Now Hiring! - Teen and Elderly Versions of my most popular Careers
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I have taken the time (and received a lot of help,) to make teen and elderly versions of my most popular careers. All teens/elders careers earn a wage based upon same level as adult divided by the number of hours the adult works, then multiplied by the number of hours the teen/elder works. The following new teen/elder careers each have three levels and one chance card for each of these levels. They are each first listed by the career and then each level within that career. Additionally each career will list the daily wage earned, the hours that the teen/elder will have to work and the days of the week that they will be expected to work at that level.
Each career has its own GUID and does not overwrite any of the other exsisting careers in the game. Additionally each has been programmed and beta tested to transition into its adult version upon the moment that the teen ages into adulthood automatically. One will need to have the adult versions ofthese careers for this to work properly,eachof which has a link after its teen andelderly career description.


1) Art Tutor = (50 – 4pm-7pm – Wed-Fri)
You have found a job working with a youth group after normal school hours. There you teach an after-school program for under-privileged children who are interested in art. You make very little money, and the group itself is completely supported by donations from the local community. It's your job to help instruct them, but in the end, you learn more from them every day.
Work on your creativity as even though this is just a small-time position it is still a doorway to much bigger opportunities.
2) Piece Artist = (89 – 3pm-7pm – Wed-Sun)
In addition to your art tutoring you are also now getting odd jobs in piece-work on weekends. Whether these pieces are paining Christmas scenes in store windows, drawing logos for local bands, or even just designing posters for local fund-raisers, etc. they do not pay much and the work is unreliable at best. Still it does add up to a little extra coin in the long run and you get a sense of pride from others being willing to pay for your work.
Your creative side is starting to be recognized and the fact that you are outside of the mainstream art world helps too. Keep working even harder on your creative side as this can be a great platform to much bigger things.
3) Studio Artist = (167 – 3pm-8pm – Wed-Sun)
You have found yourself a job working for an actual local talent. She has you assist her in her studio and in exchange not only does she give you a decent wage but you also get to mingle with other professional artists that work in the area. You have not yet chosen your favorite medium but at this stage it is good to stay away from a solitary medium anyway.
The adult version of the artist career can be found here .
Fragrance Developer

1) Counter Person = (32 – 4pm-7pm – Wed-Sat)
You have found work as a salesperson at a local department store. Yes, you are one of those annoying mall-sprayers. It is humiliating and you have to be a lot pushier than you actually are in real-life but heck, its work. You could care less about what fragrance you are selling, just as long as you meet your weekly quota. You may decide to stay in this line of work but you are ultimately going to want something a lot more than just this.
Work on your charisma skill because in this line of work appearance is the key that will unlock doors for you in the future.
2) Makeover Demonstrator = (60 – 3pm-7pm – Wed-Sat)
You have managed to get away from the main counter but now you have the job of giving people makeovers. You make-up half of their face free of charge and then drain their purse to finish the other half. This pays a bit more money than just being a spray-person but you still feel like you are scamming people. Your jaw almost drops when you see people coming in to have this done to them willingly.
Keep working on your charisma skill and now start developing your cleaning skill as well. To go anywhere in this industry you are going to have to get yourself out of this department store and these two skills are the key in this profession.
3) Lab Student = (125 – 3pm-8pm – Wed-Sat)
You have managed to make the transition from being a simple department store person to being a student lab assistant. They do not hire students from the outside and you have to be working for one of their affiliates beforehand to even have a chance at such a position, so as you see it, your days of working in the department store were not in vain after all. With this lab exposure so early in your career who knows? Maybe you just might have found your niche.
The adult version of the fragrance developer career can be found here .

Gem Cutter

1) Counter Person = (58 – 4pm-7pm – Thurs-Sun)
You have found work as a salesperson at a local jewelry store. It is humiliating and you have to be a lot pushier than you actually are in real life but heck, its work. You could care less about what ring, necklace or earring you are selling, just as long as you meet your sales quota. You may decide to stay in this line of work for a little while but you are ultimately going to want something a lot more than just this.
Work on your cleaning skill because in this line of work presentation is the key that will unlock doors for you in the future.
2) Credit Checker = (106 – 3pm-7pm – Thurs-Sun)
You have managed to get away from the main counter but now you have the job of checking customers’ credit to see if they qualify for your store’s financing programs. You basically collect all of their financial information, offer them an outrageous interest rate and then sell them an expensive piece of junk if they qualify. This pays a bit more money than just being a salesperson but you still feel like you are scamming people. Your jaw almost drops when you see how much a man’s fiancé can force them to pay for a wedding ring.
Keep working on your cleaning skill and start developing your mechanical skill as well. To go anywhere in this industry you are going to have to get yourself out of this shopping mall location and these two skills are the key in this profession.
3) Shift Supervisor = (204 – 3pm-8pm – Thus-Sun)
You have managed to make the transition from being a simple salesperson to being a shift supervisor. They do not normally hire students to these positions from the outside and you have to be working for one of their stores already to even have a chance at such a position, so as you see it, your days of working at the counter were not in vain after all. With this job exposure so early in your career who knows? Maybe you'll pursue this career after all.
The adult version of the gem cutter career can be found here .

1) Tinkerer = (96 – 4pm-7pm – Wed-Sun)
You are the family handy-man. Whenever anything around the house breaks they look to you to fix it. With this apparent skill at your hands you have gotten a part-time job in an appliance repair shop. The hours are easy and the pay is not bad either.
Work on your mechanical skill as this place makes you feel knowledgeable and handy, while not actually being all that hard. You think you like repairing things and this may be a calling for you. Perhaps if you develop this skill it will lead to better things in the future.
2) Grease Monkey = (153 – 3pm-7pm – Wed-Sun)
You have managed to find a regular part-time job at a gas station during the week and on Saturdays. Your normal responsibilities are not much (working the register, helping the handicapped with the pumps, and restrooms of course) but every now and then the real mechanics ask you to help them with the cars in the garage as well. You are getting a lot of hands-on experience and knowledge in this field. You think you may have a bright future here if you just stick with it.
Keep working on your mechanics skill. You are surrounded by motor-heads and grease monkeys all day long and this skill may be the key to figuring out what they heck they are talking about half of the time.
3) Motor-Head = (212 – 3pm-8pm – Wed-Sun)
You have been working around cars for quite some time now and they are not just your job but they have become your hobby as well. You like working on cars and making them work. You long for the days when you can work on them full-time because you don’t get enough working on them part-time. You have dreams of fixing up an old car from a parts yard and turning it into a sweet hot-rod but you do not yet have enough skill.
The adult version of the mechanic career can be found here .


1) Trekkie = (51 – 4pm-7pm – Thur-Sun)
You have become part of a strange group known as Trekkies. You go from town to town to attend conventions all based on a popular television show. This group may seem a little bizarre, but in truth they are very social. At these conventions you can interact with others of this social group and sell paraphernalia from the show to collectors that also attend. Even though you do not make much money, it sure can be fun if you are into this sort of thing.
Work on your logic skill; after all, other nerds can sense when you actually know what you are talking about and when you have just seen too many movies or too much television.
2) Geek/Shrew = (72 – 3pm-7pm – Thur-Sun)
You do not exactly remember what happened to you at that last convention but you followed some hot-looking woman into what looked like a prop-set, and then everything went bright and you woke up in your bed the following morning with braces in your mouth, a pair of glasses that you now need to correct your vision and an inhaler that you must carry in case you experience too much excitement. You do not know if you were abducted by an alien from another world or were so severely violated by such an extreme hottie that it may take you years to fully recover. Still you have found that there are many more like you that seem to have accepted you as one of their own and strangely you now seem to somehow have a vast knowledge of mathematics, science and certain forms of trivia, which you never had before.
Keep working on your logic as it is hard to explain how this transformation happened to you but you are determined to get to the bottom of it someday.
3) Neo Maxi Zune Dwebie /Basket Case = (125 – 3pm-8pm – Thur-Sun)
You do not know what the aliens have done to your head but you have progressed to having an infinite amount of knowledge of things and events that you have never actually experienced ever before (or at least you think you do). You mysteriously know trivia about every President, World Leader, or Statesman that you have ever heard of, you get déjà vu from every book you pick up as if you must have read it before and you are now completely obsessed with sex in every way. You pray for mercy for the unfortunate girl that becomes your first real Steady as your ideals on the finer gender may be impossible for a real woman to live up to.
The adult version of the nerd career can be found here .

1) Product Demonstrator = (50 – 4pm-7pm – Wed-Sat)
You have found work after school doing product demonstrations in a local shopping mall. Sure these are simple, and you are actually learning while enjoying this work, but this is still a good start for someone outside the mainstream acting world such as you. Here you learn how to perform in front of others and learn how to deal with criticism as well.
Work on your charisma as you have managed to open the door but not working on your craft can cause that same door to slam on you just as fast.
2) Commercial Actor/Actress = (89 – 3pm-7pm – Wed-Sat)
You have found work doing a series of commercials for a oil company. You do not have any actual lines in the commercial but are paid to just smile for the camera at the end of the commercial. At least you do not have to do those mall demonstrations anymore but this is hardly professional work either.
Keep working on your charisma because even though this is not the job of your dream, it is still work and there are countless young actors that would kill you to get the opportunities you are receiving right now.
3) Actor/Actress = (167 – 3pm-8pm – Wed-Sun)
You have actually started getting speaking roles in commercials! This may not seem like much to someone outside of the industry but in truth it is huge! You are actually starting to be treated like an actual mainstream actor. All you have to do now is use this situation to find some sort of mainstream work and you will be on your way.
Lastly the adult version of the performer career can be found here .
Additional Credits:
Special Thanks
Barzalene for fragrance developer original idea.
harlequin_eyes for spelling and grammar
Sally_Nyman for gem cutter original idea
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1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
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- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
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- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
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Adult Fragrance Developer
Adult Gem Cutter
Adult Mechanic
Adult Nerd
Adult Performer
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