Comic Book Career
1) Title: Online Comic Book Geek. - £50 - Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
Description: You are the lowest of the low. You have nothing better to do with your time than loll around on comic book forums for hours at a time telling people about all the new ideas you could think of. Pull yourself together, because donations from family and friends isn't going to keep you going for much longer.
2) Title: Regular Comic Book Geek. - £60 - Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
Description: Well, it's an improvement. Now you have a slightly better social life and everyone is urging you on to get out there. Widen your horizon with some simple logic, and the perfect job will be circled on the newspaper next morning.
3) Title: Comic Book Store Worker. - £100 - Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
Description: Your first real job for years! You're behind the counter of the local comic book store, ringing up customers and keeping a brave smile on your face. If you want to stop being the one giving the manuscripts away, then build some charisma to help your boss get you out there wooing customers.
4) Title: Comic Book Store Adviser. - £120 - Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
Description: You're out in the aisles, finding the perfect comic books for the geeks that walk in through your door. Keep your customers happy, and you might just get a better job soon.
5) Title: Comic Book Store Delivery Manager. - £150 - Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
Description: The only comic books that you see now are sealed and wrapped into cardboard boxes and being shipped into the store room. Gain some body skill so you can lift those boxes without dropping them onto your toes from the strain.
6) Title: Comic Book Store Manager. - £300 - Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
Description: Finally, just sitting down and reading comic books... When you aren't supervising deliveries and staff or dealing with complaints. At least you can get some lowly comic book geek to pamper you in exchange for a discount! Great cleanliness and organisation could easily move you onto better things.
7) Title: Secretary - £450 - Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
Description: You're into the realm of lowly office work as a secretary. However, you are the secretary of one of the biggest comic book making companies in the world: Marvel. Impress your uppers with your ability to put files in the right place and answer phone calls and you might be meeting someone very important.
8) Title: Assistant to Chief Comic Book Writer. - £650 - Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
Description: You're out of the office blocks and into the meeting rooms serving coffee and nodding at things your superiors say. You help out the Chief Comic Book Writer and get to meet all the biggest stars in the world of the superhero creators. However, to them, you are just another wannabe. Get creative and improve the little doodles you've been doing and they might just 'accidently' get dropped into the pigeon holes of some very important people...
9) Title: The Mine of Ideas. - £800 - Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
Description: You ideas are finally on display to the public. Everyone is talking about your latest superhero, or the plot twist you made when Wonder Woman turned out to be a lesbian. However, you are still a nobody and are getting no recognition for your work. Use that good old Superman logic to find a way around this.
10) Title: Chief Comic Book Writer. - £1250 - Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
Description: Finally, you're at the top and shelling out comic books by the day. Every lowly online comic book geek is typing your name and you're easily getting more fan mail than Britney Spears. Keep up the good work, and things will only get better.
IMPORTANT: There are chance cards for levels ONE, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SEVEN and NINE.
Please tell me exactly what you think needs changing to this, as I am new to making careers!
Additional Credits:
Thanks to the Creator Feedback Forum for checking my spelling!
Comic Book Career - Adult - By Zinthos@MTS2.rar
Uploaded: 2nd Jun 2009, 21.4 KB.
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