Melbourne Home
mh1-streetview.jpg - width=1000 height=534
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mh4-kdbrh.jpg - width=1000 height=631
mh5-frontback.jpg - width=1000 height=631
melbournehome.jpg - width=1280 height=909
The real "Melbourne Home"
mh7furnishedBEDROOM.jpg - width=1102 height=700
mh11furnishedLIVINGplus.jpg - width=1102 height=700
Livingroom | 8 objects not included - see thread for download links (under Custom Content required but NOT included, for furnished version)
mh10furnishedKITCHDINplus.jpg - width=1102 height=700
Kitchen/dining | 22 objects not included - see thread for download links (under Custom Content required but NOT included, for furnished version)
mh6furnishedBATHROOM.jpg - width=1102 height=700
mh9furnishedHOBBYR.jpg - width=1102 height=700
Hobby room | 2 objects not included - see thread for download links (under Custom Content required but NOT included, for furnished version)
mh8furnishedGUESTROUTSplus.jpg - width=1102 height=700
Guest room to the left, outside to the right | 8 objects not included - see thread for download links (under Custom Content required but NOT included, for furnished version)

I couldn't find a floor plan so I just had to try and figure it out and make some things up on my own, but then again I don't want to say it's completely based on the house, hence the "heavily inspired".
It's a pretty simple house; one floor with one bathroom, kitchen/dining, livingroom, bedroom, a guest room and a small room for... hmm, I'm not sure, I'm thinking it's a hobby room or something.

Furnished version is out. This one additionally requires Ikea Home stuff pack.
I recoloured some paintings using artwork by Ellie Malin and Christine White.
CC for furnished version in the spoiler tag. There's a lot of it (as usual), beware.
Custom Content required but NOT included:
- Counter from KitchenBasic by buggybooz
- Master Window from the Metro Window set by Tiggy027
- Diningroom 02 rug by Stylist Sims (First download on the page)
- Bathroom4 plant by 4ESF
- Bedroom14 dresser by 4ESF
- Curio Kitchen by BPS@Billyjean (19 objects specified in the pictures)
- Nabu Coffeetable 2 by n-a-n-u
- Nabu Tree Plant by n-a-n-u
- Latia Blanket by n-a-n-u
- Latia Floor Lamp by n-a-n-u
- Latia Sidetable by n-a-n-u
- Lami Bookcase by n-a-n-u
- Lami Bookcase Recolour 4 by n-a-n-u
- Clio Armchair by n-a-n-u
- Mao items by n-a-n-u (8 objects specified in the pictures)
- Marlou Coffeetable by n-a-n-u
- Rigo Tree by n-a-n-u (included in unfurnished version)
- Rigo Tree 2 by n-a-n-u (included in unfursnihed version)
Custom Content by me:
BB Blinds recolour
Billyjean Curio wood frame recolour2
Billyjean Curio wood frame recolour
blake_boy Table Sink recolour
CherryND Sunny coffeetable recolour
Jope Dining8 plant recolour
Jope Garden7 plant4 recolour
Kansascityrose KitchenMuralFridge recolour
lirunchik Fogerton Blanket recolour
lirunchik Fogerton Pillows recolour
lirunchik Fogerton Pillows recolour2
lirunchik White Eternity Painting recolour
Murano Minore rug recolour
Murano Ram chair recolour
n-a-n-u Latia blanket recolour
n-a-n-u Latia sidetable recolour
Shoukeir Painting#27 recolour
Shoukeir Painting#30 recolour
Shoukeir Painting#30 recolour2
Steffor Boho rug RC2 recolour
StylistSims Diningroom2 rug recolour
lirunchik Modern Fence High Half dark steel recolour
Billyjean Simple Set Ceiling Deco Matching Beam recolour
Custom Content Included:
- Dining8 plat by Jope
- KitchenMuralFridgeBasegame by Kansascityrose
- Simplicity bed by linegud
- Delease - Magazines by lirunchik
- Fogerton - Blanket by lirunchik
- Fogerton - Pillows by lirunchik
- Morgana - Lamp by lirunchik
- Morgana - Lamp (High) by lirunchik
- White Eternity - Dining Table by lirunchik
- White Eternity - Dishes by lirunchik
- White Eternity - Painting by lirunchik
- Birnör Diningroom - Ceiling Lamp by Murano
- Lowland Licingroom - Sofa by Murano
- Minore Bedroom - Endtable by Murano
- Minore Bedroom - Rug by Murano
- Mono Kitchen - Chair by Murano
- Ram Diningroom - Chair by Murano
- Universial Bathroom - Shower by Murano
- Piru Floor Lamp by n-a-n-u
- Wooden Stairs *Recolourable* by Numenor
- Garden7 plant4 by Jope
- cortinaindividual by nazariopilar
- cortinaindividual white by nazariopilar
- Simple Desk by Awesims
- Simple Desk white by Awesims
- Books (decorative) by Shoukeir
- Books Recolour2 by Shoukeir
- Books (decorative) by Shoukeir
- Books (decorative) by Shoukeir
- Books (decorative) by Shoukeir
- Painting#27 by Shoukeir
- Painting#30 by Shoukeir
- DecorativePillows-txte13 by Shoukeir
- Decorative Pillows by Shoukeir
- RC SimpleSet OMSP 1117 by BPS@Billyjean
- RC SimpleSet OMSP 1454 by BPS@Billyjean
- Ceiling Deco Matching Beam by BPS@Billyjean
- Clock by BPS@Billyjean
- Coffee Bad by BPS@Billyjean
- Deco Charge Cable by BPS@Billyjean
- Deco Mac mini by BPS@Billyjean
- Deco Radio by BPS@Billyjean
- OMSP 1.117 by BPS@Billyjean
- OMSP 1.454 by BPS@Billyjean
- OMSP 2.226 by BPS@Billyjean
- Open Book by BPS@Billyjean
- Plants by BPS@Billyjean
- Vintage Calendar by BPS@Billyjean
- * *rug by Steffor for Avalon* * by Steffor
- yyatå wall cabinet by ulmille
- Aspire Halogen Light by ulmille
- Olives anyone? by buggybooz]buggybooz
- Blinds roll 'em up roll 'em down by buggybooz
- KitchenBasic Add a spachback by buggybooz
- KitchenBasic Splishy Sink by buggybooz
- KitchenBasic Itsa Gas Cooker by buggybooz
- KitchenBasic Wall Unit by buggybooz
- KitchenBasic WallUnity RCnoglass by buggybooz
- Marion Shelving Unit 1 by buggybooz
- Marion Sheliving Unit1 RC1 by buggybooz
- Shakerlicious Counter 2 by buggybooz
- Shakerlicious Casserole dish small by buggybooz
- Shakerlicious Casserole dish round by buggybooz
- Shakerlicious Trashcompactor by buggybooz
- Bed Blanket 10 by Jonesi@BPS
- The "Table" Sink by blake_boy
- "Pegasus" Suspended Toilet Suite by blake_boy
- Highest Intensity Halogen Wall Lighting by blake_boy
- Sunny CoffeeTable by CherryND
- Manor House Hardwood by phoenix_phaerie
- Curio Wood Frame on the ground by BPS@Billyjean
- Curio Wood FRame Painting by BPS@Billyjean
- If you want to exclude included custom content you can deselect the objects in your Sims2CleanInstaller when downloading and installing the lot package. I haven't used a lot of Maxis objects though so if you don't like CC I'd recommend the unfurnished one. -
A little note about the custom content required but not included: I had to exclude quite a bit because the file was just too big. The Kitchen Basic counter and the master Metro Window file are needed to not make the kitchen set and livingroom windows flash blue, but the other things are optional for download. I've marked those in the pictures, so you know what's missing.
Please let me know in the comments or by PM if you have a question or come across any kind of problem.
Hope you enjoy!
Custom Contet required but NOT included:
- Master Window from the Metro Window set by Tiggy027
Lot Size: 3x3
Lot Price: 24 854
Custom Content by Me:
- White floor
- White tile floor
- Light blue-greyish panel floor
- White panel floor
- Modern Fence Very High Half dark steel recolour
- Rec - darker bricks wall
- Exterior panel blue-greyish no1 foundation wall
- Inside cream 2lighter w top and bottom border wall
- Exterior panel blue-greyish no1 wall
- White bathroom tile wall
- Inside cream 3 w top and bottom border wall
- Smooth grey no4 w top and bottom border wall
- White w top and bottom border wall
- White indoor panel no5 w top and bottom border wall
- Kitchen corner blue tile wall
Custom Content Included:
- Cypress Based Shrub by Khakidoo @ MTS2
- PmS Mapeltree by Funny2401
- PmS Laureltree by Funny2401
- The Embrasure by Ergo Mid by HugeLunatic
- The Embrasure by Ergo Privacy by HugeLunatic
- "Eponymous Garden" Fennel by parsimonious
- "Eponymous Garden" Fern by parsimonious
- Modern Fence Low(White) by Lirunchik@BlackPearlSims
- Monochrome floor by Lirunchik@BlackPearlSims
- Rigo tree by nanu@TSR
- Rigo tree 2 by nanu@TSR
- Modular Stairs by Numenor
- Fusion Entrance Door (wood) by Tolli
- Fusion Entrance Door (glass) by Tolli
- Fusion Entrance Door (wood) white recolour by Tolli
- Fusion Entrance Door (glass) white recolour by Tolli
- Window Narrow white recolour by Tolli
- Fusion Window narrow (1/3 height, center) by Tolli
- Metro Window by Tiggy027
- Metro Window by Tiggy027
- Textures from Dreamfall: The Longest Journey by Funcom. by esperesa@livejournal
- Textures from an unknown game. by esperesa@livejournal
- Other5 Door by 4ESF
- Other5 Door recol2 by 4ESF
- Outdoor5 Rocks by 4ESF
- Asphalt stair rec by JLonier
- Grassything medium by buggybooz
- Grassything medium RCgigglymatch by buggybooz
- Manor House Hardwood by phoenix_phaerie
- Bushy Tree by corvidophile2
- Bushy Tree rec3 by corvidophile2
Additional Credits:
HomeCrafter, Photoshop CS5, SimPE
Melbourne Home furnished.7z
| Additionally requires Ikea Home stuff pack
Uploaded: 29th Jul 2013, 8.72 MB.
Melbourne Home.7z
Uploaded: 26th Jul 2013, 2.61 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
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Updated: 7th Apr 2015 at 11:21 AM - Furnished version added
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Bon Voyage
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
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![]() | Apartment Life |