Gwrych Barony 1x2 Merchant Cottage: BLACKSMITH

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Gwrych Barony 1x2 Merchant Cottage: BLACKSMITH (EPs ONLY)

Blacksmith Cottage INFORMATION:
Lot Size:
1 x 2

Lot Cost:
46,360 Simoleons

2 Bedrooms with 2 beds (Sleeps 3)


1 Bathtub


This 1x2 lot is ideal for a Blacksmith who lives close to the main village. It includes a main house and a small Forge so the Blacksmith can continue his craft as needed!

The interior has an opened living, dining and kitchen areas where your Medieval Sims can cook, eat, read and watch television (crystalball television). There is a Master bedroom (sleeps 2)and a smaller bedroom (sleeps 1) on the lot.

I built the forge using blacksmith items by Phaenoh and Buntah. See BELOW for details under "Important Note". There is also a Crystal Ball computer in the forge.

The exterior has a small Rooftop Porch above the Smithy with an Art Easel and a Chess Barrel. There is a barbecue area in the rear of the house and an Ax Throwing log to the East of the property. To the West of the lot, there is an INVISIBLE DRIVEWAY.


I used the "Blacksmith Crafting Station" by Phaenoh and the "Blacksmith Set" by Buntah in the Blacksmith Cottage.
You MUST download both items for your Smithy to show properly. (See information below the following image)
Since these items cannot be included in downloaded lots, you will need to download them & include them in your Downloads folder for your lot to show properly. You won't need to place them because I already have done so. I removed the objects from the download folder before packaging the lot, but not out of the lot itself. You simply need to download them and put them in your downloads folder.
YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THIS Phaenoh's Blacksmith Crafting Station - You only need the file called "Phaenoh_BlacksmithCrafting.rar".
YOU MUST ALSO DOWNLOAD THIS Buntah's Blacksmith Station - It is the 12th download on the page.

*Ermelind has other roof options available at her site here if you are interested:

*The kitchen appliances are included. In the Gwrych lots, the refrigerator is typically invisible and can be found in a bucket of food under a counter. There is also an invisible dishwasher that is also located under a kitchen counter and accessed by clicking on the bucket of water beneath the counter. The Pot Belly stove by Numenor serves as both stove and trash compactor.

*There are lots of BARRELS in the game thanks to Sophie-David. Some are tables, others chairs and others purely decorative with neat clickable options. Still others are trash barrels. I suggest you click around and discover how things work in the lot for yourself.

*This lot comes with an invisible smoke detector in the necessary rooms. There are also burglar alarms hidden behind certain furniture so they don't stand out. Please note, I have an adjustable height patch (created for my use by Sophie-David) that allowed me to raise and lower the burglar alarm at will. If you move the burglar alarms, you will not be able to get them back as they were.

*Since this is a medieval themed lot, you can download patches that will allow your Simmies to earn physical points for dancing and ax throwing. Links below:

Earn Physical Points Dancing,2383.0.html - More Awesome Than You

Earn Physical Points Ax-Throwing - Sophie-David

Enjoy the download!

Lot Size: 1x2
Lot Price: 46,360

Custom Content by Me:
- Elemental - Stones 2 Terrain
- Beach Grass Terrain 1
- Medieval Terrain 14
- Medieval Terrain 16
- Medieval Wall 15
- Medieval Wall 19
- Medieval Wall 53
- Medieval Wall 55
- Medieval Wall 154
- Hovel Wall 12 by StephSim
- Hovel Wall 13
- Hovel Wall 14 by StephSim
- Hovel Wall 16

Custom Content Included:
- Ye Cooper's Barrel Set (trash, end table, 2 chairs, and decoratives) by Sophie-David
- Puddle Master & Brown Recolourby Sophie-David
- Horizontal Sack & 3 Recolours (Grey, Messy, Brown) by Sophie-David
- Barrel Content (Apples, Oats, Potatoes) Sophie-David
- Barrel Recolours (Dark, Medium, Old and Dark Red) by Sophie-David
- Larger Capacity Targa Supafridge by Lord Darcy at MTS2
- Pelt 2 and 3 Rugs by Magick Modders
- Pelt 4 Wall Mask by The Guild Masters
- Lantern Red MESH & Black Recolour by -Maylin-
- Merry-making Dining 1 Tile Table by Ailias
- Medieval Set (2 Benches and Toilet) by Tarox
- Horse shoes by Paleoanth
- Ceiling Tile Dark Cross Large by sunni9676
- Chess Barrel by Aligeth @ MTS2
- Stone Border Door by crocobaura
- Crystal Ball TV by wintermuteai1
- 3x4 Floor Rug by Nicolafred
- Edta's Cupboards by edta
- Medieval Floor by corvidophile2
- Handcart, Saw and Ax by Hexameter
- Wood Pile by feeEssen
- Invisible Smoke Detector by pfish
- Jail Wall Shackles by Charisa1114
- Banya Broom by Jeka
- "Atlanta" Set: (Plant , Mirror, End Table, Bed and Dresser) by Parsimonious Sims
- "Imperial" Table & Duo Wall Lamps by Parsimonious Sims
- "Pirate Bay" Dock Window and Fence by Parsimonious Sims
- Decorative Mailbox Cover & Rustic Recolour by Parsimonious Sims
- "Sultana" Jug by Parsimonious Sims
- "Winterwood" Table Lantern by Parsimonious Sims
- "Woodcutters" Kitchen Over Counter by Parsimonious Sims
- Witchy Kitchenshelf by Lethe_s
- Mortar and pestle by Lethe_s
- Music Box 3 by Lethe_s
- Wallpaper mask by Dark Project
- Just a Ladder & Darkwood Recolour by marvine
- Trashed Wooden Bathtub by MaryLou
- Pottery - #12 by Blacky
- "Good Ol' Times" Coal Stove (UV) by Numenor
- Effects - Child Fire Basegame by Sophie- David
- Straw Roof Mesh & Light Recolour by Ermelind
- OpenMe Window Tall by windkeeper
- Crystalsphere Personal Conjurer (PC) by xanathon
- Maxis Recolour - Dark Wood Table & Chair by FairySims
- Fall Out Easel Recolour by Purity Project
- Hearthstone Quilts Recolours 3e and 4a by Gwenke33
- Open Me Door & 2 Windows Maxis Recolours by hippi
- Craftmaster Walnut Bed Recolour by HugeLunatic
- Maxis Kitchen Sink - Stone Recolour by mia86
- Maxis Brown Dartboard Recolour by Macey246
- OMESH_PrimitiveScrollTablePhone (Handset and Base) by HystericalParoxysm
- Invisible Driveway by roddyaleixo
- Maxis Wood Spicerack Recolour by Kalimero
- Brown Medieval Recolour Bedframe & Asian Dresser by Sophie-David
- Invisible Mini-Fridge & Dishwasher by Sophie-David
- Straw Bedding Recolour by Magick Modders
- Wood Door Recolour 1 by Pixelhate
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