4 Miscellaneous Basegame Window Recolors

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And for what is probably (one of) my final tricks before I disappear, likely until after the New Year, I'm tossing four miscellaneous basegame window recolors up here. This pretty much finishes off the basegame windows that I recolored. (I skipped one or two that I rarely/never use, like the churchy stained glass one and the Morrocan-looking one.) After this, all that's left is three problematic ones. Those would be the Sheer Glass/High Tech Loft windows, which are linked, and the Light Pane. For some reason, the colors don't show even close to properly on those. So, I have to figure out why that is before those will appear, if they ever do. In the meantime, have these.

First up, the Well Wisher's Window. I use these little guys a lot on cutesy little "grandma's cottage" type houses. But sometimes I just don't want the uber-cutesy hearts, so I made a mean, heartless version of the glass, too. You can download the frame colors and the heartless glass separately. Here they are:

Leesester made a matching arch for this window, which is nice to have if you use these windows. I've linked it on the "Related Pages" tab.

Next, we have the two-story Octothorpe Atrium window. I like this window because it's like a modern-style Palladian window. I just wish it wasn't so danged huge because its size and the fact that it creates unusable 2nd-floor space means that I hardly ever use it even though I think it's pretty and I always want to use it. (Now, if it was one story tall and on three instead of four tiles, I'd be really happy... No, Leesester, I'm not making puppy-dog eyes at you. Really. I'm not. ) But anyway, here it is, for those who DO have more of a use for the silly, gigantic thing:

And then the final two, which are linked so that there's only one download for both windows, a rare case of EAxis actually making my life easier. That would be the "Function of Plate Glass" window and the little "Glassterpieces" privacy window:

Now, as you can see, for some reason, the colors on these wash out on these pretty strongly. The pics above were taken on a sunny wall, so they're at maximum washed-out-ness. I'm not sure why this happens. I tried to overcome it by making the texture images darker. Didn't work. Still washed out to just about the same color. I'm sure this can probably be adjusted somehow, but if so I sure as heck don't know how to do it, because I'm just a lame Photoshop monkey, not a SimPE or meshing program wizard. So, I suggest you don't mix and match these with other windows I've recolored because...Well, they won't match. They'll only match with each other. And with the nice expansion set that Moune made for this window, which includes doors. That set really makes these windows much more useful. It's linked on the "Related Pages" tab, too.

EDIT 4/25/19: So "only" eight years later I fixed these windows so that they DO match properly. If you'd like updated files, they're over here on my Tumblr.

And that, along with the garage doors that I'm dumping into the queue at the same time as these, is all for me, probably for the rest of the year. I hope that you all have a wonderful holiday season, and I'll see y'all on the other side.
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