How important is family?
Fireplace.jpg - width=1280 height=946
All6.jpg - width=1280 height=996
Daniel.jpg - width=1280 height=975
Haruka.jpg - width=1280 height=929
Stanley.jpg - width=1271 height=921
Maria.jpg - width=1280 height=938
Elena.jpg - width=1280 height=933
Rebecca.jpg - width=1280 height=943
Clothing.jpg - width=1091 height=1024
LikeMotherAndDaughter.jpg - width=1078 height=1024
SeriousBuisness_HowToEarnMoneyOnTheInternet.jpg - width=1280 height=971
SpilledLiquid_OMGWTFBBQ.jpg - width=1275 height=822
IfTalkingDoesntHelpAgainstYoungHotheads_YouUseYourFistsOfSteel.jpg - width=1090 height=1024
TheKiss_BecauseRomanceAlwaysWorks.jpg - width=956 height=1024
DanielChillsOutOnTheRoofAndThinksAboutLife1.jpg - width=927 height=1024
ElenasPast.jpg - width=997 height=1024

It's been a while since i uploaded something, but i wanted to come back with something nice, it's a very big upload. Most of the time you download single sims on MTS, but i wanted to offer a whole group of sims this time, basically a ready to play family.
I wanted to push the limit a bit in terms of presentation and backstory, as bonus to this upload. I know that the former two things are entirely secondary for Sims on MTS, but i think to give a sim more background makes him more interesting to play, especially for people who really like and appreciate these things and like the roleplaying aspect of this game. So i compiled a nice and long story and put an additional effort into the picture-creation to give some life to the characters (clever use of the cheat 'moveobjects on' and 'Chaos Mod Painting' animations to achieve some of the screens). The story changes between narration and conversation between the characters, so you get a feeling of the attitude of the characters, how they interact with each other, how they became how they are, how they found each other, how they tick, about their problems and dark sides (yes it's not happyland this time) etc.
If you take the time to read through the story, you'll get a good idea, how these six characters found together. The story is open-ended and the further progress is basically a challenge for you, the trusty downloader. It's intended to focus around the character Daniel Tobayashi (he's the hero of the story) who faces new difficulties and a change in his life and mindset about how important companions really are and the meaning of family. It's your challenge to decide how the story goes on (or how it ends), how the bonds between the characters develop and how they handle the situation they are in, IF you take the challenge to play them in "Storymode" and take the personalities of each character into consideration.
I'm sorry, I won't post a tl:dr version of the story, because it's an important part of this upload. It's your choice, if you want to take the time to read it or not. I promise it's a pretty sweet storyline and you won't be dissapointed.
So i hope the sims are appealing and you enjoy reading the story.

The story, which explains how the characters found together, will take you about 1-2 hours to read through, so if you are not a tl:dr person, you gonna like this! I also added pictures to it, to support the story and to give it more life, so it's not just a dry wall of text. I created a blog just for this, to achieve a better presentation.
►►► >>> Click here to read <<< ◄◄◄

►►►] Daniel Tobayashi [◄◄◄
(Click here to view picture)
-= Loner =-
-= Brave =-
-= Good =-
-= Hot-Headed =-
-= Commitment Issues =-

He took a job as waiter a first class restaurant, his boss was a very nice guy named André, he was almost like a brother to him and he always supported Daniel, talked with him about life, he gave him day off, if Daniel needed it. The payment was also very generous, because it's a high class restaurant, so the money problem was definitely covered. He didn't know where to spend the money though, so he kept stacking it.
In Highschool he lived a quite comfortable life, he didn't plan to finish his education, so he only did the least possible. He had absolutely no ambition at school. He had enough money and enough freetime, so he had everything he wanted. But he was a Loner and didn't felt the urge to find friends, he prefered to be alone, after the horrific time with his foster parents and siblings.
....At school he always set an eye on one of his classmates named Haruka, the class representative. Their eyes often met, but they never really talked to each other. She seemed to not talk to other people at school, she was completely quiet, a Loner too it seemed. She was mysterious and that what made Daniel a bit curious what's behind the facade, but he never approached her. At a normal day at classed some of his classmates were looking into an adult magazine and suddenly Haruka came into the classroom and everyone was frightened, they all made excuses and ran away until Daniel was the only one left. She asked him, what he's planing to do with this magazine, he said that he would throw it away, but then left without it, he felt a bit uncomfortable in this situation.
One day after school he coincidently saw her in the bookstore at his way home, he observed that she was about to steal a book and he somehow felt the urge to intervene and help her out of this situation. He ended up paying for the book and it turned out that she hadn't got any money and that was the reason why she stole it. He searched for a good excuse why he helped her that and ended up telling her that it was a Valentine's Day present and that he didn't know where to spend all his money anyways. He said that she doesn't have to worry about it and then took off quickly...
He always went to the roof of the school in his breaks or after school to relax a bit. There was always a cool breeze on the roof and it made him feel good, some kind of windfetish. He looked around and found Haruka who was also chillin' on the roof smoking cigarettes. He was surprised and the two just looked at each other for a while and then studied the art of cigarette smoking. They talked a little bit and then Daniel recognized a bruise on her face.. D: "What's that bruise from?" H: "Um, this is a little..." She tried to hide it, but Daniel knew it was the result of being hit. D: "Did someone hit you?" When he asked her this, she drew back. H: "ust a... little argument.." D: "With who?" H: "A business competitor.." D: ".... What kind of business?" H: ".... Well... working the phones, copying notes, that sort of thing." D: "Hmmm." He heard rumors that she doing this sort of jobs. H: "...Oh, I've got to get this back to you." It was the adult magazine. D: "Y, you've been walking around with this?" H: ".....Of course not." she told him casualy H: "Just to kill time..... black people are amazing aren't they?" D: "Um, erm... " Daniel didn't know what to say. H: "...Guys are interested in that, huh?" D: "Eh?" H: "This kind of.... stuff." D: "Well i would lie, if i were to say no..." H: "You too?" D: "M,me?" H: "Are you interested in this?" D: "Well, yeah... as i've said, It would be a lie to say otherwise." Haruka thought about it. H: "Just how interested are you?" D: "Eh? How interested....?" H: "Calculated.... in money.... how much?" D: "I've no idea what you are talking about." H: "....Answer me." She pleadingly wanted an answer from Daniel and there were tears in her eyes.... He thought about it and accepted her offer, he was young and curious so he did it and that's how their relationship went on.
Haruka never really opened up to Daniel and she kept distance to him, she always maintained a kinda cold attitude with slight signs of kindness in between and it bothered him, but he began to feel love for her, even though the foundation of their relationship was just built on money. He had the courage to confess his love to her, but she was frightened and said that it would not work, even though she admitted that they came along very well and she doesn't want to lose him as friend and Daniel sometimes managed to make her smile and remove the cold face she usually had. She really liked him, but it was impossible for her to create such close bonds to another person, it was against her rules, against her realtionship to money and Daniel also knew this fact and took it for granted. He didn't know what to say and he was pissed. She started crying and said: "I'm sorry.... I have to go now.." and then she just ran off.. "Haruka, wait!" he wanted to follow her, but then came to the conclusion that he just need to let go, rejections are part of life and people need to deal with it and he liked the lonely life somehow. Some things cannot be changed as it seemed. From that day forward he never saw her again, not in school, not a phone call, she just dissappeared..., he came to the conclusion that forming close bonds to another person only results in pain in the long run... He had money, he had much freetime, so he thought that his life wasn't that bad afterall, he didn't need any friends, right now he was happy the way it was, but who knows what the future brings...
►►►] Haruka Ling [◄◄◄
(Click here to view picture)
-= Loner =-
-= Frugal =-
-= Commitment Issues =-
-= Unflirty =-
-= No Sense Of Humor =-
.Nutrient Bars or Cookies.
Thievery Corporation - Warning Shots
Morgan Page - The Longest Road Ft. Lissie (Deadmau5 Remix)

Now she sets money above everything and is also always in need of money, if the payment is right she does almost everything, a lifestyle she has choosen. But it's not only the shady stuff, she has extraordinary organisational skills and had quite the reputation at highschool, almost everyone knew her. She is a perfect troubleshooter, and if you needed something, the answers to upcoming tests, information about a certain person or drugs, she was the right person to ask. She made a good income with all the business and couldn't complain, but she never really was happy and never allowed any close realtionships which went beyond the buisness. She has a fragile nature and if things went too far, she just ran away from it. She was just controlled by her greed for money, the only thing which counted for her...
She avoids to develop close emotional bonds to other people, she doesn't have good social skills either and is not very good at talking to people, resulting simply from lack of practise. Allthough this changed a little bit when she offered the special deal to Daniel, one of her classmate she set an eye on, because of a feeling she wasn't able to describe, she was simply drawn to him. First she just saw it as business, he accepted, he gave her a good pile of money, so everything was fine. But even with her distant attitude she developed feelings for Daniel even though she wasn't able to show it to him, her nature didn't allow it. She realized these feelings, whenever she was together with him and it confused her, she was afraid about it. One day after Daniel confessed his love for her, it was too much for her. She is the type of person who runs away, if it gets too hot rather than solving the problem, and this was what she did... it was only business for her anyways, or wasn't it...? She didn't know... still she prefered the emotional distance to other people...
►►►] Stanley Gibs [◄◄◄
(Click here to view picture)
-= Athletic =-
-= Brave =-
-= Genious =-
-= Good Sense Of Humor =-
-= Insane =-

His business went well, until he did some fatal missmanaging which costed him his job..
The problem was, that he hadn't the courage to tell his family and this made him crazy, the tough corporate fighter, but not the guts to tell his family that he failed miserably. He tried to hide his job loss with money from some shady backstreet loan-sharks. It would've run well, if he came up with a new business plan, but that wasn't the case and the lent moneypool became smaller and smaller, and the depts with the criminals also increased. Everything together turned him crazy, he was outer his mind, he coundn't think straight and always thought about his family and how he could tell them, that he messed up, but no chance, he couldn't. So he decided to just pack his stuff and his gun for self-defense from the loan-sharks' dept-collectors and run away from the problems, he also wanted to make sure that these guys don't find his family, a questionable decision, but he sticked to the plan and left his home heavy-hearted without even saying good-bye and started living on the street, on the run from the dept collectors and his sins, roaming around aimlessly in the desperate hope he maybe finds people who can replace his family....
►►►] Maria Campbell [◄◄◄
(Click here to view picture)
-= Coward =-
-= Dumb =-
-= Family-Oriented =-
-= Good =-
-= Natural Cook =-

After many years, even she realized that he has bad intentions and her urge to help him and to see their relationship as functioning, slowly faded away, she couldn't let go and he always came for more money. He was quite the choleric, so she was afraid to tell him, that she want to break up, but she did it and he started beating her, broke her nose and many bruises. "If you run away, i promise i will find you and it will only get worse! I have friends and you don't want to get to know them" he threatened her "You stay with me, i need you, i love you! You can't go away!" Suddenly her stupid mindset, wanted to kick in again, but she resisted and didn't know anything other, than running away, far away from this man, or maybe never come back and end the misery... she was afraid that he'd find her, and she didn't want to imagine what happens then. The thought of suicide was close....
►►►] Rebecca Lane [◄◄◄
(Click here to view picture)
-= Clumsy =-
-= Family Oriented =-
-= Natural Cook =-
-= Exciteable =-
-= ???? =-

She loves her parents and always wants to impress them with her grades and help in the household, but it seemed her parents didn't love her. Unfortunately they lived in a very small apartment with 3 rooms, so there was actually no privacy or free room. Her parents also had very high depts on the bank and from loan-sharks and Rebecca started to get neglected, they started to look on her like an unwanted product which stands in their way, they behaved like they were about to leave.. One day they told her that they have to go on a trip for a week, the problem was.. they never came back. Rebecca spent 2 weeks at home waiting for a call from them, but nothing....
A few days later there was a call, Rebecca answered the phone in her energetic manner in the hope her parents are on the line, but her mood went downhill very quickly as she heard that the police was on the phone and told her that they found the bodies of her parents in two different places, they shot themselves. Maybe because of the depts, or simply because they weren't strong enough to get through this and wanted to avoid the responsibility, but what kind of logic is that?
She didn't fully realize what happened and just felt sadness, desperaton, pain and fear from the future, but she tried to overcome these terrible feelings and decided to overshadow them with a carefree attitude and a smile on her face, even though she didn't feel that way. All she wanted was a working family, but this wish was denied.... excruciatingly...
Like an aimless bee she started roaming around and started to live a homeless life, an asylum wasn't an option, because the conditions are mostly really bad there and also bad people are there who would only take advantage of her fragile attitude. She built small lairs out of carton boxes, to have something to live in, but still maintained going to school and also got a job at a small factory which produced small toys. She liked the athmosphere in her workplace and the people she worked with were nice to her, so she felt comfortable and needed there. It was tedious work, but it was no problem for her and she could shut out the bad feelings with the repetetive work. No plan how this life goes on, she sticked to it, but if that makes her happy was the other question.... In her age she needs parents or someone to rely on, who gives her warmth and cares for her or maybe she suffers more mental scars from this all, than she already suffered.....
►►►] Elena Cole [◄◄◄
(Click here to view picture)
-= Loner =-
-= Grumpy =-
-= Commitment Issues =-
-= Artistic =-
-= Inappropriate =-

When she turned 18, she was set for a corporate marriage, with a "friend" of the family. Elena didn't even know this guy, who had actually a criminal record, but she hasn't got any other choices anyways. Her parents wanted to keep the relationship to their corporate partners intact and things like love don't exist in this world. Money is where the power lies. A world where greed and shady contracts are dominating and marriages are often made simply to connect two business partners under a good light. She was sold to this stranger. . Her parents didn't care at all, how Elena felt about this, they just did for their own advantage and to act in the interest of the corporation.
She started living with this man who was 20 years older than her, it wasn't a good time for Elena and she wanted to break out of this cesspool, this is her life and those pigs are not allowed to decide what she has to do, she thought. She didn't share the thoughts of her parents at all, she developed such hate against them and their methods, that she could kill them. One day her 'husband' forced himself on her, but she fought against it, grabed a lamp and smashed it in his face, many times.. He collapsed on the floor and cried in pain, she broke his nose, jaw and almost squished his left eye, blood was tearing out. She gave him an evil gaze, then she quickly grabed her belongings and ran away....
After this incident she was sure that her parents won't even talk to her anymore, but she couldn't care less. It was facilitating for her, a breath of fresh air and the taste of freedom, no chains of slavery anymore. The only person who was left and on her side, was her grandfather Edmond Cole the founder of Cole Inc., he was an engineer who is out of business and now wanted to enjoy his retirement time. He owned a big residence and was far away from the world of greed and money, he was probably the only person who has ever cared a little bit for her. After her parents found out that she ran away, they contacted the residence and asked her grandfather out. He said that he looks after Elena now, they sounded very angry and told him that Elena is no longer welcome in their house, there will be no consequences, but she is dead for them.. In their world a daugther is just a tool, and Elena didn't "function" properly. After Edmond told this to his grandchild, she wasn't surprised at all, she wished them a painful death too....
Life went on and Edmond taught her many things, he expanded her knowledge about art. Elena learned it and it was a good distraction from her pain in the past. The relationship was friendly, but distant at the same time, because her Grandfather was very weak and was afraid to form a close bond to her, he wasn't that good at showing love to other people. He showed her that she is welcome and she seemed to appreciate it, but still looked for more. As expression that he cares for Elena he bequeathed the Residence to her for the case he dies, it's everything he has and she should get it to lead a good life after his demise. Like he had a bad feeling and felt his end coming... 2 weeks later he died on a heart attack when Elena was away. When she came back she only found him there life-lessly, he died alone without any help, it was a big shock for her, from which she didn't recover. Destiny has set a large stone right in front her once again, the two of them started getting along together and now he was taken away from her all of a sudden, like getting her heart ripped out...

From this day forward Elena changed completely, she had nobody to rely and also didn't want anybody near her, she prefered to be all alone. She never received real love, even her grandfather didn't manage it to fulfill this wish when he lived, but still he was the only one who showed a little care. She became a grumpy loner who hides the sadness behind a cold attitude, a Broken Bird. She earned her money as roaming artist and riped off people with her paintings which are actually really ugly. She pretends to draw the soul of her customers, but in reality she just uses those people to pay her and to project her bad feelings onto the canvas and curse the people, but while they were looking at the picture she was gone already, with the money and a unsatisfied customers, but she didn't care about that in the slightest.
This life went on and on, she started hating other people more and more and became more and more introverted, she took a permanent timeout from reality and thought she is the middle of the universe and everyone else is just a useless pig not worthy to talk to her. She prefered to do things all by herself. But she had some additional problems.. She owns the house, but not the land where it is on and the owner wants her out of there, but she is stubborn and doesn't want to negociate with him, but it's questionable how long she can keep this up. With her current lifestyle she won't be able to buy the land and will be kicked out, additionally she isn't even able to pay for water and electricity with her roaming artist earnings, which are pretty small actually, but the residence is everything she has left and she can connect some precious memories with it......
I list every CC i used under each name, hair, Maria's lipstick and the store item needs to be downloaded, the other CC is of course included in the downloadfile(s).
bold + underlined = DOWNLOAD

→ "Newsea YU022m Hair" converted by Yagisims

→ "Raon Male Hair 36" converted by "Krisan Thyme" → download (original source)
→ "Realism Contacts" by Jessica_2020

→ "Short Sleeves and Tie" from The Sims 3 Store

→ "XMS3-FloraHair010" by Flora
→ "Adult + Young Adult Thong" by innocentsheep
→ Sims 3 Original BikiniTop enabled for every 5 clothing categories
→ "Plump Lipstick" by Channy & Vivin (Search for the word "megaupload" to quickly find the downloadlink!)

→ "XMS3-FloraHair014" by Flora
→ "Mesh and Fishnet Tops as Accessories" by wolfodude

→ "Retextured Raon fhair85" by Abbey at Garden of Shadows

Note: To achieve the shape of the Stanley's and Haruka's glasses i used the genious "Glasses Sliders" by james_rocks89
-- Patch 1.10, Awesomemod sliderhack (x5): -> >> CLICK <<
-- Facial sliders: -> by bella3lek4, and download here: >>CLICK<< Thanks to "candy1985" for providing a downloadsource!
-- Facial and Body Sliders: -> by jonha
-- Adjustable Female Breast sliders -> by Delphy
-- Female Body: -> by Peggyzone
-- Female facial texture & "increased shine": -> by HystericalParoxysm
-- Male body -> by Peggyzone
-- Male face texture + "increased shine" -> by HystericalParoxysm
-- Oh My Tiffany -an eye set- (default replacment): -> by escand
Very Important!
You NEED any sort of sliderhack, or their faces will snap back, if you try to edit them! Additionally you also NEED all the sliders and "Awesomemod" OR at least any mod which increases the sliderlimit like "S3Z's IncreasedSliderLimit", or their faces and features will look slightly different and not exactly like in the pictures! (for instance the chin area -> "Jaw Line Width" Slider or Maria's "features")
--> Just put the ".sim" file from the download rar into the
"My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/SavedSims" folder.
--> The ".package" files which are included in the download file must be installed correctly to create their unique looks. The easiest way to install them is to download Delphy's "TS3 Install Helper Monkey" . Package files must be placed in your game directory "xxx/Sims 3/Mods/Packages" and the CC shows up correctly.

Custom Content Included:
- "Mesh and Fishnet Tops as Accessories" by wolfodude /
- "Mesh and Fishnet Tops as Accessories" by wolfodude /
- "afTopBra_bikiniTie" by SIMS 3 Original Item
- "Adult + Young Adult Thong" by innocentsheep /
- "Adult + Young Adult Thong" by innocentsheep /
- "Goth boots" by Aikea Guinea /
- "Goth boots" by Aikea Guinea /
- "Realism Contacts" by Jessica_2020 /
| The cute'n'clumsy teen girl
Uploaded: 8th Apr 2010, 478.1 KB.
| The Broken Bird
Uploaded: 8th Apr 2010, 1.62 MB.
| The Redhead Beauty
Uploaded: 8th Apr 2010, 458.4 KB.
| The former corporate fighter with way too many talents
Uploaded: 8th Apr 2010, 376.8 KB.
| The Troubleshooter
Uploaded: 8th Apr 2010, 1.06 MB.
| The Hot-Headed Loner
Uploaded: 8th Apr 2010, 382.5 KB.
| Just gimme all of them!
Uploaded: 8th Apr 2010, 4.33 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Click the file listed on the Files tab to download the sim to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
2. Select the .sim file you got from extracting.
3. Cut and paste it into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\SavedSims folder. If you do not have this folder yet, it is recommended that you open the game, enter Create-a-Sim, and save a sim to the sim bin to create this folder, rather than doing so manually. After that you can close the game and put the .sim file in SavedSims
4. Once the .sim file is in SavedSims, you can load the game, and look for your sim in the premade sims bin in Create-a-Sim.
Extracting from RAR, ZIP, or 7z: You will need a special program for this. For Windows, we recommend 7-Zip and for Mac OSX, we recommend Keka. Both are free and safe to use.
Need more help?
If you need more info, see Game Help:Installing TS3 Simswiki for a full, detailed step-by-step guide! Special Installation Instructions
- If you get an error that says "This content requires expansion pack data that is not installed", please use either Clean Installer to install this sim.
Meshes needed
This download requires one or more meshes to work properly. Please check the Description tab for information about the meshes needed, then download them below:MTS cannot guarantee any off-site links will be available | (non-MTS link) |
Loading comments, please wait...
Updated: 17th Jan 2011 at 9:31 PM - Changed link to the escand's eyes, Added missing lipsticklink for Maria, fixed some errors in the text, fixed maria's northern lights music link (full song)
by Syva 7th May 2012 at 2:59am
15 52.6k 32
by SimplySimlish 2nd Mar 2020 at 7:15pm
+1 packs
Beach Paradise House - 2 floors, 2 bedrooms and fully furnished
by Slipslop 16th Jun 2009 at 8:25am
Modern looking house with simple design, best placed at the beach in Sunset Valley. more...
6 15.8k 10
Beckett - Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines (UPDATE 3.Jan)
by Slipslop 17th Aug 2009 at 11:12pm
:!: UPDATE 3.Jan: EsmeraldaF had a little New year gift for me and the VtMB fans, she created the more...
9 27.1k 21
Gary Golden - Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
by Slipslop 9th Feb 2010 at 11:44am
-> What the hell is THIS? This is Gary Golden, primogen of the Nosferatu clan, scary! Read more...
26 42.9k 43
Damsel - Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
by Slipslop 11th Jul 2009 at 8:48pm
What's up Cammy!? --> BACKGROUND Fans of the game "Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines" will surely more...
19 31.4k 21
About Me
I have quit creating for Sims 3 and moved on to other games. I enjoyed creating for MTS and i am happy that so many people liked my sims. I'm still lurking, but i am not active anymore. Hope you still find my sims here and enjoy playing them.
Farewell! But i will probably be back for Sims 4, let's hope they get it right with the editor ;)
!! Must have mods !!
Alternative UI mod for Non-default Skintones by Anach (Anach_CASSkins6x4_1.17.package)
Mastercontroller mod by twallan (Install it and experiment with this baby, you will be surprised!)
Alternative sliderhacks by [B]aWT and CmarNYC (If you don't like awesomemod for some reason)
HQ Modification by aWT (used for HQ textured uploads, you'll see them more often now i guess)
- I create for the BASEGAME ONLY, no Addons! For maximum compatibility.
- All my sims are tested in the basegame without CC (to test , if they crash) and with all used CC before uploading, to make sure they look like in the pictures, if you installed all the needed CC correctly. So if my sims don't work in an addon it might be, because some mods or CC doesn't work there, or a new patch screws with mods.
- If you ask why i add musiclinks to my uploads. It's my way to share my musictaste with the community and i try to make the tracks fit the character.
- ''Why do you have such nice graphics?'' I have every graphic setting ingame and in my card's driversettings absolute max (x16 Ansitropefiltering, Antialiasing max ingame) and i use the max allowed filesize for jpg(250kb) and png(150kb), so i get the best picture quality possible. For the thumbnails i use png format, to avoid pixelation and the slight blurriness the jpg format gives these small pictures.
I use XP-Paint and GIMP to edit the raw bmp-screenshots, which i take with FRAPS.
- ''Do you take requests?'' Nope, sorry. I have too