No more "Baby is coming!" reaction
no.jpg - width=1023 height=653
I don't know about you, but personally, I find it very irritating when every sim in a 20 mile radius comes running when a sim gives birth.
This tuning mod stops that from happening! This completely eliminates the "Baby is coming!" interaction sims get when a sim goes into labor on the lot.
This edits the Pregnancy_0x11f25825c4c91614 xml file, and I edited the "pulsereaction" and "autonomylevel" lines.
It was built with 1.67, and only requires base game.
(and yes, those are attack on titan sims in the preview picture
**Also, Levi isn't the one pregnant

Additional Credits: S3PE
Uploaded: 12th Feb 2015, 5.0 KB.
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Updated: 11th Jan 2017 at 8:04 AM
#birth, #give birth, #baby is coming, #baby, #no autonomous, #no more, #interaction, #reaction, #pregnancy, #labor
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