Dark brotherhood career (Updated 10/17/12)
If you are not familiar with Elder Scrolls, let me explain:
The Dark Brotherhood is a secret organization of assassins/mercenaries. The only way you can become a member is by catching the attention of one of the members, and passing their test.
If you are familiar with Elder Scrolls, you should recognize the icon. : D
If not, it is the logo for the Dark Brotherhood, a hand print known as 'the Black Hand'.
I tried to keep the career PG-13. ;p

So you were able to get into the Dark Brotherhood. Congratulations. However, you
are still not trustworthy enough to do any real work.
2. Apprentice - $100 - M, T, W, Th, F
As an apprentice, you are training to be a better assassin. Do a good job, and you just might
become one someday.
3. Slayer - $250 - M, T, W, F, Sa
As the name states, you are more of a slayer than an assassin. You should probably work on that.
4. Murderer - $376 - M, T, W, F, Sa
You are now better than a slayer, but you still need a lot of work. Body and Logic will definitely be close friends
in this line of work.
5. Eliminator - $452 - M, T, W, Th, F
You have achieved the title of 'Eliminator' for your acceptable skills of eliminating your targets.
Keep up the good work, and you'll be well on your way.
6. Assassin - $580 - M, W, F
You finally achieved the position of a true assassin. Give yourself a pat on the back!
Don't slack off now, you've still got a long ways to go!
7. Silencer - $693 - M, T, W, Th, F
Silencer is your name, silencing victims is your game. You are now a fairly high-ranking assassin, but you're
still not at the top of your game. Keep up the good work, and some day you'll be on top!
8. The Keeper - $708 - M, W, Th, F, Sa
As the Keeper, you have a very important job of looking after the Night Mother. Don't take this job lightly,
it is a lot more difficult than it sounds! Maybe this job will help you impress the boss.
9. Speaker - $896 - M, T, F, Sa, S
The Speakers are the innermost circle of the Dark Brotherhood. Your job is to tell the rest of the organization what the
Dark Mother has told the Listener. Charisma is used here so you will not stumble over your words.
10. The Listener - $1000 - M, T, W, Th, F, Sa
Once you were but a Speaker, but now, you are the Listener! Highest honor and glory to
you who are the Listener!
3. $Me has the task of slaying old man Wenceslas. He arrives at his house, and comes up with two possible ways to get the job done. There is a ram head above the chair where the man is sitting.
$Me can either cut the rope holding the head up, or he can just go in there and finish the job the old fashioned way.
Cut rope | Old fashion way
$Me decides to think outside of the box, and sneaks around to cut the rope. As $Me expected, everything goes according to plan, and he gets the job done relatively quickly.
$Me gains one logic point for coming up with such a good idea.
$Me decides to think outside of the box, and sneaks around to cut the rope. Things take an unexpected turn for the worse, and the ram head misses completely! Old man Wenceslas freaks out, and calls the police.
$Me manages to escape the house, but loses one logic point, as well as getting his pay docked.
$Me decides that it would be much more simple to just do things the old fashioned way. He gets the job finishes with plenty of time to spare, and gains one body point for his good works.
$Me decides that it would be much more simple to just do things the old fashioned way, but on his way in he ends up alerting old man Wenceslas, and fails his job.
$Me gets demoted to Apprentice for doing such a bad job.
6. $Me has the task of assassinating a powerful Overlord. $Me can either assassinate the Overlord in his sleep, or he can switch out his medicine with poison
to make it look like it was an accident. Either way could be very risky, so $Me should think long and hard about this to avoid flaw.
Assassinate while sleeping | Switch out medicine
$Me decides to pull an average assassin move, and takes care of the Overlord in his sleep. Although everyone was alarmed the next morning,
$Me got away clean. $Me gains one logic point for handling things so well.
$Me decides to pull an average assassin move, and tries to take care of the Overlord in his sleep.
$Me is very surprised to find that the Overlord was not asleep when he arrived, and had to flee to rethink his plan.
$Me gets his pay docked, as well as losing one logic point.
$Me decides to play it safe, and switch out the Overlord's medicine with poison. His job was a success, although it did take longer than his master would have hoped.
$Me gains one logic point for thinking of such a good plan.
$Me decides to play it safe, and switch out the Overlord's medicine. $Me was in such a hurry, that he ended up poisoning the wrong person!
His master is very disappointed, and demotes him to Eliminator.
9. $Me was told by the Listener to assassinate the emperor. $Me sees the perfect opening to take revenge on his arch nemesis, who is the emperor's captain.
$Me knows that he was given strict orders directly from the Night Mother herself to do this job, but should he maybe stray a bit, and take his revenge?
Go for emperor | Take revenge
$Me decides that he will forget about taking revenge on the captain, and goes straight for the emperor. After he finishes his job, the Listener is very happy with $Me,
and gives him a $800 bonus for finishing his job so quickly.
$Me decides that he will forget about taking revenge on the captain, and goes straight for the emperor. Much to $Me's surprise, the captain shows up out of no where,
and stops him from finishing his job! Eventually, $Me returns to the Listener to tell him the bad news.
The Listener is very disappointed, and demotes $Me to Keeper.
$Me decides that it is too much for him to bare, and goes to take revenge on the captain. After $Me is done with that, he still has time to take care of the emperor as well!
$Me finishes both jobs, and gains one body point for doing such a good job.
$Me decides that it is too much for him to bare, and goes to take revenge on the captain. He ends up getting so caught up in revenge, that he forgets all about the emperor!
The Listener is infuriated, and ends up firing $Me for disobeying him and the Night Mother!
Information on the Dark Brotherhood: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Brotherhood
Additional Credits: SimPE Elder Scrolls belongs to Bethseda.
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Uploaded: 30th Apr 2012, 15.7 KB.
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Updated: 18th Oct 2012 at 12:27 AM
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