Gwrych Barony CASTLE

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SUNDAY, June 17, 2012
* Because I used Any Game Starter to build this lot and forgot to avoid using the candle from Holiday Edition, there was a "blue object of death" where I placed the candle on the lot. I replaced the candle with another on the lot and the castle should load fine now. The main lot file and the price have been updated. Thanks Rugrat0ne for the heads-up!
* Fixed Stairs in Baron and Baronesses Bedrooms to allow them to go to bed on BOTH sides of the bed.
* Added the proper Purple Flag Recolours for Marina's Standing Flags and the dark wood recolour for Marvine's Ladder. ALL FLAGS SHOULD BE PURPLE in the Barony and the ladders in the Secret Passageway should be darkwood!
* Removed Object from Kitchen Sink Counter. (See Special Note Below For Details)


YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THE "ADDITIONALS" zip. It is NOT OPTIONAL. If you want your Castle to show properly, you must add the "Additionals" to your Downloads Folder as well.


* This collection and the remaining Gwrych Collection of Lots (Gwrych Barony, Other Gwrych Lots and The Mystic Island Gwrych Lots) will all be created without STUFF PACKS (thanks to the use of Any Game Starter).This will make Gwrych available to more Simmers (especially those of you who have asked) . Do enjoy the lots.

* The remainder of the Gwrych Lots will be uploaded individually.

* The Gwrych Barony includes 13 Gwrych lots (7 Residential Lots, 2 Hotel Lots, 2 Apartment Lots and 2 Community Village Lots).

* The lots with alternative versions (The Barony Castle, Manor House and Hovel Field) have been designed to function as unique separate buildings with different wall textures, different floor textures, some different decorative items, a few different activities and a "somewhat" different feel. You may wish to download all lots and treat them as seperate creations. Also, keep in mind that lots in this collection are two-fold...meaning they are meant as a continuation of the entire Gwrych collection for those of you who have everything and as a complete small kingdom for those of you who can only download the Barony and all Gwrych lots that follow.

********************WELCOME TO GWRYCH BARONY!***********************

GWRYCH BARONY 3x5 CASTLE (Residential Version)

"About Gwrych Barony" (The Backstory)
The Barony Castle is actually the most impressive Gwrych Castle. Not for it's size, but because the Gwrych Baron is the most corrupt and extravagant noble in the kingdom. He rules over his lands with an iron fist and prides himself in being a respector of persons...meaning he "aquires" financial and physical gains from rich and poor alike. Which explains why his Castle is not only in better condition than both the March and Duchy Castles, but it even rivals the Gwrych Kingdom Castle. The Baron puts great stock in appearances and cost. He will do whatever it takes to obtain the best and live in great luxury and exquisite splendor. He is also known to be entangled with questionable rivals of Gwrych Kingdom, those who seek to elevate men of "pure" noble birth and restore Gwrych Kingdom to a time when Lords and Ladies were not only glamorous, but beyond revered. Thus, he has a reputation of secrecy, excess and greed. Fortunately for him, as long as he cowers in the presence of the King and supports Gwrych Kingdom financialy, the King seems to turn a blind eye to his misdeeds. And thus I present to you the pride and prize of the Barony: Gwrych Barony Castle!



Value: 586,209 Simoleons
Dimensions: 3 x 5
Bathrooms: 9 Bathrooms with 9 Toilets, 2 Showers, 3 Bathtubs
Sleeps: 11 Sims in 2 Royal Bedrooms, 1 Nobility Suite, 2 Servant Rooms, 2 Cells and 1 Torture Chamber

This castle is medieval at it's best with Winding Corridors, Royalty Towers, Secret Passageways, Dungeon Cells, Servant Chambers, Inner Courtyards, a Counting House, a Moat, etc.

Main Court, Private Courtyard & Barbican, 2 Dungeon Cells, Torture Chamber, Secret Passageways

Entry Parlour, Great Hall (Kitchen, Dining, Music), Card Game Room, Entry to Royal Tower and Toilet for the Baron (or King), Entry to Royal Tower and Toilet for the Baroness (or Queen), 2 Personal Servant Bedrooms (1 for the Baron/ 1 for the Baroness), Servant Bathroom

* 2nd FLOOR:
Privy Council Chamber, Private Office of the Baron (or King), Parlour for Baron (or King), Private Bath of Baron (or King), Parlour of Baroness (or Queen), Private Bath of Baroness (or Queen), Additional Nobility Bedroom Suite, Rooftop Bathing Room, Rooftop Garden

* 3rd FLOOR:
Private Bed Chamber of Baron (or King), Baron's Counting House, Quilting Chamber for the Baroness (or Queen), Private Bed Chamber of Baroness (or Queen), Viewing Tower


* If you downloaded the original Gwrych Kingdom Castle, I used Doors and Windows from Babayaga's "Tiled Arches and Windows Set". I also used windows and doors from that set in this Castle (Gwrych Barony Castle).

If you have the original Gwrych Kingdom Castle in your game, PLEASE DELETE the following 4 files from your Downloads Folder:
-DELETE new BabayagaLancet SingleWindow Flat mullioned.package
-DELETE new BabayagaLancet SingleWindow Flat mullioned dIAG.package
-DELETE new BabayagaLancet SingleWindow Short Flat mullioned.package
-DELETE new BabayagaLancet SingleWindowDeep mullioned MASTER.package

I decided to use the "old" set of Babayaga's Tiled Arches and Windows because it allows for mortar and frame recolours. Since the Old & New sets share GUIDs, then I thought it best to remove the old files as while it typically won't crash the game, it could cause certain recolour aspects to show blue. So, please remove the "new" Babayaga files from your Downloads folder if you are adding this Castle.


Please read this if you are having problems AFTER entering a lot or are receiving an error message about "counters without doors". Otherwise, view this as general information about Gwrych lots.

Apparently, you CANNOT use "move objects on" to place objects on the back of a counter where there is a kitchen sink. In some of my Gwrych lots, I found an error with placing sponges in the back corner of counters that have kitchen sinks. Initially, I thought it was that sponges could not be placed on counters where there is a kitchen sink, but have since discovered that no objects should share the counter tile when there is a sink in the counter. If you have found you were receiving a counter error when entering a Gwrych lot with a Sim...there may be objects sharing kitchen sink counter space (like the hour glass, sponge, plant or jars) that I overlooked in the process of fixing this problem. Please understand that this may NOT be the issue if your game is constantly crashing. It is just one possible solution I offer. Testing the Gwrych lots on different computers has resulted in ALL Gwrych lots being playable from this end. As errors are encountered during game play, solutions are also sought. If you are only having problems with a few lots, this may (or may not) be part of the problem. To fix this problem, all you need to do is to load a new version of the lot, enter it WITHOUT A SIM and delete any objects that are sharing a counter with a kitchen sink. Also, if you notice there seems to be no sink in an area where there should be one (especially bathrooms and kitchens)...try adding a sink to the empty counters. If you cannot place a sink on a counter, that counter should be deleted and put back in the game before adding a sink. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Remember, enter the lot WITHOUT a Sim to make changes.

Adding clutter to the back slots of counters that do not have a kitchen sink appear to work just fine. So clutter away on counters without sinks!


* Please be sure to add the objects in the Gwrych Barony RECOLOURS zip to your downloads folder before entering the lot for the first time in order for your Castle to show properly.
*When you load a lot for the first time, doors and archways lock themselves into place. In the View Tower of the Castle (the one on the right side with the opened archways and seating area), the benches in front of the archway may cause the archway to appear as though it is built into the wall. If you move the benches, wiggle the archway to get it to set and then replace the benches in a sideways position, it will be fine thereafter.
* There are 7 invisible "secret doors" and 1 bookcase "secret door" in this castle. Each door is circled in "red" on the Floor Plan images.
* There are several other "INVISIBLE" objects used in this lot as well. In the Privy Council Chamber there is an invisible Mirror sharing a tile with the Witchery Podium. There are also several invisible barrels (by Sophie-David) used as OMSPs beneath tables and shelves. And (as usual) there are invisible dishwashers and mini-fridges in the necessary rooms. There is also an invisible sewing machine at the loom in the Baronesses' Quilting Room and an invisible fire alarm near stoves and Fire Places. Please keep these things in mind when you are preparing to cook or re-arranging furnishings!
* Burglar alarms have been hidden behind furniture using the "Adjustable Heights" feature. They are there.
*Since there is very little in the way of "medieval exercise equipment", I've placed a television on a sack in the Secret Passageway beneath the castle. With the cool temperature, this makes the perfect environment for your Medieval Simmies to get a bit of exercise!
* Locking Doors
I personally feel that most of the Castle should be "off-limits" to visitors with the exception of the Great Hall (Kitchen and Dining), the Entry Parlour, the Game Room (Card Table) and the Main Courtyard. I personally will lock the secret passageways and make them available only to certain members of the Household. The towers will be accessible to Household only. You may wish to set up who will enter what doors immediately after adding Sims to the lot and change it to fit your needs over time. It adds a bit of intrigue to the castle and I especially did this for "adventurous spirited" husband David. These secret spaces will be GREAT for story tellers.
*This lot has been fully play tested - (which means that I had my Simmies running from room to room sitting, laying and touching everything I could think of)! However, if you should find a major issue, please let me know. There are bound to be a few minor issues that can be easily rectified with repositioning of objects (as try as I may...I won't catch EVERYTHING).
* This is the final Gwrych Castle and the one I am most proud of for a variety of reasons. You'll have to download it to see why as the pictures really don't do it justice as far as gameplay goes!
* The "inspiration" for the Gwrych Barony Castle is Conwy Castle in Wales. Information about Conwy can be found HERE.


Here are a few SUGGESTED downloads you may (or may not) wish to add to your version of the Gwrych Barony Castle to compliment the lot and the medieval era.

* SimPlan-X Bedpillows *Click on the "Free Download" Link*
* Hexameter Driveable Horse Drawn Carriage
* BuggyBooz Enchanted Garden Set
* JavierMC20 Mangonel
* UK1967 Cannon, Cannon Balls and Other Medieval Extras


StephSim Custom Content
- Medieval Floor 15
- Medieval Terrain 7
- Beach Grass Terrain
- Lichen Terrain
- Gravel Stones

Zippable Custom Content Included
- Antique Bakery Set (Loaves and Rolls) by mdhttr323
- Medieval Match Bench byAilias
- Tiled Arched Window and Arch Door Set (Master Arch, 4 Mullioned/3 Glassless Windows, 4 Recolours) by Babayaga
- Candid Candles (Candlestick of 3, Chandelier and Table Candlesticks) by Buggybooz
- Kitchen Klutter: Olive Drizzler and 2 Recolours by Buggybooz
- Castle Edging by rebecah
- Invisible Window by rebecah
- Medieval Wedding Bench and Purple Recolour by Calalily Sims 2
- Cracker Barrel Chess Table by Aligeth
- Quilt Shop Items (Fat Quarters, Needles & Pins and Open Fabric Bolt 2 and 3 Recolours) by CocoMamam
- Dark Project Tome (Post 11) by The Guild Masters
- Stone Border Door and Archway by Crocobaura
- Le Chateau Door Darkwood Recolour by BillySims139
- Crystal Ball of Mystella & 2 Recolours by joninmobile
- Medieval Floors (6) and Wall (1) from the Dark Project (Post 13)by The Guild Masters
- Medieval Rug Pelts with Echo Mesh by The Guild Masters
- Anno Farm Tools (Axe, Hammer and Shovel) by Hexameter
- Black Gothic Pediment by hippi
- Medieval Dining Chair and Ink Quill by HugeLunatic
- Small Wood Pile by FeeEssen
- 2 Tile Bedding Match Cornerstone Curtain Mesh and Silver Recolor by IgnorantBliss
- 1 Tile Bedding Match Cornerstone Curtain and Diagaonal by IgnorantBliss
- Silver Investment 100 Count Coins by worship4ever0227
- Jesus Wall Cross by KevinsHope
- Gold Galleon 100 Count Coin Recolour by daislia
- Invisible Secret Door by pfish
- Invisible Smoke Alarm by pfish
- Jail Wall Shackles by Clarissa1114
- Cushion and Red Hessian Recolour by Parsimonious Sims 2
- Deluxe Cushion and Victorian Recolour by Parsimonious Sims 2
- Eponymous Garden Plants (Foxgloves and Motherwort) by Parsimonious Sims 2
- Imperial Fence Lamp by Parsimonious Sims 2
- Mailbox Cover & Rustic Recolour by Parsimonious Sims 2
- Oggs n' Ends Telescope by Parsimonious Sims 2
- Pirate Bay Small Window by Parsimonious Sims 2
- Sultana Jug and Vase by Parsimonious Sims 2
- Winterwood Bedroom Table Lamp by Parsimonious Sims 2
- Wood Cutter Kitchen Logs by Parsimonious Sims 2
- Witches Tools by Lethe_s
- Book Table by Lethe_s
- Mortar and Pestle by Lethe_s
- Wallpaper Mask & Recolours (Post 11) by The Guild Masters
- Standing Banner and Purple Recolour by Marina Sims 2
- Purple Hanging Wall Banner Recolour by Marina Sims 2
- Darkwood Recolour by Marvine
- Le Chateau Door by -Maylin-
- Old Coffee Maker by -Maylin-
- Sword Stand from Medieval Part II Dining Set (under Möbel) by Tarox
- Fireplace Colonial - Chimneyless by Mia86
- Extendable Long Table (Middle and End) by Mia86
- Fireplace Tools and Log Holder by momma b
- Wood n Iron Gate by Moon_Ez
- Coal Stove by Numenor
- Toilet Bucket by Sup@Tramp
- Toilet Bucket Recolour by NNNNatali
- Scroll-in-a-Box Table Phone by HystericalParoxysm
- Lazy Gardener Plants (9 Decorative Potted Plants) by Plasticbox
- Circular (Wheel) Grill by FeeEssen
- Ye Olde Cooper Barrel Collection (2 Chairs, 2 Deco Barrels, Sack, WaterBucket, Trash, 20 Recolours) by Sophie-David
- Holiday Candles Resized & 1 Recolour by Reyn
- Weaver's Loom by Blacky's Sims Zoo
- Single Wall Sword by Blacky's Sims Zoo
- Updated Targa Supa Fridge Larger Capacity by Lord Darcy
- Crystal PC by Xanathon
- Medieval Sword by UK1967
- Knight On The Tiles by gromit
- "Sitting Around" Skeleton by gromit
- Insane Sorcerer Crystal Ball TV by wintermuteai1
- Makin' Magic Wine Bar by Fresh-Prince
- Medieval Prison Bed by Blacky
- Mad Scientist Hanging Thing 2 - Weapons by Paleoanth
- Treasure Chest from the Dark Project (Post 11) by The Guild Masters
- "Cloud Temple" Altar of Elements - Air by Parsimonious Sims 2
- Mysterious Tome & 2 Recolours by Dark Project
- Standing Medieval Banner (MESH) by Marina Sims 2
- Just a Ladder by Marvine
- Athelyna Barrels by -Maylin-
- Athelyna BathTub, Toilet and Sink by -Maylin-
- Medieval Torch, Mirror, Bench by Tarox
- Enchanted Harp by Dr Pixel
- Fairybulosa Fence 2 by Olemantiker
- Pedestal Planter by Macarossi
- Stone Bench by Tarox
- Celtic Daily Scripture Cross by KevinsHope
- Torture Rack Bed by Blacky
- Crossed Swords by Blacky
- Hitching Post & Invisible Recolour by Paleoanth

Maxis/Ea Recolours Custom Content Included:
- Bordello Bedding 1and 2 by Calalily Sims 2
- Bordello Bedding 57 by Calalily Sims 2
- Counter Club Dark Wood Recolour by sophisim
- Dark Oak Medieval Desk Recolour by darter1234
- Dark Oak Medieval Renaissance Bookcase Recolour by darter1234
- Fallout Easel and Piano Recolours by Purity Project
- 4 Hearthstone Medieval Quilts Recolour 2c by Gwenke33
- Royal Courtyard Fencing gothic by hippi
- Medieval Gothic Balustrade Fence 4 by Marina Sims 2
- Octagonal Stone Sink Recolour by mia86
- Greystone Fireplace Recolour by mia86
- Cherry Recolour of Long Table by mia86
- Kitchen Sink Stone Recolour by mia86
- Dark Brown Dart Board Recolour by Macey246
- Red Planter Recolour by Plasticbox
- Invisible Driveway & Extension by roddyaleixo
- 2 Medieval Tavern Shelves & Winerack Recolours by kalimero
- Invisible Sewing Machine by Sophie-David
- Invisible Mirror by Sophie-David
- Invisible Mini-Fridge by Sophie-David
- Invisible Dishwasher by Sophie-David
- Blue Damask Massage Table Recolour by sunni9676
- Straw Bedding by Magick Modders
- Medieval Serf Brown Tattered Bedding by Magick Modders
- Sun King Drawers Grey and Cherry Wood Recolours by BillySims139
- Maxis Card Table Recolour 3 by BillySIMS139
Other Download Recommendations:
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