Trashamatic Garbage Disposal & Dishwasher
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The Trashamatic 3000 Sanitizes a Cup
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Trashamatic 3010 Dematerializing a Garbage Bag
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The Trashamatic as Default Replacement Garbage Can
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Trashamatic in Six Models, with Recolours
BUGFIX: December 23, 2014
Thanks to liebesa's bug report, this release prevents the Trashamatics from being knocked over. They were not designed to be knocked over, and if they were knocked over there was no way to set them upright again. All five models of Trashamatic have been fixed.
1) To provide futuristic animated trash disposal objects for science fiction and fantasy scenarios. They are available in two sizes: the Trashamatic 3000 is about the size of an indoor trash bucket, and the Trashamatic 3010 is the size of an outdoor trash can.
2) As an option, to supply "Custom" (cheater) versions of the two Trashamatic sizes that Sims will use to autonomously destroy bills, homework, and university assignments - depending on the cheat mode menu selection.
3) To allow for under-counter placement of the Trashamatic 3000 models.
4) To provide a combination dishwasher and trash compactor appliance that can be placed anywhere and does not break down.
5) To make default replacements for the community and residential trash cans, based on the Trashamatic 3010. Because these Trashamatics are default replacements, they will automatically appear on all existing and new lots throughout every neighbourhood (unless the original trash cans have been deleted).
6) To supply several recolours that will work with any of these objects, in both modern and traditional designs. Invisible recolours are included within each Trashamatic package.
Note: All six Trashamatic models may be used indoors or out and all variants may be used together on the same lot.

Trashamatic 3000 Standard - sdTrashamatic3000Standard.package - found in Appliances/Large, §50 - blue power/activity light, want category: dishwasher
Trashamatic 3010 Standard - sdTrashamatic3010Standard.package - found in Appliances/Large, §70 - blue power/activity light, want category: trash compactor
Trashamatic 3000 Custom - sdTrashamatic3000Custom.package - found in Appliances/Large, §58 - red power/activity light, want category: trash compactor
Trashamatic 3010 Custom - sdTrashamatic3010Custom.package - found in Appliances/Large, §78 - red power/activity light, want category: desk
Trashamatic 3010 Community Default - sdTrashamatic3010CommunityDefault.package - found in Appliances/Large, §69 - violet power/activity light, want category: trash compactor
Trashamatic 3010 Residential Default - sdTrashamatic3010ResidentialDefault.package - found in Appliances/Large, §68 - cyan power/activity light, want category: trash compactor
Like any of the other packages here, the default replacement Trashamatic files may be installed in any Downloads folder. If you wish to revert to the EA defaults, simply delete the files at any time when the game is not running.

General Description
All Trashamatics have the following features: they may be placed on locked tiles and beach tiles, may be struck by lighting but are non-flammable, cannot be repossessed, stolen or upset, cannot be eaten from or salvaged, do not break down, are neighbourhood viewable even in basegame, and they remain in place if the lot is sold. They also use replacement animation sequences that neither spin the Trashamatic nor the Sim during use. All six models are bottomless garbage disposal containers that never become full, because any trash placed in them is immediately dematerialized.
Any model of Trashamatic can completely replace the standard residential and community trash cans on any lot - use "MoveObjects on" if you want to delete the game's default outdoor trash cans. Note that there is no requirement to place a Trashamatic near the road, even if there are no conventional trash cans on the lot.
Maids and other Sims cannot empty the Trashamatics because there is never anything left inside them. Unfortunately, this also means that Trashamatics cannot supply a source of trash for the Seasons composter.
As well as working like conventional outdoor trash receptacles, a table slot is included at the top of all Trashamatics to hold a small object. If an object is placed in this slot during Buy Mode it will be treated as trash and destroyed once the game is running. This can be an effective way to dispose of an overabundance of wealth. Default or Standard (non-Custom) Trashamatics, will not eliminate any bills, homework or college assignments placed in the table slot, and Sims cannot use the slot autonomously. Non-destroyed items remain floating at the top of the Trashamatic for ease of retrieval.

Custom Trashamatic Features
In the case of the Trashamatic Custom models, Sims will use the built-in table slot autonomously when they are looking for a place to put a handheld object. If one of the Custom Trashamatics is the closest usable surface to the road and the Trashamatic is in the "Trash All", "Trash Bills", "Trash Bills & Homework", and "Trash Homework" cheat mode then Sims will autonomously place bills and/or homework in the receptacle. Any bill, homework, university assignment or other object that is placed within it will quickly fade into non-existence, and the Sim will no longer need to pay the bill or complete the school work.

Sims will deposit garbage into a Trashamatic as they would any other trash receptacle. Once the Sim is safely clear, the Trashamatic will perform its cleansing cycle, as follows:
1) The power light begins to flash.
2) A suitably spacey sound develops as the cycle begins.
3) The reaction chamber fills with an energy field.
4) The trash within the chamber dematerializes.
5) Vapours escape from the reaction chamber.
6) Steps (3) through (1) deactivate in reverse order.
Recolouring Guide
If you wish to design your own recolours, please use the Trashamatic 3010 as your source file. The "barrel" recolourable subset includes the outside and inside surfaces of the hexagonal Trashamatic body, as well as the cylindrical base (not present in the 3000 models). The outside surface at the front of the mesh is separately mapped from the rest of the exterior so as to accomodate a recess for the power/activity light. A small alpha cutout in this texture allows the power/activity light to be made visible - so if you do not want the light to be seen simply colour over the cutout.
For a more traditional look, the bezels on each of the six exterior Trashamatic faces may be made invisible, leaving each surface completely flat. In the included recolours, this series is denoted by the "sdTrashamatic_barrel_nobezel-" prefix.
The "inside" recolourable subset lines the interior of the reaction chamber, and its visibility is optional since it directly overlays the inner surface of the Trashamatic body. This permits the use of either an independently selectable opaque interior, or a semi-transparent glass or liquid overlay through which the body texture can be seen. An alpha cutout mapped to the top surface of the inside mesh normally allows the interior to be visible, but this can be replaced by an opaque or semi-transparent texture if you desire to make the insides something of a mystery.
The power/activity light is separately meshed and may be obscured, but not recoloured.
The amimated reactive field is displayed on its own non-recolourable hexagonal subset that is completely contained within the reaction chamber "inside" mesh.
Terms of Use
You may include the non-default Trashamatics in any uploaded lots, whether for free or pay. Please include a credit and link to this page. It would be nice if you sent me a PM with a link to your uploaded creation, but this is not required.
In the case of the default replacement Trashamatics, please do not include them with uploaded lots because they will override all default trash cans in the downloader's neighbourhoods. I believe that players should be able to freely choose which patches and hacks they wish to use. Instead, I would suggest including the non-default models from this set, which are freely distributable. Therefore, please ensure the default Trashamatics are only available directly from this thread at MTS2.
Polygon Counts:
Both Trashamatic 3000 Models: 376 faces, 550 vertices
All Trashamatic 3010 Models: 424 faces, 602 vertices
GIMP, IrfranView, Microsoft Paint and Photo Editor for graphics file creation, conversion, processing, and sizing
Milkshape 3D and Ultimate Unwrap3D Pro, for 3D modeling and mapping
Numenor's AnyGameStarter, for development and testing
SimPE, PJSE, and CEP for Sims 2 object creation
Aligeth's George Jetson is featured in the screenshots
Note: I had The Jetsons in mind when creating this project, and several of the recolours are exactly matched to objects in The Jetsons Neigborhood and The Jetsons Build Set by StephSim and jasonduskey.
This is a new mesh, and means that it's a brand new self contained object that usually does not require a specific Pack (although this is possible depending on the type). It may have Recolours hosted on MTS - check below for more information.
| Trashamatic Standard, Custom & Defaults, with Recolours
Uploaded: 24th Dec 2014, 472.3 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 13th Jul 2016 at 9:04 PM - Added cheat mode menu
#theme-future, #future, #theme, #garbage disposal, #dishwasher, #space, #Jetsons, #alien, #sci-fi, #future, #futuristic, #trash can, #trashcan, #trash bin, #dustbin
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