Twenty Simlish Videogame Posters for your Young Gaming Enthusiasts! (In two flavors)
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Simlish Videogame Posters
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Tomb Raider and Earthbound
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Final Fantasy X and Portal
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Young Link & Saria and Tales of Symphonia
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Link & Zelda and Final Fantasy VI
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Final Fantasy VII & Phoenix Wright
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Phoenix Wright & Super Mario Bros
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Kingdom Hearts & Final Fantasy VIII
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Harvest Moon & Link and Epona

These are two different sets of "simlish" video game posters: One is made of pictures of the video games' "original characters" as Sims, and the other features Sims from the pre-made Maxis Neighborhoods disguised as these characters. If you download both sets, you'll end up with 40 new posters, but I guess most of you will stick with just one option. Your sim kids won't have a reason to not decorate their rooms ever again! ;)

The posters are recolors of a custom mesh. Why? Because I wanted them to be available for people with any game configuration and sadly, none of the base game options suited my pictures without distorting the posters. Besides, those who own a Mac, like my youngest sister for example, wouldn't use posters had I used a mesh from FT or AL.
The mesh was made by Shoukeir from Sims2Play and can be downloaded here because the site is no longer available.
In the following pictures, the top poster is from the ORIGINAL CHARACTER SET, while the bottom one is the MAXIS MATCH SET (and I'll be describing which sims are on each poster too). As per MTS2's rules, I'm only including the first two pictures as part of this text, but you can see the rest of them at the thumbnails attached to the thread.

LEFT: Young Link from The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time.
Characters by Nintendo.
MAXIS MATCH SIM: Puck Summerdream from Veronaville (as Link)
CREDITS: Anva, Pooklet, Maxis Dreams, Seomi, Tommytiger (MTS2) and asdf (MTS2).
RIGHT: Ash (red hat), Misty, Brock (spiky hair) and Pikachu from Pokemon.
Characters by Nintendo.
MAXIS MATCH SIMS: Romeo Monty (Ash), Juliette Capp (Misty) and Mercutio Monty (Brock).
CREDITS: xel_squirgle_ox, Babbelsim, Anva, Pooklet, Phobia, Maxis, Kavar, Fanseelamb, Cocomama and Sim Islands. Some recolors by me.

LEFT: Roxas from Kingdom Hearts 2.
Character by Square-Enix
MAXIS MATCH SIM: Justin Cleveland (Belladonna Cove).
CREDITS: LarxeneXIII, Sims2Code, Anva, Medrops.
RIGHT: Ryu, Chun-Li and Ken from Street Fighter.
Characters by Capcom
MAXIS MATCH SIMS: General Buzz Grunt (ST), Patricia Wang (RH) and Malcolm Laandgrab IV (BW).
CREDITS: Thunderbreak, RoseSims (free hair), Fanseelamb, seomi.
PICTURE 4 (Please see the thumbnail below)
LEFT: Lara Croft from Tomb Raider.
MAXIS MATCH SIM: Marsha Bruening (PV townie)
CREDITS: Nouk, Phobia, RoseSims (free accessories) and SynapticSims.
RIGHT: Ness (Red hat), Paula, Jeff (glasses) and Poo from Earthbound.
MAXIS MATCH SIMS: Nervous Subject (ST, as Ness), Desdemona Capp (VV, as Paula), Xander Roth (RH, as Jeff) and Gallagher Newson (BC, as Poo).
CREDITS: Phobia,Ronyu02, Bloom, Cocomama, CatofEvilGenius, fakepeeps7
PICTURE 5 (Please see the thumbnail below)
LEFT: Lulu (Black dress), Tidus, Yuna (brown hair) and Rikku (blonde hair) from Final Fantasy X.
Characters by Square.
MAXIS MATCH SIMS: Lilith Pleasant (PV, as Lulu), Dustin Broke (PV, as Tidus), Angela Pleasant (PV, as Yuna) and Jill Smith (ST, as Rikku).
CREDITS: Fantasylostworld, RoseSims (Free accessories and hair), Sango_91, BlueIzumi, XMSims, Aelia, Ninika, Pooklet, V1ND1CARE.
RIGHT: Chell, her companion cube and a chocolate cake from Portal.
MAXIS MATCH SIMS: Violet Joque (DV, as Chell).
CREDITS: XMSims, Fanseelamb, The FrenchSim (@ Insimenator).
PICTURE 6 (Please see the thumbnail below)
LEFT: Young Link and Saria from The Legend of Zelda (Ocarina of Time)
Characters by Nintendo.
MAXIS MATCH SIMS: Puck Summerdream (VV, as Link) and Bottom Summerdream (VV, as Saria) ---> Yes, I know some people ship Link and Saria, but let's pretend those two are mostly like siblings, all right? :S
CREDITS: Ninika, Cocomama, Tommytiger, Parsimonious, Lethe_s, Maxis Dreams and some recolors by me.
RIGHT: Raine Sage (White hair lady), Genis Sage (White hair, "short" teen boy), Sheena Fujibayashi (Black hair lady), Collette Brunel (blonde girl), Regal Bryant (Blue hair man), Lloyd Irving (boy in red), Zelos Wilder (that guy with the long, bright hair) and Presea Combatir ("short" teen with pink pigtails) from Tales of Symphonia.
Characters by Namco.
MAXIS MATCH SIMS: Sharla Ottomas (as Raine), Tommy Ottomas (as Genis), Cleo Shibiku (RH, as Sheena), Sandra Roth (RH, as Collette), Gabe O'Mackey (RH, as Regal), Jacob Martin (RH, as Lloyd), Don Lothario (PV, a perfect match for Zelos if you've played the game ;D) and Jules O'Mackey (RH, as Presea).
CREDITS: MangaSpirit14, Anva, Pooklet, Nouk, Newsea, Seomi, Maxis and a couple recolors by me.
PICTURE 7 (Please see the thumbnail below)
LEFT: Princess Zelda and Link from The Legend of Zelda (Ocarina of Time, yes I'm biased towards this game :S)
Characters by Nintendo.
MAXIS MATCH SIMS: Puck Summerdream (VV, as Link) and Hermia Capp (VV, as Zelda).
CREDITS: rockxxshow, tommytiger, FantasyLostWorld, RoseSims, Medrops, TeruK and asdf.
RIGHT: Relm (teen girl), Sabin (tall guy at the back, left), Celes (girl with long, blonde hair), Terra (girl with greenish ponytail at the front), Locke (black bandana) and Edgar (guy on the far right) from Final Fantasy VI.
Characters by Square.
MAXIS MATCH SIMS: Tosha Go (PV townie, as Relm), Tank Grunt (ST, as Sabin), Lucy Burb (PV, as Celes), Erin Singles (ST, as Terra), Beau Broke (PV, as Locke) and Buck Grunt (ST, as Edgar).
CREDITS: Loverat, Nouk, RoseSims (Free Accessories), Azaya, Generalzoi, Serendipityhq, Migamoo, Peggy (free hair mesh), Kaylynn, Fantasylostworld and a few recolors (and the teen goggles conversion) by me.
PICTURE 8 (Please see the thumbnail below)
LEFT: Tifa (girl with black hair), Cloud (blond guy), Aerith (girl with brown hair) and Sephiroth (purple/whiteish hair) from Final Fantasy VII.
Characters by Square.
MAXIS MATCH SIMS: Johnny Smith (ST, as Cloud), Ophelia Nigmos (ST, as Aerith) and Ripp Grunt (ST, as Sephiroth).
CREDITS: Fantasylostworld, Navetsea, Medrops, Little Uchiha, RoseSims (free accesories and hair), crocobaura & chris997, Newsea, Piggi.
RIGHT: Phoenix Wright from, well, Phoenix Wright "Ace Attorney".
MAXIS MATCH SIM: Frances Worthington III (LFT student, as Phoenix).
CREDITS: Lunar Eclipse.
PICTURE 9 (Please see the thumbnail below)
LEFT: Phoenix Wright from, well, Phoenix Wright "Ace Attorney".
MAXIS MATCH SIM: Frances Worthington III (LFT student, as Phoenix).
CREDITS: Lunar Eclipse.
RIGHT: Luigi (in green), Mario (in red) and Princess Peach from Super Mario World.
Characters from Nintendo.
MAXIS MATCH SIMS: Vidcund Curious (ST, as Luigi), Lazlo Curious (ST, as Mario) and Crystal Vu (ST townie, as Peach).
CREDITS: asdf, Nouk, RetailSims.
PICTURE 10 (Please see the thumbnail below)
LEFT: Kairi (girl), Sora (guy with spiky brown hair) and Riku (guy with long, white hair) from Kingdom Hearts.
Characters from Square-Enix.
MAXIS MATCH SIMS: Tara (adopted redhead teen from BC, as Kairi), Justin Cleveland (BC, as Sora) and Ricky Contrary (DV, as Riku).
CREDITS: Medrops, SharonSims, RoseSims (free accessories), Peggy (Free hair mesh), LarxeneXIII, Criquett, Chris997, Danicast.
RIGHT: Seifer, Quistis, Rinoa, Squall, Zell and Selphie from Final Fantasy VIII.
Characters from Square.
MAXIS MATCH SIMS: Tybalt Capp (VV, as Seifer), Ariel Capp (VV, as Quistis), Etsu Cho (BC, as Rinoa), Isaiah Gavigan (BC, as Squall), the red toddler from the Newson Family (BC, as Zell) and Pauline Aspir (DV, as Selphie). Yup, this poster should also be called "The Revenge of the Maxis Toddlers".
CREDITS: Fantasylostworld, RoseSims (Free Accesories), Seomi, Navetsea, Kavar, Nouk, V1ND1CARE.
PICTURE 11 (Please see the thumbnail below)
LEFT: Jack, Ann (Red hair), Nina (Pink hair), Ellen (Brown hair), Maria (blue hair) and Eve (blond hair) from the SNES version of Harvest Moon.
MAXIS MATCH SIMS: Leod McGregor (the bachelor farmer from RH, as Jack), Alexandra O'Mackey (RH, as Ann), Catherine Viejo (RH, as Ellen), Florence DelaRosa (BV, as Nina), Jodie Larson (BV, as Maria) and Naenae D (RH townie, as Eve).
CREDITS: All About Style, Ninika, Yuxi, Sussi, DragonSlave, Parsimonious, XMSims, Nouk, mickyss and a few recolors by me.
RIGHT: Link and Epona from The Legend of Zelda.
Characters from Nintendo.
MAXIS MATCH SIMS: Puck Summerdream (VV, as Link).
CREDITS: Same as the other Zelda posters, plus DragonSlave for the horse.
Enjoy the posters! :)
Custom Content by Me:
- Earthbound Poster
- Final Fantasy X Poster
- Final Fantasy VI Poster
- Final Fantasy VII Poster
- Final Fantasy VIII Poster
- Harvest Moon Poster
- Link and Epona Poster
- Kingdom Hearts Poster
- Young Link Poster
- Super Mario Bros Poster
- Objection Poster
- Phoenix Wright Poster
- Pokemon Poster
- Portal Poster
- Roxas Poster
- Saria Poster
- Street Fighter Poster
- Tales of Symphonia Poster
- Tomb Raider Poster
- Link and Zelda Poster
- Earthbound Maxis Match Poster
- Final Fantasy X Maxis Match Poster
- Final Fantasy VI Maxis Match Poster
- Final Fantasy VII Maxis Match Poster
- Final Fantasy VIII Maxis Match Poster
- Harvest Moon Maxis Match Poster
- Link and Epona Maxis Match Poster
- Kingdom Hearts Maxis Match Poster
- Young Link Maxis Match Poster
- Super Mario Bros. Maxis Match Poster
- Objection! Maxis Match Poster
- Phoenix Wright Maxis Match Poster
- Pokemon Maxis Match Poster
- Portal Maxis Match Poster
- Roxas Maxis Match Poster
- Saria Maxis Match Poster
- Street Fighter Maxis Match Poster
- Tales of Symphonia Maxis Match Poster
- Tomb Raider Maxis Match Poster
- Link and Zelda Maxis Match Poster
Additional Credits:
- Posing hacks and boxes by Decorgal, Jaydee, Aikea Guinea and Squinge.
- Skintones by Leh (at Garden of Shadows)
- Eyes by Smjoshsims (at Livejournal)
- Eyebrows by Lyran, Rensim and Fanseelamb.
- Makeup by Bruno, Pooklet and Anva.
- Simlish font by SimMale
- Original Mesh by Shoukeir at Sims2Play.
- SimPE and PhotoStudio.
| REQUIRED mesh for these posters
Uploaded: 30th Mar 2010, 60.4 KB.
Video Game Posters - Simgaroop.rar
| 20 simlish videogame posters featuring the original characters as sims.
Uploaded: 29th Jan 2009, 6.62 MB.
Maxis Match Videogame Posters - Simgaroop.rar
| 20 simlish videogame posters featuring the premade Maxis sims,
Uploaded: 29th Jan 2009, 6.68 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
Meshes needed
This download requires one or more meshes to work properly. Please check the Description tab for information about the meshes needed, then download them below:MTS cannot guarantee any off-site links will be available | (non-MTS link) |
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Updated: 30th Mar 2010 at 4:22 PM
#videogames, #posters, #simlish, #children, #final fantasy, #pokemon, #nintendo, #tomb raider, #zelda, #mario, #earthbound, #harvest moon, #phoenix wright, #game
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About Me
I'm Simgaroop, from Mexico. I retired a long, long time ago, so feel free to use my textures and CC however you want it. I still the play The Sims 2 now and then, but I am not very active in the community. You can find me at Tumblr at