Faster Novel Writing For Sims 3 Supernatural: 9-18-12
FasterNovelWriting-Sims3-2.jpg - width=1024 height=768

Minor update to both mods.
Choose either mod to suit your playing style. Both mods are now packaged together with a RFTM.
Compatible with Showtime / Current Patch 1.3x
Nothing changed for Showtime.
Sims 3 Pets Information
Nothing changed to require a new mod for Pets. You can safely use any of the WA version(s) to suit your playing style.
Send your Sim to the computer to practice writing and then cancel the interaction. The genres will then be available for your Sim to choose from to write a book about.
Sims 3 Generations Information
The mods doesn't require any changes since there wasn't any new changes in the code. You can safely use one of the WA flavors to suit your playing style.
Sims 3 Outdoor Living Stuff Information
The WA versions of the computer mods from this section are compatible with Outdoor Living Stuff. Nothing is needed to be fixed or changed.
Sims 3 Late Night Information
I verified the mods' compatibility with Late Night. No changes have been made to the script used for writing books.
You can use either WA mod for Late Night!
Sims 3 Ambitions Information
I spent time verifying the WA mods for compatibility with Sims 3 Ambitions and found them to be compatible with the latest EP.
Ambitions Game Version is I think the Patch is 3.3, but I patched and then installed Ambitions. So I didn't see the game patch before installing.
You can use either WA version with Ambitions.
World Adventures Information
Both mods have been updated for World Adventures with minor changes, but both mods still retain the original features to enable Sims to write novels faster and gain skill points in order to unlock the genres or to write novels faster with all genres unlocked.
Choose only ONE mod to install:
Faster Novel Writing No Unlocked Genres - WA
Faster Novel Writing Unlocked Genres - WA
Genres means basically the different types of topics authors write about. For example, authors write science fiction books. Science Fiction is a genre. The genre the Sim writes about is the genre you choose on the computer for your Sim to write.
The install location for World Adventures is for XP users:
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 World Adventures\Mods\Packages
For Vista and Windows 7 users:
The mod should be installed in the Mods subfolder of the World Adventures main directory or similar. I don't use Vista or Windows 7 and can't help you with the installation questions. You'll have to search the forums for information regarding that matter.
Basic Description:
Faster Writing Novels allow the Sims to write novels faster.
A Sim without the BookWorm and/or Artist traits (or similar traits to speed up skilling/painting/writing) will spend around 8 to 12 hours writing a novel (depending on the genre) from start to finish.
A Sim with the BookWorm and/or Artist traits (or similar traits to speed up skilling/painting/writing) will spend slightly less time writing a novel (depending on the genre) from start to finish, meaning that if a Sim (without the BookWorm and/or Artist or similar traits) spent 8 hours, then the other Sim (with the BookWorm and/or Artist or similar traits) will spend around 4 to 6 hours depending on what type of genre is used for the novel.
Each genre is unlocked for the traits the Sim have regardless of what skill level the Sim has for writing novels. Only Painting level 6 is required, I believe, to write a children's book.
No royalties were increased to be paid out, and no skills were given instantly. The Sims will have to work hard to gain skills and more money, BUT they will write novels faster though.
Updated - July 11, 2009 - Updated
A new update was done to the mod. Same features are retained in the new version like the original mod.
Please re-download if you have the original mod!
Updated - August 22, 2009 - Updated
A new alternate version is available for uploading. This version does not unlock any genre or allow Sims with no skills to write a novel of any genre. This version still retains the original features.
Use one or the other!
Compatible with More Fun Activities - Sims 3.
Additional Credits:
Sims 3 Tools - Inge and Peter Jones crew
NotePad++ - Sweet little program to save headaches
WinMerge - Merging Sims Since Sims 3
Paint.NET - Screenshots
MTS - Hosting Sims 2/3 Content
| For Supernatural Only
Uploaded: 18th Sep 2012, 13.7 KB.
| Unlocked Genres - World Adventure Only
Uploaded: 4th Dec 2009, 4.5 KB.
| No Unlocked Genres - World Adventures Only
Uploaded: 4th Dec 2009, 4.6 KB.
| No Unlocked Genres - Sims 3 Only
Uploaded: 22nd Aug 2009, 4.5 KB.
| Unlocked Genres - Sims 3 Only
Uploaded: 11th Jul 2009, 4.5 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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About Me
Other than playing games, I enjoy reading and watching movies. I don't have a lot of favorite movies, but I have a fun fact.
Fun fact: I enjoy all of the Tinkerbell movies. Don't diss the fairies.
Another fun fact: I also enjoy high octane movies like Fast and the Furious series. Anything that has to do with racing and shooting. I do like foreign movies and shows like Squid for example.
Favorite line from a movie: "Humor... It is a difficult concept."
Favorite answer my manager gave me when I asked her which department she liked the best: "I hate them all equally."