~ CoolSims #41 ~ Arya ~

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~ CoolSims #41 ~ Arya ~


This hair mesh may not be suitable for low-end computers and low-end graphics users.

This hair mesh has a very high polygon count of just over 20,000 polygons so I advise caution and careful consideration
about downloading this hair for your game. I have no issues running my game with this hair mesh, though I should mention
that I am running my games on an nVidia gt430 graphic card - not top end but it can handle high polygon items. If you have a
computer running your games on lower pc specs with a lower end graphic card it may (or may not!) cause graphic issues,
lagging and other problems. Due to the high polygon count I would also advise gamers not to give more than one female sim
this hair on any lot!

Thanks so much for the permission to recolour these Anto, again I find your hair meshes the most fun to get a recolour just
perfect with.

**Please note: These are NOT my hair mesh files, I am just the recolourist!** - Recently I have been recolouring some old
favourites of Anto's Coolsims hair meshes that are no longer available on his web site. I have asked and been granted kind
permission from Anto to upload his Coolsims mesh files with my recolours of his work. Thank you so much for the honour,
Anto, your amazing work speaks for itself.

Thanks so much for the permission to recolour these Anto, I really love your beautiful creations.

The mesh files have been included with this recolour set as a separate zipped folder, just download and unzip **ALL 4 MESH files** to your downloads folder in-game. Young adult (if you have Uni) and elder will show up as well even though there are only 4 mesh files to download. You must download both zipped folders and install all files to your game to see the recolours.

* * * * *

Hey again all. Having fun with recolours from my favourite mesh creator Anto lately, hoping you all enjoy the new recolours too. Today I bring you ~ Arya ~. A gorgeous and shiny new take on another CoolSims favourite from yesteryear. I really like how this style has been created for all ages so your sims from preschooler to elder get to wear it. It's also cute how the hair changes sides for teens and lets face it, we all love long hair! Long live Anto's legendary, beautiful long hairs. Again, thanks so much Anto for your kind permission to recolour your beautiful hairs.

I have brought you these recolours in my NuRey v3 16-recolour set. I hope you like them.


Black - Licorice, Olive, Cola, Treacle
Brown - Chocolate, Caramel, Cinnamon, Mocha
Blonde - Honey, Lemon, Vanilla, Coffee
Red - Berry, Apricot, Peach, Plum

Thanks so much to CatOfEvilGenius for creating the new hair binning tool I have used to bin all of these recolours. All the recolours in this set are colour binned/familied for your female sims of all ages with your greys linked to the blondes.

*** Please try not to be alarmed if you are having trouble finding the last recolours in the set - treacle, mocha, coffee and plum - these recolours were made much later on and colour-binned with a later version of the hair binning tool, so you may just need to look a bit further into your base game hairs to find the last four in each hair colour bin. I did re-bin them but they wanted to remain where they were so, just thought I'd better let you know. ***

PLEASE NOTE: I have chosen the decustomized option for binning the hair colours so this means you will find each recolour in the same area as your Maxis base game hair colours, without the little star in the thumbnails like custom colours usually have.

All recolours are base-game compatible, no EPs required. All sims modelling the hair-styles in these pictures are in clothing that can be downloaded free at:


**All of the cosmetics and genetics used in these pictures are NOT included with the hair recolours, you must visit the artist pages to download them.** - Please see credits below for links.

All recolours are in one WinRAR folder for your convenience. The **mesh files** are in a separate zipped folder - all mesh files must be downloaded for all ages of the hairs to show up in your game.

Please don't forget to say "thanks".


Additional Credits:
Credit for the hair mesh used in this recolour set belongs to Anto at www.coolsims.net. I am NOT the creator of this hair mesh - I am merely the texture/colourist of this recolour set. For further information about Anto CoolSims creations, visit his blogspot page here:


Credit and thanks belong to these awesome MTS artists for the use of their skintones, eyes and makeup in these pictures:

-Shady - - Sparkling Eyes - (Default Replacements)

astiees - Naturally Idealized Skins

Thanks and credit also belong to CatOfEvilGenius here at MTS - http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=685127
for the hair binning tool - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=434016

All of these textures and recolours are copyright to me. NO uploading to anywhere else online as your own work, please link back to this page and let me know if you wish to use these in your creations. Free for use in your games, pictures, galleries.
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