Default Easel Paintings Replaced
05-01-15_10-25Â PM.jpg - width=954 height=798
ABSTRACT_LRG_ALL.jpg - width=1363 height=1214
ABSTRACT_MED_ALL.jpg - width=794 height=891
ABSTRACT_SM_ALL.jpg - width=910 height=867
Classic_LRG_ALL.jpg - width=1042 height=1214
Classic_MED_ALL.jpg - width=1084 height=609
Classic_SML_ALL.jpg - width=910 height=597
ANGRY_ALL.jpg - width=940 height=609
CONFIDENT_ALL.jpg - width=794 height=609
FLIRTY_ALL.jpg - width=940 height=609
FOCUS_ALL.jpg - width=500 height=329
PLAYFUL_ALL.jpg - width=940 height=609
SAD_ALL.jpg - width=940 height=609
IMP_LRG_ALL.jpg - width=1042 height=1214
IMP_MED_ALL.jpg - width=794 height=891
IMP_SM_ALL.jpg - width=788 height=867
POP_LRG_ALL.jpg - width=1042 height=1214
POP_MED_ALL.jpg - width=936 height=609
POP_SML_ALL.jpg - width=910 height=597
REALISM_LRG_ALL.jpg - width=1363 height=1214
REALISM_MED_ALL.jpg - width=938 height=891
REALISM_SML_ALL.jpg - width=1028 height=597
SURR_LRG_ALL.jpg - width=1040 height=1214
SURR_MED_ALL.jpg - width=794 height=891
SURR_SML_ALL.jpg - width=790 height=597
If you have downloaded these in my previous uploads, there is no need to download again, they are the same except for the Emotional and Realism .zip files.
I was tired of seeing paintings that I thought were too "meh" or juvenile, hopefully this mod with be useful to others who think the same thing. I have replaced all files with either new paintings, or some I left in but moved them so that their style matched the level of painting skill a bit better. It also isn't too hard to replace the images; I've made a quick tutorial below. Art is subjective, after all!
I've made some charts that show what the original painting was, what level of painting skill it required, and what it was replaced with using my packages. These will replace pre-existing paintings, so paintings that are already hanging on your sims' wall will be replaced with a new image when installing this mod.
Phew. Enjoy!
I've had few requests from people who want different paintings included, or wish a certain original painting wasn't overwritten. So, I've attempted to make a simple explanation here!
If You Want One of the Old EA/Maxis Paintings Back:
1. Download Sim4pe here
2. Open the file of the painting you want to change. There will be a list of items, and when you click on them an image will appear to the right.
3. The charts I've made will show you which new painting replaces which EA/Maxis painting.
4. Find the one you want to change in the list in Sim4pe. Highlight it, and hit delete on your keyboard. You can also right-click on the item and choose "deleted" from the menu.
5. Save the file, and exit Sim4pe. When you run the Sims 4, the painting will be back to its original design.
If You Want To Replace A Painting With One Of Your Choice
1. Follow steps 1-3 above
2. Find the painting you want to change in the list in Sim4pe. Right-click on it, and choose "Export/Import via Helper" from the menu.
3. A small window will pop up. Click on "Export", then give your image file a name and save it.
4. The image files are saved in .dds format. To modify .dds files you will need a plugin, which can be found here and a program like Photoshop or Gimp.
5. Open the image file and paste the new painting in. Save the file. A .dds file save options window will pop up. Choose "DXT5" from the dropdown menu, and leave the rest of the options the same. If this menu does not appear, try using "Save-as" instead of "Save".
6. Back in Sim4pe, right-click on the painting again, and choose "Export/Import via Helper" again from the menu.
7. A small window will pop up. Click on "Import", then find your new image file a name and open it. Click "Save and Close"
8. Your image should now appear in Sim4pe. Save the file and close. When you run the Sims 4, the painting will be your new design.
Confident Paintings:
"Fire Lion" by Jennifer Hickman
"Brave" by Victoria Ying
"Tetra" by Gonzalo Ordonez Arias
"Surfer Joe" by Eric Joyner
"Street Colors" by Graham Gercken
Angry Paintings:
"Tis but a scratch" by Scott Campbell
"Queen of Bells" by Mike Krahulik
"Taurus" by Damon Hellandbrand
"Throat Shark Is Just Looking For A Good Time" by Chris McMahon
"Smaug, King Under the Mountain" Jerry VanderStelt
"Princess Mononoke" by Tianhua Xu
"My frustration coming out on canvas" by Ramandip Singh
Sad Paintings:
"Sandman", unknown
"Sad Keanu" by -33
"Pressure" by youngblood
"...all I could think of was flowers" by Kate Powell
"i can't leave you" by Artyom Chebokha
"Bioshock Infinite Alternate Cover" by Todd Rad
'The Airstrike" by Maaz Khan
Playful Paintings:
"INTO THE STORM" by Mica Angela Hendricks
"Charlie" by Lauren Gregg
"F*ck Science" by Emmy Cicierega
"otto's sweet ride" by Brian Kesinger
"Self Help" by Aaron Jasinski
"Picachu" by Gavin Mackey
"Then Vermeer was Devoured" by Katie Holzmann
"Blueberry Girl" by Charles Vess
Flirty Paintings:
"Gruau's Man" by Rene Gruau
"Pinup Ariel" by Lois Van Baarle
"Kiss of Passion" by Leonid Afremov
"Agape" by Maly Siri
"With you" by Andre Kohn
"White Camisole" by Pino Daeni
"So live ever, swoon to death." by N.S. David
"intimacy on display" by Silvia Pelissero
Focused Paintings:
"Math IIi" by Michael Henderson
"Sacred Geometry / Merkaba / Excellence Strength" by Sarjana Sky
"Kaleidoscopic" by James Wyper
Large Surreal Paintings:
1-3 - EA/Maxis
4 - "butterfly" by maciej wierzbicki
5 - "The Great Eggplant of Kalamata" by Ursula Vernon
6 - "Waiting For The Wave" by RHADS/Artyom
7 - "Mollie Rose" by Kate Powell
8 - "Gone Fishing" by Desmond Wong
9 - "Melody of Rain" by Christian Schloe
10 - "Throne of Games" by Aaron Jasinski
11 - "River's Dream" by Dan Dos Santos
Medium Surreal Paintings:
1 - "Nesting Daleks" by Lisa Rye
2 - "Staying Afloat" by Rachel Hames
3 - "Octotrooper" by Aaron Jasinski
4 - "Mr. Shark" by lora zombie
5-7 - EA/Maxis
8 - "Some variety" by Eduardo Garcia
9 - "The city of my dream" by Pisi
10 - "Llama" by Ali Gulec
11 - "Nebulae" by Cassidy Messinger
12 - "Afloat" by Christian Schloe
13 - "The Sleep of Reason" by Kevin Sloan
14 - "Underneath a Canopy" by Ricky Colson
15 - "there's no waiting for us." by N.S. David
Small Surreal Paintings:
1 - "Under the Water and Dreaming" by E. Barkley
2 - "Living off the Land" by mike b.
3 - "UNICORN SPACE CAT" by lora zombie
4 - "Butterfly Kisses" by Camilla dErrico
5 - "Poppies" by Irene Owens
6 - EA/Maxis
7 - "Hi Fidelity Head" by Aaron Jasinski
8 - "rooting for you" by monsieur-arlequin/michal
9 - "Madonna And Egg" by Ursula Vernon
10 - "Breathe" by Inga Mrazauskaite
11 - "Don't Leave Me Now" by Delawer Omar
12 - Through a Lone, Winding Road by Tran Nguyen
Large Pop Art Paintings:
1-4 - EA/Maxis
5 - "Through the Clouds" by Jay Fleck
6 - "The Voyage" by Danny Haas
7 - "Star Trek" by Ale Giorgini
8 - "Scarlet Witch" by Kevin Wada
9 - "Jedi/pilot" by Ray-Ann Sagun
10 - "SAMUS" by Chrissie Zullo
12 - "Burial at Sea" by Vivian Ng
Medium Pop Art Paintings:
1- "Batty Beauties - Catwoman" by Kathryn Hudson
2 - EA/Maxis
3 - Kittens! by Jay Fleck
4 - "you got the no face mask!" by Louis Roskosch
5 - "Adventure in the Great Wide Somewhere" by Karen Hallion
6 - EA/Maxis
7 - "Tripping in the Mushroom Kingdom" by Jack Teagle
8 - "A Little Westros Goldenbook" by Ravenno
9 - "Searching for Adventure!!" by Caleb Thomas
10 - "Breaking bad" by Lydia Dick
11 - "Empire" by Yvan Quinet
Small Pop Art Paintings:
1-3 - EA/Maxis
4 - "Just Keep Swimming" by Jay Fleck
5 - "Portal tribute 01" by Rob James
6 - "Shiny and Blue" by Karen Hallion
7 - "Dr. Zoidberg" by Bill Pyle
8 - "Venonat" by Teagan White
9 - "WHO'S THERE?" by Justin Currie
11 - "BREAKING BAD Cooking Version" by Simone Morana Cyla
12 - "The Legend..." by Adam Rufino
13 - "Rajah and Jasmine" by Kathryn Hudson
14 - "Mario - Toad" by Piper Thibodeau
Large Impressionist Paintings:
1-3 - EA/Maxis
4 - "Probe Droid" by Dave Seguin
5 - "Color Hurricane" by RHADS/Artyom
6 - "Zelda" by Aditya Ikranegara
7 - "Ariel's_treasures" by lehuss/antony
8 - "Howl's" by Roberto Nieto
9 - "N7 VII" by muju
10 - "The Time Job - Firefly + Doctor Who" by John Sumrow
11 - "Fireheart" by Alice X. Zhang
Medium Impressionist Paintings:
1-4 - EA/Maxis
5 - "Wall-E & Eve" by ElvisTR
6 - "Robot Digital Impressionism" by Marta de Andrés
7 - "Starry Night Over Cardiff Bay" by kuiwi
8 - "auxiliary power" by David Müller
9 - "Viking ship" by Dave Seguin
10 - "The Lights" by Alice X. Zhang
11 - "Rocket" by Wisesnail
12 - "The Mountain and the Viper Denial Version" by Therealmcgee
13 - "And Back Again" by Ari Suonpää
14 - "Impression Kaiju" by Hillary White
15 - "hiccup & toothless" by Mao A Bbestia
Small Impressionist Paintings:
1 - EA/Maxis
2 - "The Grass Starters" by purplekecleon/Mel
3 - "Emotional" by Marta de Andrés
4 - "Crouching Ezio" by Wisesnail
5 - "Mario" by Ronan Lynam
6-10 - EA/Maxis
11 - "Faron Woods" by Gondalier/Christa
12 - "Optimus Prime With Sunflower" by Hillary White
13 - "10TH and Rose Tyler - Doctor Who" by Kana Hyde
14 - ":The Bear and the Bow:" by lehuss/antony
15 - "Elizabeth" by Chelsea O.
16 - "The Prince of Asgard" by Alice X. Zhang
17 - "Ned 001" by RedPandaDee
Large Classic Paintings:
1-4 - EA/Maxis
5 - "A Terrible Fate" by Jessica Smith
6 - "Return of the King" by Matt Ferguson
7 - "Serenity: Leaves on the Wind #1" by Dan Dos Santos
8 - "Rapunzel" by Heather Theurer
9 - "Bill Murray" by replaceface/George Dawe
10 - Mhysa by Inna Vjuzhanina
11 - "Garrus" by Sean Donaldson
Medium Classic Paintings:
1-3 - EA/Maxis
4 - "Dino Rodeo" by Terry Fan
5 - "A pretty little talking bird." by Alice X. Zhang
6 - "Easy Being Green, It's Not" - Peter de Sève
7 - "THE MARTIAN" by Artyom/Rhads
8 - EA/Maxis
9 - "La fille du feu" by Megan Lara
10 - "Sea Breeze" by Christian Schloe
11 - "Zelda OoT: Link and Malon" by AlineMendes
12 - "September" by Eric Joyner
13 - "Mass Effect: Tali'Zorah" by Sarrah Wilkinson
Small Classic Paintings:
1 - "Dancing Baby Groot" by Super-kip/Thessa
2 - "Still Waiting" by Koenigskupfer
3-5 - EA/Maxis
6 - "Gallifrey" by Flane-kanja
7 - "Dustmumkay" by Aaron Jasinski
8 - "Toothless" by Alice X. Zhang
9 - "Hyrule Forest" by Qing Han
10 - "Rose Red" by Dan Dos Santos
11 - "Rhino" by Animal Crew/Tim
12 - "Mr Bubbles strolling" by Tyler Edlin
13 - EA/Maxis
14 - "I WILL fit in this box" by Hillary Luetkemeyerr
Large Abstract Paintings:
1 - "Tribal Gathering" by rambleonrob
2 - EA/Maxis
3 - "New life" by Markus pitkänen
4-6 - EA/Maxis
7 - "under ether" by zeruch
8 - 9 - EA/Maxis
10 - "Wake up Honey" by Cleo Lant
11 - EA/Maxis
12 - "stroke" by alterlier
13 - "Flickering Forest" by Katrina Schaman
14 - "Faded Perception" by Jason Krahn
15 - "Comet pull" by Sandra Trubin
16 - "Img 4782-1-4" by Heather Howell
Medium Abstract Paintings:
1-2 - EA/Maxis
4 - "Conquering Turmoil" by ruthie
5 - "Colourful Fluid Painting 55" by Mark Chadwick
6 - "ferdoz" by remnanceofplen
7 - EA/Maxis
8 - "Handmade 6-b" by Vlad Gusev
9 - EA/Maxis
10 - "Le Repos" by Clara
11 - "The Reawakening2" by Danny O'Connor
12 - "Smoothie" by Amytea
13 - "Colors Over Time 1" by Sandra Trubin
14 - "Blue Evening" by Gérard Mursic
15 - "Epiphany" by Gregory Tapper
Small Abstract Paintings:
1-3 - EA/Maxis
4 - "Circles #8" by Julian Wehrmann
5 - "Major fqup" by Markus pitkänen
6 - "I See YOU #1" by Sean Finegan
7 - "Circuit Board" by Curtis MacDonald
8 - "Melted Crayon" by awesomesocks1995
9-10 - EA/Maxis
11 - "Profumo" by Matteo Assina
12 - "Swirls in Progress" by Amytea
13-14 - EA/Maxis
15 - "Transitory Analgesia" by Scott
16 - "Abstract 8841901 2" by Pol Ledent
17 - "Abstract Circuit II" by Jennifer Lyn Pavia
18 - "Self" by Cassidy Messinger
19 - "After the Rain" by Matteo Cassina
20 - "225-HIGH-TECK" by jean-humbert savoldelli
Large Realism Paintings:
1-3 - EA/Maxis
4 - "Stay Classy" by Jordan Soliz
5 - "Comptine d'Un Autre Été" by Brad Collins
6 - "Liara" by Paul Grant
7 - "La Belle et la Bete - Beauty and the Beast" by Mominur Rahman
8 - "Sir Oscar Grouch" by Hillary White
9-10 - EA/Maxis
11 - "new work for neverwinterOL" by rogner5th/Su
12 - "Mystique" by jasric
13 - "Thranduil" by tillieke
14 - "Man Inside" by Sam Spratt
15 - "Betty" by Isabella Morawetz
Medium Realism Paintings:
1 - EA/MAxis
2 - "Professor Alf" by Hillary White
3 - "In the Morning" by Alice X. Zhang
4 - "Gandalf" - The Fellowship of the Ring by CLASSICS
5 - "Suburbia" by David Irvine
6-7 - EA/MAxis
8 - "Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Red 5" by Anthony Foti
9 - "I will rule" by Fernanda Suarez
10 - "Snorlax" by Felipe Escobar Bravo
11 - "They're Coming" by Ashley Walters
12 - "The Road" by Euclase
13 - EA/Maxis
14 - "Princess Mononoke" by sakimi chan
15 - "Best Friends" by Isabella Morawetz
16 - "Link" by Dudu Torres
17 - "AT-AT Among the Sierra Nevada" by Oliver Wetter
18 - "John and Mary" by tillieke
Small Realism Paintings:
1-5 - EA/Maxis
6 - "Hnnghman" by Hillary White
7 - "THE HEISENBERGS" by Brian DeYoung
8 - "Realistic Swampert" by Twarda8
9 - "Abandoned Iron Giant At Lake In Swiss Mountains" by Oliver Wetter
10 - "Captain America" by jasric
11 - "What would I give" by Fernanda Suarez
12 - "Tyrion" by Fernanda Suarez
13 - "April O'Neil" by David Rapoza
14 - "The Consulting Detective" by tillieke
15 - "Star Wars: TCG - Yoda" by Anthony Foti
Large Surreal Paintings
00B2D882 - 3C4BD435CF4307D
00B2D882 - A5CA33954AE24DF
00B2D882 - 14DDA891F6837BBE
00B2D882 - 2460FD3938C04153
00B2D882 - 267CF373351A9087
00B2D882 - 2B63FF96A681E896
00B2D882 - 52F63C8ADCC50F97
00B2D882 - 8A22B444E3A1B7B0
00B2D882 - 90C8E676C8A70CD7
00B2D882 - 970F18D4D5E99E59
00B2D882 - F1EDB8C28A182678
Medium Surreal Paintings
00B2D882 - 03A8C489296827BF
00B2D882 - 099B6F59F1AD151C
00B2D882 - 0D256E7353FA0934
00B2D882 - 3697DDFA56F9938C
00B2D882 - 5AD957AADA36F3B5
00B2D882 - 8663AD149FF257C5
00B2D882 - 95ACF567919B7B93
00B2D882 - A7BF36FE9D9EE7C5
00B2D882 - BD92DD2D4492C6BE
00B2D882 - C76F6C4787ABA05B
00B2D882 - D315CC002E70E7C8
00B2D882 - D966D47979F817AD
00B2D882 - E7488276DCC7CA5D
00B2D882 - F4960ECAD410DBDC
00B2D882 - F520FA5FCC1F0EA5
Small Surreal Paintings
00B2D882 - 00C38D7A9E982621
00B2D882 - 031464FC70B76220
00B2D882 - 6CE405273535C3C6
00B2D882 - A7E219C91DD7F809
00B2D882 - ABFA5CC5447F8644
00B2D882 - C15D8EFC53E20C55
00B2D882 - C3E4EEC395E484AB
00B2D882 - C801C30D76862657
00B2D882 - CEB9BCE6E2F5B4EF
00B2D882 - DC7A60FDDFE62D05
00B2D882 - E764144E4A36CBD9
00B2D882 - EE57D127C09B5765
Large Abstract Paintings
00B2D882 - 24AC04F038E3836C
00B2D882 - 2C50A999FAF1EAF9
00B2D882 - 33862E2794F7FC60
00B2D882 - 360350971E09B289
00B2D882 - 3BE4AC78FDBA6DD6
00B2D882 - 769B0C65F4B0121E
00B2D882 - 7EFB4A64A0EC02C6
00B2D882 - 83D9010FD26167D4
00B2D882 - B5144C54BC313C0C
00B2D882 - BDEAAA4FC4E725C4
00B2D882 - CC5192F1999D1137
00B2D882 - D096507C94FB2361
00B2D882 - D5D339E78FCFB3CB
00B2D882 - D71938EA2E92DFD0
00B2D882 - E1C199D22B3D2216
00B2D882 - E2DBA1BC5FB8C95A
Medium Abstract Paintings
00B2D882 - 01B8E7602E970928
00B2D882 - 0CA1D801F6278669
00B2D882 - 0F3F610A081ABFC9
00B2D882 - 130DA592B6F18659
00B2D882 - 3AD939E54600C34A
00B2D882 - 3ED76941E0338688
00B2D882 - 58AA9DAD26AFBEC1
00B2D882 - 5ADD98159B3474CF
00B2D882 - 69654AD9D9C379EA
00B2D882 - 6BC167ACCEAEAEB9
00B2D882 - 7535F292F3E4BAD8
00B2D882 - BD047727C6203F9B
00B2D882 - C9242C1F23490445
00B2D882 - F0222BDAF676737F
00B2D882 - F11FDF61F9AA4CC4
Small Abstract Paintings
00B2D882 - 0A19CD2E947B286E
00B2D882 - 13146885CF565C83
00B2D882 - 245727CD7CA32448
00B2D882 - 28CB5A29736D5446
00B2D882 - 314D36AC811BA85D
00B2D882 - 411279BE9840192F
00B2D882 - 4B9893608BE7D674
00B2D882 - 517B17E4E82E22C0
00B2D882 - 58D69CAE0F6D98DE
00B2D882 - 59F3EB9A964E10DE
00B2D882 - 601EB1CAC6CB19E7
00B2D882 - 655F30FC8694CC11
00B2D882 - 6C5080CC4928940E
00B2D882 - 6CD17E6E9049D604
00B2D882 - 884D80F5A90F9F8F
00B2D882 - 9B262131E5FB0309
00B2D882 - AB05A6199549E69A
00B2D882 - D4630AA9C90CB931
00B2D882 - D82C4B7A4ED56027
00B2D882 - E61BC66014A7EE07
Confident Paintings
00B2D882 - 0B7E83743E23298B
00B2D882 - 681C79978A47EE06
00B2D882 - 7A03CED027FF1E57
00B2D882 - 806DA9DA8F83CB7B
00B2D882 - 8613D930D813B4F8
00B2D882 - A4C2D135CE53C127
00B2D882 - A57E749DAA030F1C
00B2D882 - D2EABC326781578F
00B2D882 - F241AB672735DE5C
Angry Paintings
00B2D882 - 05712165f32c3900
00B2D882 - 07e4ece01f26d791
00B2D882 - 123a51b05a68f22a
00B2D882 - 1ce52428f3b76ac0
00B2D882 - 3e11da847c0264fd
00B2D882 - 281b956627d1e429
00B2D882 - 318f78cb2de6bd6d
00B2D882 - 3E11DA847C0264FD
00B2D882 - 570df009841ec681
00B2D882 - c1cbf8623368d9b7
00B2D882 - f4dc23696522c45b
00B2D882 - c4add5c500e812c9
Sad Paintings
00B2D882 - 0B6A6FF4B25A294D
00B2D882 - 318F846BA6BDC84B
00B2D882 - 3E900568F744A9A3
00B2D882 - 4A9084DD65CEB5EC
00B2D882 - 720D46EE62F29481
00B2D882 - 7B6F2E6F23AE0D34
00B2D882 - 7D1E40A98A124B51
00B2D882 - C2FEA4470F065FD6
00B2D882 - DCF609FC96CE550F
00B2D882 - F264495A91B500D5
00B2D882 - F66E2D924BF2698E
Playful Paintings
00B2D882 - 1abd80b2fe487bbc
00B2D882 - 5517032f4c1191ff
00B2D882 - 5a3b55d3a3dacdb0
00B2D882 - 6579a504e772703b
00B2D882 - 868f7f6209e60f5f
00B2D882 - ab7758d1c074ba8d
00B2D882 - b5c710e21b39e569
00B2D882 - c14492571dff3678
00B2D882 - ca4c246e7f8faf99
00B2D882 - E89A67A75C35BD1E
00B2D882 - F5C2D1818119D060
Flirty Paintings
00B2D882 - 00394BB15CF435DF
00B2D882 - 22C11B02ACA1493A
00B2D882 - 34150FA2EF016537
00B2D882 - 55C54E2C3C988542
00B2D882 - 6A4304D87B08FB57
00B2D882 - 75D2846166442D2B
00B2D882 - 9DD199EC3606C547
00B2D882 - C06CEBEC6E5088F7
00B2D882 - D4D573C185F1896F
00B2D882 - DA236859CDCEA3C0
00B2D882 - E905B890826C4FF7
Focus Paintings
00B2D882 - 2758441037294D6A
00B2D882 - 79BC24C7CEE2D10E
00B2D882 - F24B9041FFA0396F
Large Pop Art Paintings
00B2D882 - 0FD15B7B99963183
00B2D882 - 4A7B532037A15B96
00B2D882 - 7288D5E7CD96F2BB
00B2D882 - A17185D30BE4F368
00B2D882 - B80E6E3633AD094D
00B2D882 - BD9DF478B64CB0E4
00B2D882 - FADA688429B08A1D
00B2D882 - 8A22B444E3A1B7B0
00B2D882 - E7498BC907C7D5BA
00B2D882 - AF44BE624C4BC678
00B2D882 - 31C5ED375973EBED
00B2D882 - AD024B0DD9855918
00B2D882 - 5C08463F56028381
Medium Pop Art Paintings
00B2D882 - 1B8940ABB9BDC1B8
00B2D882 - 545B91BFDA31C9B3
00B2D882 - 5D4D19729CE4A36D
00B2D882 - 7C2496E22C48ABE2
00B2D882 - 92EE17BD2C6847A6
00B2D882 - C2140197C803D4FE
00B2D882 - EB2DABBAE7E9C6D0
00B2D882 - A7BF36FE9D9EE7C5
00B2D882 - 7391C79D7D8F4248
00B2D882 - C24E4768CA0B8D6C
00B2D882 - 29B9581967D30AAB
00B2D882 - 84040189CCE9B35F
Small Pop Art Paintings
00B2D882 - F4602514591CE6BF
00B2D882 - 497B68DCF1BD27F4
00B2D882 - 6BEAB207BFE98740
00B2D882 - 7042E410E9019129
00B2D882 - 8586C3C517A9AB88
00B2D882 - 86E32418D7863A52
00B2D882 - 8D241859463FF120
00B2D882 - 9C6A6F5492BCEEE9
00B2D882 - CEC80BE1CB44A153
00B2D882 - E09ED2905BAF03B2
00B2D882 - E5BDF22464A26281
00B2D882 - F7895414AFF27BD7
00B2D882 - 0584DE30447B0476
00B2D882 - 38B2882123EB7A3A
Large Impressionist Paintings
00B2D882 - 04DECF5E32C3EF2B
00B2D882 - 1164421827C68376
00B2D882 - 1B53704700D3D857
00B2D882 - 31EB0D6E2FF08883
00B2D882 - 3A5D3FB0B4FFDE73
00B2D882 - 3AD9B93DE75BDFA9
00B2D882 - 3F2AC09940BB3B90
00B2D882 - 5A3A96E60D42E7C4
00B2D882 - BB60E755F41BE3A0
00B2D882 - D5B593BE7E6C6D8A
00B2D882 - E0A5EFDD8617CB8F
00B2D882 - F3A5EF33AFB389D2
Medium Impressionist Paintings
00B2D882 - 0F83C4A22068EDF2
00B2D882 - 15D85FCF903CC393
00B2D882 - 1A178B7E1CF735F7
00B2D882 - 29F0B6B4A213EAB1
00B2D882 - 5733490136BB69CB
00B2D882 - 5A4D2F8DC937D786
00B2D882 - 64234FC8AB6DBEFB
00B2D882 - 6575BA3AD8B25057
00B2D882 - 8D852D7B69987C9E
00B2D882 - 92B28AA67364FC2A
00B2D882 - D50CB2666637AEDF
00B2D882 - D966D47979F817AD
00B2D882 - D650C364686D8A2A
00B2D882 - E46E1683166488E1
00B2D882 - F21929014ADF619E
Small Impressionist Paintings
00B2D882 - 1EE90BDF54BF8594
00B2D882 - 27253735A5601F6F
00B2D882 - 58B85253DF23A993
00B2D882 - 5A6CC2496ECAC561
00B2D882 - 8139B6EBCB115C79
00B2D882 - 82C31C09940F21C5
00B2D882 - 88047CDCC7065AEA
00B2D882 - 8B6062792A7325D0
00B2D882 - 9BE422C5631644E1
00B2D882 - B1F80C3B5246CBEE
00B2D882 - B8AD0A34DC9C6653
00B2D882 - BDA66A448D830E1E
00B2D882 - C2A0ACA9E06DF231
00B2D882 - D560F3DEA84B3659
00B2D882 - E21BA9B61BA9BFC3
00B2D882 - E4B3BA86FC50ADE4
00B2D882 - E92288490CC724B6
Large Classic Paintings
00B2D882 - 2CE859515DA14094
00B2D882 - 3C16F8689914C9F3
00B2D882 - 3C6C543981F6573E
00B2D882 - 5DB4A9177299E458
00B2D882 - 663623B083A20F86
00B2D882 - 674DCEAFAB90FDA6
00B2D882 - 902CBD234E8EBA77
00B2D882 - 9D6509C9BEB8B4EA
00B2D882 - DC16F75132E3A740
00B2D882 - ED9AC476D04C5C14
00B2D882 - FE875141A020277F
Medium Classic Paintings
00B2D882 - 06A064D5C1DCF483
00B2D882 - 0E909F1A05F55B0F
00B2D882 - 100FDA3C4D273EE7
00B2D882 - 18B74037DBE8C333
00B2D882 - 1F0C6CBA8120352D
00B2D882 - 6486EF7ED6D40AB3
00B2D882 - 6EDC4F79722376A4
00B2D882 - 91433E2C13DB7717
00B2D882 - C4FA01B7DD733B02
00B2D882 - D22E146D5D842DF9
00B2D882 - E6AA26F0D57EC87C
00B2D882 - F5DA7A82F7619DFE
00B2D882 - FE62552B3C5987E2
Small Classic Paintings
00B2D882 - 0D8D365ED5BF0988
00B2D882 - 28B9B4F54864FFA2
00B2D882 - 4CA7EF541C3723D6
00B2D882 - 5A79185FCA2080D9
00B2D882 - 614E1EF44996E951
00B2D882 - 6913EF4553A4AC3D
00B2D882 - 7120C244A2260518
00B2D882 - 806DA3B3E175E8C8
00B2D882 - 82AAED7C7F8BD266
00B2D882 - 87A066C239101758
00B2D882 - 947E725C694691EB
00B2D882 - 9A5E49786CF60734
00B2D882 - B8B707202F633277
00B2D882 - F6CB4CFD4AD092FC
Large Realism Paintings
00B2D882 - 0A566F3E3B1FD52F
00B2D882 - 159C438A243D142B
00B2D882 - 50E99018C2C40DAD
00B2D882 - 69B3FDDCD0FDE3BF
00B2D882 - 7A666FC4ED1A4AAF
00B2D882 - AD86B8FFDE9E3CB4
00B2D882 - B26EEF059E8D7DEC
00B2D882 - C18A3035C9F19CCB
00B2D882 - CF5C0980BB8E78C7
00B2D882 - D1FB9E73E9D82264
00B2D882 - D59291EBE14C1879
00B2D882 - D9356BD385D8F068
00B2D882 - E353EA5E84B3B4FA
00B2D882 - F5616D0AE25DEE75
00B2D882 - F6A44EAF206928B6
Medium Realism Paintings
00B2D882 - 09FC58AB98887CA5
00B2D882 - 1F067774233E26E5
00B2D882 - 26089D47D4A9E163
00B2D882 - 2C09DDC19644703A
00B2D882 - 4D0BA4660AB0ADD5
00B2D882 - 4D91963EC475ED77
00B2D882 - 5B40415B4896116D
00B2D882 - 6652ABFC53C3F67D
00B2D882 - 7574FE8F674ACA6A
00B2D882 - 79979C7DF39DDC41
00B2D882 - 8A3FF27CD967D77C
00B2D882 - 9516DC0092A51DF1
00B2D882 - 9AEBBCAED0B1C914
00B2D882 - B67721F39456693C
00B2D882 - ED44B16D38AEC29E
00B2D882 - F39E7A75125D0668
00B2D882 - FE8518B3E4A5B4DC
00B2D882 - FFE01B062363971C
Small Realism Paintings
00B2D882 - 014F9861CD72DF1D
00B2D882 - 014F9861CD72DF1E
00B2D882 - 01DD83A156B51AA5
00B2D882 - 10B76851A753DA42
00B2D882 - 1C8AD08714DFBBF1
00B2D882 - 1C8AD08714DFBBF2
00B2D882 - 27E6844C01E7577C
00B2D882 - 3816B3F3563B02C9
00B2D882 - 47635C02FBC46239
00B2D882 - 55BE17A0D086F0CE
00B2D882 - 8D72FC9DB175C577
00B2D882 - 985DBDCE436D5A7D
00B2D882 - 9DB1EDAD9A2FF1B1
00B2D882 - A626713B8C5CB71C
00B2D882 - C78FEF5A44003F43
Additional Credits:
Created with the use of s4pe by Kuree and Sims4Group, & Sims4 XML Extractor by velocitygrass
Uploaded: 2nd May 2015, 3.22 MB.
Uploaded: 2nd May 2015, 3.88 MB.
Uploaded: 2nd May 2015, 2.64 MB.
Uploaded: 2nd May 2015, 3.52 MB.
Uploaded: 2nd May 2015, 3.96 MB.
Uploaded: 2nd May 2015, 3.06 MB.
Uploaded: 2nd May 2015, 4.21 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
Read the upload description for installation instructions. If nothing else is specified, do the following:
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) into your Mods folder
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
- Mod still not working? Make sure you have script mods enabled
Loading comments, please wait...
by IceM 14th Nov 2014 at 3:05am
10 33.2k 54
by DaisyTighfield updated 21st Apr 2015 at 10:57pm
31 53.5k 255
by DaisyTighfield 24th Feb 2015 at 3:05pm
16 29.8k 149
by DaisyTighfield 14th Mar 2015 at 6:46pm
18 34.4k 143
by DaisyTighfield 12th Apr 2015 at 5:47am
11 23.5k 97
New Art Collection for easel with Stilllife paintings (Famous proof)
by Havem updated 4th Mar 2018 at 12:57am
12 25.3k 58
New Art Collection for easel with Becket-Griffith paintings (Famous proof)
by Havem 20th Mar 2018 at 1:58pm
17 34.4k 73
by iSandor 20th Feb 2019 at 7:24pm
4 5.9k 34
91 Additional easel paintings - Leonid Afremov Picture Collection!
by ICEMAN 2nd Jul 2021 at 7:07pm
28 12.4k 63
Testers Wanted:*Updated: Now EP Ready!* Assorted Movie Poster Requests
by DaisyTighfield 28th Jan 2005 at 6:56pm
Hey, I thought I'd give Cronos a bit of a break and fill a bunch of the movie poster requests more...
17 10.9k 3
by DaisyTighfield updated 21st Apr 2015 at 10:57pm
Texture overrides for the emotional paintings made by sims. more...
31 53.6k 255
by DaisyTighfield 12th Apr 2015 at 5:47am
Replacement texture mod for the paintings in the "Pop Art" category on the easel. more...
11 23.6k 97
More Sim Realism Movie Posters!
by DaisyTighfield 22nd Dec 2005 at 2:37am
I got such an enthusiastic response for the last batch that I just had to make more. more...
36 16.9k 7
Sim Realism Movie Posters -- Compatable with Base Game!
by DaisyTighfield 3rd Jan 2006 at 10:55pm
That's right, I did a reinstall of SimPE, and now am able to recolour the paintings from the original game more...
170 106.8k 113
by DaisyTighfield 21st Mar 2015 at 2:11am
Replacement texture mod for the paintings in the "Surrealism" category on the easel. more...
17 28.9k 136
Testers Welcome: Assorted Gainsborogh Portraits
by DaisyTighfield 4th Feb 2005 at 5:46am
Here are some very classy portraits that I made by request. more...
6 11k 1
by DaisyTighfield 14th Mar 2015 at 6:46pm
Replacement texture mod for the paintings in the "Classic" category on the easel. more...
18 34.5k 143
by DaisyTighfield 19th Dec 2005 at 7:17am
The sim realisim craze continues! more...
+2 packs
Even More Sim Realism Movie Posters!
by DaisyTighfield 23rd Dec 2005 at 7:32pm
You asked for them and here they are, an even more complex bunch of Sim Realism posters for your Sims' more...
+2 packs