The Party Barrel-*New Version*-Updated to be Recolorable! 09/16/11

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Thanks to the wonderful Raynuss, my party barrel is now recolorable! You can find some recolors here.

Are your Medieval royal or noble sims throwing a party? Are your merchant or even peasant sims party animals? Are your Modern sims tired of looking at that goddy, bright plastic pineapple?

Well, today I bring you the Party Barrel. It has its own GUID, so it won't override anything.

The Party Barrel has a four (4) square footprint, but it could have a six (6) square. You can place it to look like it is 'hanging' on the wall, or you could place it a square away from the wall. Your choice!

You will find 2 separate packages in the .rar. One is the barrel and the other one is a keg tankard to replace (separate GUID to go with this barrel) that silly little red plastic cup! You need both for this to work correctly!

I hope you like this, and any comments and thanks are greatly appreciated!


Polygon Counts:
Cost: $105 simoleans
The Party Barrel:
Vertices: 4854
Faces: 4327

Keg Tankard:
Vertices: 327
Faces: 294

Additional Credits:
I bow, like uber-duber low, to Sophie-David for all his help and coaching thru my trials and errors. And there were A LOT of errors!!! And to StephSim for sharing her hubby and extending our friendship to him! Thanks to Echo for responding to my questions in the forum.
I also want to thank Phervers for his original barrel mesh, I used his as a jumping point for this one. Thanks to FrannySims for the KurvyK bodyshape, and to PeggyZone for the hair.
And thank you to ALL the MANY creators out there that make my game fun and more time period authentic!
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