons, and buckles are also reflective.
About the Shoulder Plates:
Sims do not have special bone assignments for hard shoulder plates of this caliber. Because of this.. choosing assignments for these plates was time consuming death! I ended up with a balance between flexible and non-flexible.
Due to the shape however, it was still impossible after 12 hours of testing to get them perfect. At extreme angles like the sim lifting his hand completely vertically or forward crossed you will still find some cutting. But that cannot be helped. Aside from that I'm pretty satisfied.
Outfit Features:
Lord Dilandau's Armour/DragonSlayer Armour:
-Footsteps fixed
-Includes all Morphmods
-Contains 4 Mesh Parts, Body/Body2/Extra/Body_Alpha
-Metallic Parts have reflectivity
-All parts hold Bumpmaps.
Additional Outfits:
I also completed Dilandau's out-of-uniform clothing. It's set for PJs.
I also did his underwear. XD
It's based of the underwear he had in the Escaflowne Movie.
His necklace is relective.
Outfit Features:
Lord Dilandau's PJs:
-Footsteps fixed
-Includes all Morphmods
-Contains Parts body/extra.
-Necklace holds reflectivity.
-Bumpmap Enabled
Gaia Undergarment:
-Footsteps fixed
-Includes all Morphmods
-Contains Parts body/extra.
-Necklace holds reflectivity.
-Bumpmap Enabled
Also, I did ALL morphs for each outfit, INCLUDING pregnancy morphs.
If anyone uses Squige's maternity wear mods found Here:
You can keep the outfits on during any unfortunate alien impregnation.
Maternity flags were set accordingly.

Sword has it's own custom Icon. The Icon appears in-game but not bodyshop.
The sword and crown were meshed from scratch with my own rough drawings. The gold parts on the sword are metallic and reflect in bodyshop and in-game. The crown is fully meshed. The jewel protrudes from the rest of the crown and has it's own seperate reflectivity.
Dragonslayer Sword:
-Metallic Parts reflect
-Holds Bumpmaps
-Has Custom Icon for thumbnail. Shows up in-game CAS and change appearance mirror options.
-Categorized to work on everyday with Armour.
-Available for Adult Male + Young Adult Male.
Albatou Crown:
-Metallic Parts reflect + Jewel shines.
-Categorized to appear for Everyday/PJs/Workout/Formal.
-Available for Males teen and up.
Some Actual Official pictures of the characters. Because I'm sure some people want to compare.

Download Instructions:
All mesh files are included in the respective rars for each character.
Double click the sims2pack to install, then put all remaining files into your downloads folder!
For the female hair if you want it, download the additional hair package. You still need the mesh in the rar with Dilandau however.
Dilly and Miguel SHOULD work in base game! I made all files originally from base game package files only. Hopefully there are no issues. I have OFB installed, but nothing prior. Footsteps for the main outfits are fixed to armoured, which is an OFB addition. I hope this does not cause any conflict for older expansions, I don't think it will, but I could be wrong.

Dilandau's Hair:
Miguel's Hair:
Dilandau's Armour & Dragonslayer Armour:
DragonSlayer Sword:
Much MUCH apologies. Miguel's hair was initially much lower poly, but I didn't like it and it ended up being higher than I wanted. If you can run my previous "Floreal Fall" hair with Ash Crimson in your game, you should be fine with these meshes, however, I must try to be better next time....

It has come to my attention, after getting a new videocard, that the bumpmapping on the outfits is messed up! It is not seen on older cards, but is ugly with newer ones!
Especially on the Shoulders!
It is recommended that you replace all outfit files with the new versions I uploaded below! This should fix the mapping.
If you are downloading Dilandau or Miguel for the first time, download and install them first, then override the old outfit files with the updated ones!
Downloading for BV:
I've uploaded new files for Dilandau's Crown and the Sword.
Download these only if you have the "Bon Voyage" Expansion pack!
If you have BV, override the old files with the newer ones below after installing all other files.
If you do this correctly, Dilandau's Crown and the Sword should appear in the custom jewelry/accessory area of BV.
These sims are by Lunar Eclipse but "Escaflowne", the character "Miguel Lavariel", "Dilandau Albatou", or any associated affiliates are NOT. All rights reserved.
Lunar Eclipse holds no rights to the listed names or terms.
Custom Content by Me:
- [AlbatouFlip] ~(D.Eclipse)
- [AlbatouFlip] ~(D.Eclipse)
- [Miguel Lavariel] ~(D.Eclipse)
- [Miguel Lavariel] ~(D.Eclipse)
- [Dilandau] ~(D.Eclipse)
- Layerable Mouth Corner ~(D.Eclipse)
- Timeless Lashes (Light) ~(D.Eclipse)
- [Miguel Lavariel] ~(D.Eclipse)
- [DragonSlayerSword] ~(D.Eclipse)
- [Miguel Lavariel] ~(D.Eclipse)
- [The Lavariel] ~(D.Eclipse)
- [DragonSlayer Armour] ~(D.Eclipse)
- Eclipse-[DilandauAlbatou]-CompleteSim
- [Dilandau] ~(D.Eclipse)
- [Dilandau] ~(D.Eclipse)
- [Dilandau] ~(D.Eclipse)
- [Dilandau] ~(D.Eclipse)
- [Dilandau] ~(D.Eclipse)
- [Dilandau] ~(D.Eclipse)
- Layerable Mouth Corner ~(D.Eclipse)
- RightFacialScar ~(D.Eclipse)
- [Albatou Crown] ~(D.Eclipse)
- [DragonSlayerSword] ~(D.Eclipse)
- [Dilandau] ~(D.Eclipse)
- [AlbatouFlip] ~(D.Eclipse)
- [Master Dilandau's Armour] ~(D.Eclipse)
Filename | Type | Size |
EclipseMTS2-DilandauAlbatou_FullSim.rar | rar | |
Eclipse-[DilandauAlbatou]Complete_Terms-of-Use.txt | txt | 930 |
Eclipse-[DilandauAlbatou]MTS2.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 16179437 |
Eclipse-MA[DragonSlayerSword]_MESH.package | package | 82842 |
Eclipse-MAArmour[Dilandau]_MESH.package | package | 598392 |
Eclipse-MAPyjamas[Dilandau]_MESH.package | package | 277607 |
Eclipse-MATM[AlbatouCrown]_MESH.package | package | 68950 |
Eclipse-MAUndies[Dilandau]_MESH.package | package | 232266 |
Eclipse-MFHair[AlbatouFlip]_MESH.package | package | 2448248 |
Eclipse-MAUndies[Dilandau].package | package | 154706 |
Eclipse-MAPyjamas[Dilandau].package | package | 2434197 |
Filename | Type | Size |
EclipseMTS2-MiguelLavariel_FullSim.rar | rar | |
Eclipse-[MiguelLavariel]Complete_Terms-of-Use.txt | txt | 928 |
Eclipse-[MiguelLavariel]MTS2.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 14309625 |
Eclipse-MA[DragonSlayerSword]_MESH.package | package | 82842 |
Eclipse-MAArmour[DragonSlayer]_MESH.package | package | 598414 |
Eclipse-MHair[TheLavariel]_MESH.package | package | 1733325 |
Uploaded: 1st Aug 2008, 507.1 KB.
Uploaded: 1st Aug 2008, 63.6 KB.
Uploaded: 1st Aug 2008, 790.9 KB.
Uploaded: 1st Aug 2008, 1.20 MB.
Uploaded: 18th Apr 2008, 1.78 MB.
Uploaded: 18th Apr 2008, 6.35 MB.
Uploaded: 18th Apr 2008, 7.12 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you get an error that says "This content requires expansion pack data that is not installed", please use either Clean Installer to install this sim.
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Updated: 1st Aug 2008 at 8:31 AM
by thunderbreak 2nd Mar 2005 at 12:44pm
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by SynapticSim 6th Jun 2005 at 9:29am
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About Me
If you've messaged me here, my PMs are disabled. Please read the autoreply for an Email.*hugs*