Judaism Careers - Rabbi Career

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Shalom from Iowa USA,

I have created this new career just in time for Chanukah (Hanukkah), The Rabbi Career. In this career you will see a little touch of a Jewess's perspective and with the help of my rabbi, Rabbi Trevor Teuerworcel. It has a custom GUID so it will not over load anyone's careers or anything =)

Note, this is not to make fun of the Jewish people, but this is also in the points of all three areas of Judaism, Orthodox (the male career path) as well as the Conservative and Reform branches (the female career sect). Hopefully this will be fun for everyone.

The wages are the same for both men and women, but the levels are a bit different:

Male Careers:

1) Rabbi - §150 - Wednesday through Sunday; 7 p.m to 9 P.M.

You are now a leader of a Jewish Temple, You, and yourself deliver the word of god. Are you sure that you're cut out for this type of Torah and Talmut worship and study?

2) Hazzan - §200 - Thursday through Sunday - 7 p.m. to 11 p.m

Wow! You made it! You made it out of your Rabbi position and now you are a trained singer, congrats and practice those creativity and charisma for acting as shatz. You and only you were chosen for a good voice, knowledge of traditional tunes, understanding of the meaning of the prayers and sincerity in reciting them. A congregation does not need to have a dedicated hazzan, but you're so lucky to have one

3) Shatz - §450 - Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday - 7 p.m to 11 p.m.

A leader, or traditionally or literally an agent of the congregation… you are who leads those assembled in prayer, and sometimes prays on behalf of the community. When a shatz recites a prayer on behalf of the congregation, he is not acting as an intermediary but rather as a facilitator. The entire congregation participates in the recital of such prayers by saying amen at their conclusion; it is with this act that the shatz's prayer becomes the prayer of the congregation. Any adult capable of reciting the prayers clearly may act as shatz. But...In your Orthodox congregation and the Conservative congregation down the street, only men can be prayer leaders, but the Conservative and Reform movements in the downtown area now allow women to serve in this function. Congrats.

4) Baal koreh - §500 - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday - 7 p.m. to 1 a.m.

You are now the weakly reader of the Torah! The requirements for being the baal kriyah are the same as those for the shatz. These roles are not mutually exclusive. The same person is often qualified to fill more than one role, and often does. Often there are several people capable of filling these roles and different services (or parts of services) will be led by each. Now spiff up on your charisma…

5) Gabbai - §600 - Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday - 7 P.M to 1 A.M

Well, easy come easy go, now you are a Gabbai, people up to the Torah, appoints the shatz for each prayer session if there is no standard shatz, and makes certain that the synagogue is kept clean and supplied

6) Dayan - §850 - Sunday through Wednesday, and Friday - 7 P.M. to 1 A.M

You were spotted in your temple, Congratz on your new Ordainment as the Dayan, you're an ordained rabbi with special legal training who belongs to a beth din (rabbinical court). In Israel, religious courts handle marriage and divorce cases, conversion and financial disputes in the Jewish community. Spiff up your logic, and your creativity, then you can of course be the next line up.

7) Mohel - §999 - Monday, Wednesday through Friday - 7 pm to 3 am

Heehee, now you’re a Mohel, or a circumsizer for the ceremonies, work up on your mechanicalism. As Ritual circumciser who performs the brit milah or a circumsision. An expert in the laws of circumcision who has received training from a qualified mohel you are.

8) Sofer - §1500 - Wednesday through Sunday - 7 pm to 3 am

OH WOW!! Now you’re a sofer!! Sofer, or a scribe of the Torah scrolls, tefillin, mezuzot and gittin , must be written by a sofer who is an expert in Hebrew calligraphy and has undergone rigorous training in the laws of writing sacred texts.

9) Mashgiach of a yeshiva - §2500 - Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday 7 pm to 5 am

You now are a supervisor of the emotional and spiritual welfare of students in a yeshiva, and gives lectures on mussar…congratulations once again boychik.

10) Beit Dein Member - §6000 – Sunday, Monday and Tuesday – 7 pm to 7 am

You are now as the people say, “The house of judgment” or the Beth din, Beit din, or beis din. You are now a member of a rabbinical court of Judaism. In ancient times, it was the building block of the legal system in the Land of Israel. Today, it is invested with legal powers in a number of religious matters “Din Torah” or the matter of litigation, both in Israel and in Jewish communities in the Diaspora, where its judgements hold varying degrees of authority, in matters specifically germane to Jewish religious life. “Mazel tov!!!” they say as you parade with this on your job papers!! And from me to you, “Mazel tov!!!!”

Female Career path:

1) Female Rabbi – §150 - Wednesday through Sunday; 7 p.m to 9 P.M.

Well, you made it through college and landed a job at the conservative temple of Midbar Kodesh. Great work!

2) Hazzan - §200 - Thursday through Sunday - 7 p.m. to 11 p.m

Wow! You made it! You made it out of your Rabbi position and now you are a trained singer, congrats and practice those creativity and charisma for acting as shatz. You and only you were chosen for a good voice, knowledge of traditional tunes, understanding of the meaning of the prayers and sincerity in reciting them. A congregation does not need to have a dedicated hazzan, but you're so lucky to have one

3) Shatz - §450 - Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday - 7 p.m to 11 p.m.

A leader, or traditionally or literally an agent of the congregation… you are who leads those assembled in prayer, and sometimes prays on behalf of the community. When a shatz recites a prayer on behalf of the congregation, he is not acting as an intermediary but rather as a facilitator. The entire congregation participates in the recital of such prayers by saying amen at their conclusion; it is with this act that the shatz's prayer becomes the prayer of the congregation. Any adult capable of reciting the prayers clearly may act as shatz. But..In your Orthodox congregation and that orthodox congregation down the street, only men can be prayer leaders, but in your Conservative and/or Reform temple now allow women to serve in this function. Congratz.

4) Baal koreh - §500 - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday - 7 p.m. to 1 a.m.

You are now the weakly reader of the Torah! The requirements for being the baal kriyah are the same as those for the shatz. These roles are not mutually exclusive. The same person is often qualified to fill more than one role, and often does. Often there are several people capable of filling these roles and different services (or parts of services) will be led by each. Now spiff up on your charisma...

5) Gabbai - §600 - Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday - 7 P.M to 1 A.M

Well, easy come easy go, now you are a Gabbai, people up to the Torah, appoints the shatz for each prayer session if there is no standard shatz, and makes certain that the synagogue is kept clean and supplied

6) Dayan - §850 - Sunday through Wednesday, and Friday - 7 P.M. to 1 A.M

You were spotted in your temple, Congratz on your new Ordainment as the Dayan, you're an ordained rabbi with special legal training who belongs to a beth din (rabbinical court). In Israel, religious courts handle marriage and divorce cases, conversion and financial disputes in the Jewish community. Spiff up your logic, and your creativity, then you can of course be the next line up.

7) Mohel - §999 - Monday, Wednesday through Friday - 7 pm to 3 am

Heehee, now you’re a Mohel, or a circumsizer for the ceremonies, work up on your mechanicalism. As Ritual circumciser who performs the brit milah or a circumsision. An expert in the laws of circumcision who has received training from a qualified mohel you are.

8) Sofer - §1500 - Wednesday through Sunday - 7 pm to 3 am

OH WOW!! Now you’re a sofer!! Sofer, or a scribe of the Torah scrolls, tefillin , mezuzot and gittin , must be written by a sofer who is an expert in Hebrew calligraphy and has undergone rigorous training in the laws of writing sacred texts

9) Mashgiach of a yeshiva - §2500 - Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday 7 pm to 5 am

You now are a supervisor of the emotional and spiritual welfare of students in a yeshiva, and gives lectures on mussar…congratulations once again boychik

10) Beit Dein Member - §6000 – Sunday, Monday and Tuesday – 7 pm to 7 am

You are now as the people say, “The house of judgment” or the Beth din, Beit din, or beis din. You are now a member of a rabbinical court of Judaism. In ancient times, it was the building block of the legal system in the Land of Israel. Today, it is invested with legal powers in a number of religious matters “Din Torah” or the matter of litigation, both in israel and in jewish communities in the Diaspora, where its judgements hold varying degrees of authority, in matters specifically germane to Jewish religious life. “Mazel tov!!!” they say as you parade with this on your job papers!! And from me to you, “Mazel tov!!!!”

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Sim PE thank you =D
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