Twinbrook Objects in World Editor Catalog And Create-A-World
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Cool Military Base
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In CAW 2
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World Editor catalog
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In CAW 1
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Twinbrook Rails
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Fences etc
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Twinbrook Seawalls

Have you ever wonder building this coastal military base on your own using Create-a-World?

Well, perhaps not a military base, but you certainly would like to use seawalls, railroads, traffic light, etc included in your copy of The Sims 3: Ambitions, but somehow CAW is just too stupid to list those objects in its catalog.
Started in this thread about how to make CAW recognize many hidden Twinbrook objects. In one hand CAW seems to be able to read custom content installed using Sims3Pack files, which will be listed in catalog. But the workaround using that way seems to take too much cost, where you will need to clone the Twinbrook objects into a new objects, which in my opinion is so redundant. They said they'll find a way to make it cheaper in bytes.
While waiting for them (and EA of course, but I doubt it) to work on this issues, I found a way to add Twinbrook objects to your custom world: By using the so-called World Editor. The Edit-in-Game (EIG) feature behaves almost like in-game environment. And luckily EA enables World Editor inside EIG. World Editor gives us a catalog which you can put neighborhood scenery objects such as tree, landmarks, etc in-game. By altering the Twinbrook objects' OBJD data, I could manage to show those objects in the catalog, resulting you can place them in your world!
List of Objects in this mod
Train Track - Straight Medium
Train Track - Subtle Curve
Train Track - Straight Large
Train Track - Ninety° Degree
Train Track - Small
Train Track - S Curve
Train Track - Switch
Fence Chain Link - Medium
Fence Chain Link
Fence Chain Link - Post
Fence Chain Link - Long
Fence Chain Link - Half Span
Spillway - Small
Seawall Medium
Seawall Lage
Spillway - Large
Factory Drain Pipes
Industrial Water Tower
Wooden Base Water Tank
Launch Assembly
Technical Info
This mod only alter the catalog information inside OBJD data, just like what Sims_MX done in The Sims 3 Categorizer. But due to \unknown information about World Editor catalog in OBJD data, I did this using trial-and-error to find which Unknown fields related to show the object in World Editor catalog. And luckily I found it.
This mod does not alter any other things such as coding or behaviour, string table, etc. And don't forget that this mod is default replacement and will "replace" the game's OBJD data for these objects. This mod will conflict with any other mod that alter OBJD data for these objects. But AFAIK, it will run well with Sims_MX's The Sims 3 Categorizer, which I believe he/she didn't include any of these object inside his/her mod.

I just found a great way to show it up in Create-a-World. Basically it is just putting the mod packages in Create-a-World program folder, just like what we've ever done before with The Sims 3 vanilla games.
- Open Create-a-World folder in Program Files
- Create folder called Packages
- Append these lines to Resource.cfg files which located in Create-a-World program folder:
Priority 501
DirectoryFiles Files/... autoupdate
Priority 500
PackedFile Packages/*.package
PackedFile Packages/*/*.package
PackedFile Packages/*/*/*.package
PackedFile Packages/*/*/*/*.package
PackedFile Packages/*/*/*/*/*.package - Put the package inside the Package folder and, voila
Using it with CAW via Edit-In-Game (Old Skool)
Showing these objects in catalog is almost totally useless since the inability of in-game system to perform advanced object positioning. In the other hand, when using EIG feature, you can place these objects as many as you like and the EIG will retain these objects even after you quit EIG. After that you can use CAW interface to place/modify the location or rotation of the objects. The placed objects will also show up in layer tree in CAW interface. It might be painful to access EIG frequently, but it's better than nothing, right? :D
Please note that You must create at least one layer before using World Editor in EIG, otherwise your game will crash when exiting EIG. The EIG also will always place the objects placed using World Editor in first layer you created. Please tell me if I'm incorrect with this info.

Sharing Your World With Twinbrook Objects placed using this mod
You don't need to include this mod even though you use this mod to place Twinbrook objects. In other words, no additional installation required for world that incorporate Twinbrook objects using this mod. This is because this mod use the objects that already exist in Ambitions installation. So the only requirement of custom world with Twinbrook objects is the Ambitions is installed. Comparing with the option proposed on the other thread, this option seems to be the cheapest option in bytes.
If you tired to see so many things clobbering your World Editor catalog, just remove this mod. The already placed Twinbrook objects will work and show up normally and the Twinbrook objects will hide from catalog. No additional pain required.

I spent all night to perform trial-and-error. And it seems worth enough to share. :D
Additional Credits: S3PE S3OC People in this thread
God :D
| Package
Uploaded: 4th Sep 2010, 2.0 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 5th Sep 2010 at 2:15 PM
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Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 3 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Ambitions |
About Me
Could I take architecture major for my post-grad? (A decade later: Nope, I took some geek tech postgrad lol) :p
Feel free to download, modify, and use my creations in your game. Please do not reupload my work without my acknowledgement here or in other site. You may also put a screens of my creations in any occasion, but a little credit might good enough :D
Please don't PM me for any request, since I have no time to do it (I don't even have time to take care myself. College life is sooo busy (And even more busy after I graduated)). Hope you like and enjoy my creation. I love people like my creation. :D