I Hate Hats Ambitions Hat Hiders
01All Male.jpg - width=931 height=1024
02Adult Female.jpg - width=1085 height=1024
03Elder Female.jpg - width=1069 height=1024

I am tired of EA's incredible greed and outrageous prices for junk! I have moved to Second Life and am no longer supporting mods here. Feel free to do anything you want with my mods. There are very, very simple tuning mods and easily altered. If you enjoy playing Sims 3 I hope you continue to do so.
These Hiders were made by editing the CASP files and will conflict with any mod that alters CASP files for these hats.
Hats will still show up randomly when you are creating a new Sim. I did not change the setting that controls that function.
I would be willing to do that if a lot of people want them to not show up randomly.
**Zip File Contents**
AMB Hat Hiders All.rar
AMB Hat Hiders All.package (hides all hats)
AMB All Female.rar
AMB All Female.package (hides all female hats)
AMB All Male.rar
AMB All Male.package (hides all male hats)
AMB Adult Female Hat Hiders.rar
AMB af All Hat Hider.package (hides all af hats)
AMB af Fire Fighter Hider.package
AMB af Hard Hat Hider.package
AMB af Motorcycle Helmet Hider.package
AMB af Private Eye Fedora.package

AMB Elder Female Hat Hiders.rar
AMB ef All Hat Hider.package (hides all ef hats)
AMB ef Fire Fighter Hider.package
AMB ef Hard Hat Hider.package
AMB ef Motorcycle Helmet Hider.package
AMB ef Private Eye Fedora Hider.package

AMB Adult Male Hat Hiders.rar
AMB am All Hat Hider.packge (hides all am hats)
AMB am Fire Fighter Hider.package
AMB am Hard Hat Hider.package
AMB am Motorcycle Helmet Hider.package
AMB am Private Eye Fedora Hider.package
AMB Elder Male Hat Hiders.rar
AMB em All Hat Hider.package (hides all ef hats)
AMB em Fire Fighter Hider.package
AMB em Hard Hat Hider.package
AMB em Motorcycle Helmet Hider.package
AMB em Private Eye Fedora Hider.package

AMB Hiders by Hat.rar
AMB All Fire Figher Hider.package
AMB All Hard Hat Hider.package
AMB All Motorcycle Helmet Hider.package
AMB All Private Eye Fedora Hider.package
You can mix and match packages. The Highlander rule does not apply.
For example:
You could hide all male hats which would hide male Ambitions hats. You could also choose to hide all Hard Hats and it will not crash your game. I tested this by putting all of the packages in my game at once. It just slowed my game down but didn't crash it.
These mods only require Ambitions and are compatible my “I Hate Hats Base Game Hate Hider”, I Hate Hats World Adventure Hat Hiders, as well as all Expansions and Stuff Packs.
Additional Credits:
Thank you to the makers of S3PE and to Sims MX for showing me how to do these mods.
AMB Hiders by Hat.rar
Uploaded: 8th Sep 2010, 27.5 KB.
AMB Hat Hiders All.rar
Uploaded: 8th Sep 2010, 22.1 KB.
AMB Elder Male Hat Hiders.rar
Uploaded: 8th Sep 2010, 19.4 KB.
AMB Elder Female Hat Hiders.rar
Uploaded: 8th Sep 2010, 21.5 KB.
AMB All Male.rar
Uploaded: 8th Sep 2010, 11.3 KB.
AMB All Female.rar
Uploaded: 8th Sep 2010, 13.3 KB.
AMB Adult Male Hat Hiders.rar
Uploaded: 8th Sep 2010, 21.0 KB.
AMB Adult Female Hat Hiders .rar
Uploaded: 8th Sep 2010, 23.9 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 18th Jan 2012 at 12:00 AM
I Hate Hats World Adventures Hat Hiders
by Nysha updated 29th May 2012 at 5:18pm
87 106.5k 319
I Hate Hats World Adventures Hat Hiders
by Winterhart 4th Sep 2010 at 9:39pm
+1 packs
World Adventures
I Hate Hats Fast Lane Hat Hiders (Requires Fast Lane Stuff Pack)
by Winterhart updated 12th Sep 2010 at 6:11am
9 46.7k 32
Duplicate Hat Hiders for Katy Perry's Sweet Treats and Seasons
by Kitty Paine 12th Mar 2013 at 12:39am
+2 packs
Katy Perry Stuff
CAS hat hiders for all expansions and stuff packs
by jesslla updated 27th Mar 2013 at 2:30pm
+10 packs
World Adventures
Fast Lane Stuff
Late Night
Katy Perry Stuff
Duplicate Hat Hiders for 70's 80's & 90's Stuff and University Life
by Kitty Paine 28th Mar 2013 at 12:11am
6 30k 90
No More Base Game Clothes and Accessories-Children and Toddlers
by hgirl2k 16th Mar 2014 at 10:54pm
10 36.4k 62
by Winterhart 24th Jan 2010 at 1:57pm
:alarm: I am tired of EA's incredible greed and outrageous prices for junk! more...
1 14.5k 4
More Fresh Prince Vehicles for Community Lots *no longer needed* Buzzler's mod does it all!
by Winterhart 30th Aug 2010 at 2:12am
[B]Now you can have your own Car Lot or Airport with more Vehicles from Fresh Prince for community lots![/B] more...
17 42.4k 23
5 Community Objects for Residential Lots *no longer needed* Buzzler's mod does it all!
by Winterhart 30th Jun 2010 at 9:11am
[B]5 Base Game Community Objects for your Residential Lots[/B] more...
11 26.5k 26
New Fresh Prince Car Mods Set 3 *no longer needed* Buzzler's mod does it all!
by Winterhart 25th Jan 2011 at 11:46pm
Fresh Princes latest cars now available on Community Lots more...
10 126.3k 92
by Winterhart 21st Jan 2010 at 7:33pm
:alarm: I am tired of EA's incredible greed and outrageous prices for junk! more...
28 60.3k 131
More Gold, Less Gold, Now with MEGA GOLD!
by Winterhart 24th Jan 2010 at 2:01pm
:alarm: I am tired of EA's incredible greed and outrageous prices for junk! more...
+1 packs
World Adventures
by Winterhart 11th Feb 2010 at 10:15pm
:alarm: I am tired of EA's incredible greed and outrageous prices for junk! more...
17 38.5k 14
Riverview Park and Campground **TENTS NOW INCLUDED**
by Winterhart updated 21st Feb 2010 at 4:21am
:alarm: I am tired of EA's incredible greed and outrageous prices for junk! more...
+1 packs
World Adventures
Generations Cars Buyable and Available for Community Lots
by Winterhart 6th Jun 2011 at 5:32pm
Now ALL the Generations new vehicles are buyable and available on Community lots. more...
+1 packs
I Hate Hats Fast Lane Hat Hiders (Requires Fast Lane Stuff Pack)
by Winterhart updated 12th Sep 2010 at 6:11am
[B]Hide that ugly helmet from Fast Lane![/B] Requires Fast Lane and Fast Lane patch more...
9 46.7k 32
Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 3 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Ambitions |
About Me
I have enjoyed being a creator here but I am no longer taking requests or supporting mods. I will still be lurking here occasionally.
Please feel free to do anything you please with them. They are very, very simple and you are welcome to update for new expansions.
You no longer need my mods to make Fresh Prince's cars show up on your Community lots.
Build/Buy Restriction Choker in Buzzler's Builder Stuff makes any object available on both Community and Residential Lots!