Now I made Recolors of the Numica Table and two different chairs matching my
Recolors of the Krampft Counter.
Because the colors I used for it came from other furniture and appliances, you will find other suitable combinations.
I hope, you'll like this.
Catalogue Info:
NuMica Allinall Card Table (BG): Surfaces//Tables//Price: 95 §
PatioPlastics Dining Chair (BG): Comfort//Dining Chairs//Price: 80 §
Hipster Metal Chair by Big Daddy (NL): Comfort//Dining Chairs/Price: 350 §
Please Notice, that the chairs in the last line on the picture below need Nightlife.
The 2x1 table in the picture below is made by
CTNutmegger and can be downloaded from
It takes all Recolors from the Numica-Table. This could make the recolors even more useful for you. There is also a 3x1 table.
Additional Credits:
CEP -,
Maxis/EA Games for all textures I used.
CTNutmegger for the useful Table
HugeLunatic for showing me CTNutmegger's Tables
This is a Maxis Recolour which means that it is a recolour of an item that already exists in your game. Please check the Pack requirements to see which game pack it recolours.
This custom content if it is not clothing, may require a seperate download to work properly. This is available at Colour Enable Package (CEP) by Numenor.
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