12 European Road Signs
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Anyway they are 12 signs from the biggest countries in Europe, (Britain, France, Germany, Spain and some custom ones)
Included are..
United Kingdom
Mini Roundabout
Ahead Only
Zebra Crossing
No Overtaking
End of Restrictions
Traffic Lights Ahead
Custom (Drawn by myself, but can be found in most of Europe)
Prioty Sign (You have right of way)
Non-Prioty Sign (You dont have right of way)
No Stopping/Waiting
Costs $12 (I think) You will need the darylmarkloc signs for these to work (There should be a link at the bottom of the page)They will show up as recolours of them.

According to darylmarkloc grumpy sims may try and kick them over.

Half way through construction SimPE started to flip the signs around, so the mini-roundabout arrows are facing the wrong way, and the no overtaking sign has the cars swapped, but I doubt it would make a difference to anyone.

*Slight Update* No Parking/Waiting Sign redone*
Use in your lots (With credit)
Dont use them anywhere else

Im still open to sign recolour requests!
P.S I love feedback and comments!

Additional Credits: SimPE darylmarkloc for letting me recolour his signs
MTS2 Turiotals (ofc)

European Road Signs.rar
Uploaded: 8th Dec 2008, 148.8 KB.
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- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
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Traffic Sign Collection by darylmarkloc |
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