SIMtastics Boutigue & Spa - a community lot
SIMtastics Boutigue & Spa is packaged as a community lot, but with just a few simple steps (see below) you could easily transform this beautiful boutigue into a residential home business! There is a 3 bedroom and 3 bathroom living area above the spa. I originally made this lot to be a community lot, but I have several students away at college that will need a place to call home (if they don't return to live at home with their parents! ). And a couple have business degrees that they are going to be graduating with, so I thought this would make a really nice home business!
This little lot was created some time ago, and my sims love to shop and relax here. So, I decided to share the love with the rest of you good people here at MTS!
If you want to transform this into a home business:
step 1: This lot is packaged as a community lot! Enter it without your sims!
step 2: Pull up the cheat console -> CTRL + SHIFT + C and type in "changelotzoning residential" (without the quotes) and hit enter.
step 3: Now if you click on the little button in the top left of the screen, it should show you that you changed it to a residential lot.
step 4: Save and then leave to the neighborhood...
step 5: Go back into the lot, go to the buy list misc/misc and find the mailbox (YOU NEED A BUYABLE MAILBOX MOD!!!!) Sophie-David has one here. Make sure you follow his instructions for installing!
step 6: Purchase and place it on the lot...and Viola! You now have your beautiful spa converted to a home business!
After you have successfully converted your lot to a residence, you will need to place the door that is sitting in the middle of your upstairs living room into the wall behind the cash register. I highly recommend locking the door to family ONLY before opening shop!
Reference picture:
These are a must but not included!:
From Sims Design Avenue
-Perfume & Beauty items under Themes -> Perfume & Beauty
-LIVIA BATHROOM and Recolors under Contemporain -> Bathrooms
-Loft Building Set -> Contemporain -> Building Sets -> Loft Building Set
-Gaby Bedroom & Bathroom -> Contemporain -> Gaby Set
-Campagne Set...wall lights from both the bath set and nursery set -> Contemporain -> Campagne Set
-Arcan Dining Set...wicker baskets from the dining set -> Contemporain -> Arcan Dining Set
-Aral Kitchen Set -> Contemporain -> Old Downloads... about 1/2 way down is Aral Kitchen
These were used but not included:
From Sim Credible Designs:
-plant from the Both of Us Set...bedrooms page 3
-drink tray from the Avila Set...patios page 1
-plant from Galaxia Set...bathroom page 1
-sheves from Laguna Set...bedroom page 2
-sink from Lazuli Set...bathroom page 2
-desk lamp from Luau Teen...bedroom page 2
-ceiling lamp from Spa & Sauna Freebies...other page 2
From MTS:
-Corner Bath and Shower Unit by mickyss
-"Shop-at-home" Hacked Coat Hook by MaryLou & Numenor
-Additional suggested recolors for the coat rack here
-*Recolourable* Holy Smoke modular stairs by Numenor
-Additional suggested recolors for the steps here
-Bathroommate Foot rug Recolors by Honeywell
-Independent Expression Sets you will need all 4 sets! by Mary Lou
From Sims2PlayArchive:
-Object 22 - the Balance Kitchen Set (only the island and the white recolors were used, but it is slaved to the counter #1! So, you will need the set.)
From Aussie Topenders:
-Giant Oleander
I think that's everything! I HOPE!!!
Lot Size: 3x3
Lot Price: 105,762
Custom Content Included:
- Paper Moon Ceiling Light by Ailias
- Edge Smoother By Ailias White by Ailias
- Epikouros Wall Cabinet by CTNutmegger
- KitchenBasic Cookerhood SMOKE alarm by buggybooz
- Part of The Glass MosaicsBy Simpleton by Miss Simpleton
- Part of the Glass Mosaicsby Simpleton by Miss Simpleton
- Black is the new black. Autumn/Winter 2009 @ Basico by itas84
- Floor 11 by ReflexSims
- Solar floor #5 by ReflexSims
- blue tiled floor by Spunky
- sci-fi add on - black metal floor 2x2 - original creation by lamammaforever by lamammaforever
- Gruth stairs by ulmille
- "Antique" Sled by Holy Simoly
- curtain recolor by Holy Simoly
- 'Simply Elegant' Single Long Curtains by HOLYSIMOLY
- 'Simply Elegant' Single Long Curtains by HOLYSIMOLY
- "Blue Sky" Bonsai Tree by helga
- Toilet recolor by Helena @ pixelsims
- Stainless Steel Toilet by Helena @ pixelsims
- Recolors of Maxis's "Smitty's Distressed Floorboards." Made by iCad at MTS. by iCad
- Mixed-material mosaic floor tile.Made by iCad at MTS. by iCad
- Mixed-material mosaic tile half wall to match the full wall and the floor tile.Made by iCad at MTS. by iCad
- JB Pebble and Leaf Arrangement by jon119
- white floor/ceiling by
- _Mango_ Livres by Mango
- -Mango- Plante by Mango
- SimSecrets Art Color Photography by Amel
- Part of the Monticello SeriesMarth Stewart Living Rug Collection by Simpleton by Miss Simpleton
- Part of the Monticello Seriesof Martha Stewart Livingby Simpleton by Miss Simpleton
- Part of the Monticello SeriesMarth Stewart Living Rug Collection by Simpleton by Miss Simpleton
- Part of the Monticello Seriesof Martha Stewart Livingby Simpleton by Miss Simpleton
- Part of the Monticello Seriesof Martha Stewart Livingby Simpleton by Miss Simpleton
- Part of the Monticello SeriesMarth Stewart Living Rug Collection by Simpleton by Miss Simpleton
- "Illumutations" - Transformable wall shelf with built-in lights by Numenor
- "One More" Slot Package for End Table- invisible recolor by ariffrazalin
- "One More" Slot Package for End Table by ariffrazalin
- An outlet for added realism by KevinsHope
- Part of The Glass MosaicsBy Simpleton by Miss Simpleton
- Part of the Glass Mosaicsby Simpleton by Miss Simpleton
- An outlet with a cord by KevinsHope
- picture recolor by Amel
- Reflex_Roncato_Painting by solidgoldfunk
- Painting21 recolor by Shoukeir
- Painting #21 by Shoukeir
- Painting 04 by Sims 2 Play
- Painting 04 recolor by Sims 2 Play
- Painting by reflexsims
- Painting recolor by reflexsims
- Striped wallpaper with plaster cornice and skirting board.Autumn / Winter 2009 @ Basico II by itas84
- Metalpainted wallcovering, color Galvanized Metal. by Marmor
- End Table Shiftable OMSP 1 by SilentLucidity
- End Table Shiftable OMSP 1-invisible recolor by SilentLucidity
- Shiftable OMSP 1, Smaller by SilentLucidity
- Shiftable OMSP 1, Smaller-invisible recolor by SilentLucidity
- Shiftable OMSP 2, Smaller by SilentLucidity
- Shiftable OMSP 2, Smaller-invisible recolor by SilentLucidity
Additional Credits:
Thank you to all the amazing creators, without whom I would have gotten bored a long time ago and had a REAL life!!! LOL
Thank you to the higher-ups here at MTS for a safe and fun place to share!
SIMtastics Boutigue & Spa_byG-Knee.rar
Uploaded: 8th Jun 2011, 3.75 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
University | |
Nightlife | |
Open for Business | |
Pets | |
Seasons | |
Bon Voyage | |
Free Time | |
Apartment Life |
Stuff Pack | |
Happy Holiday | |
Family Fun | |
Glamour Life | |
Celebration | |
H&M Fashion | |
Teen Style | |
Kitchen & Bath | |
Ikea Home | |
Mansion and Garden |