[TESTING] Child2Toddler2Baby v0.6
Child2Toddler2Baby_Preview.jpg - width=1024 height=768
c2pHug_WithAndWIthoutMod.jpg - width=1059 height=808
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BabyBottle.png - width=711 height=502
QUESTION: do child/toddler Sims use chat and peek aboo too much (and I mean over and over and over again)
with toddlers (and babies, for peek aboo)? I can put a cooldown on that like I did for hugs, if there's a need.
This is going to require long and tiring explanations, so let me have some fun before we get to business.
Previously on The Walking Toddler...SimToddler: I'm all grown up now, I can even walk. Imma go from here to there.And now stay tuned on MTS for the new episode of The Walking Toddler (SPOILERS AHEAD)
SimChild: That's impressive. I'll target you with one of my childish social interactions to celebrate your achievement.
SimBaby: LOL. No, you won't.
SimChild: Huh?
SimBaby: Go ahead, try it.
SimChild: Hey, don't give me that attitude!
SimBaby: Whatever dude. It's not gonna work.
SimChild: ...
SimChild: Hey, it's not working!
SimBaby: Told you.
SimToddler: Mwahahaha.
SimToddlers busts some dance moves.
SimToddler: [emphatically] Can't touch me!
SimToddler: So, just like last time, Imma walk like a boss from here to there...
SimToddler: ...Uncontested.
SimToddler smirks.
SimChild: [mumbling] Damn it... I really want to target SimToddler with an interaction...
SimChild: I mean no harm, really, a simple "play peek aboo" would do.
SimBaby: [whispering to SimChild] Hey, why don't you try again?
SimChild: Yeah, sure, so you can make fun of me, right?
SimChild: Gee, how did you became such a bitter person anyway. What are you, 7 hours old?
SimBaby: Look, you would be bitter too if you were sitting in your own poo for the last 2 days.
SimChild: Oh, that explains the smell, I though SimAdult was trying to cook a new recipe.
SimChild: All right, I get it. After I fail at targeting SimToddler I'll change your diaper thanks to a new mod.
SimChild: ...
SimChild: It works! Now I can target SimToddler even while she's walking.
SimToddler: Hey, that's not cool! Well... it kinda is actually...
Arsil, bored, uses Total Annihilation.
Quote: Originally posted by Igazor (fake quote)
NRaas Master Controller doesn't annihilate Sims. MC's users annihilate Sims.
Mod Info
Developed and tested on game version 1.67.
Note that this mod will likely contain bugs, annoyances and overall require more fine tuning.
Mod Overview
- Replaces existing interactions with fixed and enhanced versions. I'll call them ReMastered from now on.
- Adds 2 new soc interactions and 1 new terrain interaction (this is a bit off-topic with the rest of the features of the mod).
- Replaces an existing (allegedly) unused object with a buyable and interactive one.
- Optional (and disabled by default) overhaul of feeding and diapers changing.
There are the 4 social interactions that children can perform on toddlers using them as target:
- ToddlerHug
- PlayPeekAboo
- FeedOnFloor (when they give a baby bottle to grounded toddlers and they drink it on their own)
(Note that the last two can also be used by teen+ Sims)
Reminder: with few exceptions, Sims cannot target toddlers/babies from other households unless they have a good
relationship with their parents or guardians (simply being friend with a Child of that household will work too).
How have these interactions been fixed/enhanced overall?AUTONOMY
Of these four interactions, steal candy is the only one that works autonomously. This mod makes them all work
autonomously: The Family Oriented trait is recommended if you want a Child Sim to be more involved, but all
Sims should regardless (autonomy is a pretty complex matter for these kind of interactions). More about traits later.
Now children can also target toddlers who are currently walking. Let me explain...
All Sims are have a thing called Posture that is very important for deciding what they can do and what other Sims
can do to them. There are various postures, "Standing" is the default posture for all Sims: even for Pets (IIRC)
and toddlers crawling or sitting on the floor. When toddlers are walking, they are not using the "Standing" Posture
but the "WalkingToddler" Posture. The game only considered the "Standing" Posture as "ok" to let Children target
toddlers, but all my tests showed no problem in targeting walking ones (this led to my silly introduction story).
Now, my tests might not be conclusive, so I made this option tunable in case it backfires.
I've added a few trait checks to hopefully give a bit of variety and different behaviours to all these interactions. More on traits later.
TUNABILITY (is that a word?)
In addition to the existing tuning (xml or ITUN), more things about the interactions can now be customized.
How has each single interaction been specifically enhanced?In addition to those 4 generic things, each interaction has been also (hopefully) enhanced.
Some feature custom animations made from scratch or adapted from existing ones. As usual, pity me.FeedOnFloorNow also works on babies. The animation sucks... I could apply some trigonometry (I had to brush up quite a bit) in order to have the baby facing the right direction, but that abrupt change isn't very visually appealing either and would interfere with objects such as the Baby Play Mat (part of the TS3 Store's Premium Item TitanicToyMachine, glitched AF by the way) and with other plans that I have.PlayPeekAboo
- Added a max durationStealCandy
- Added fun motive gain for both actor and target
- now toddlers can play with each other (peeeeta... aaah peeeta pa!)
- now children can play with babies
- now toddlers can play with babies
Here I've simply moved the check on the Evil trait from the code to the ITUN. So it can be removed or modified (IIRC you can use more than 1 tag to specify required traits, but I don't remember if that works as a logical AND or logical OR - i.e. all traits are required or just one).ToddlerHug
Note: parents and step parents can't steal candies from their own babies/toddlers.
Clipping fixed and now toddlers can hug toddlers (see screenshots). I may be wrong, but I don't think that ever worked in the game (and to think that a simple ITUN override mod would have enabled it). I couldn't believe it when I accidentally found those two CLIPs (p2p_soc_hug_x and p2p_soc_hug_y).
Let me tell you that fixing the clipping wasn't easy, until I got thebrillianttrivial idea to make both Sims take a step forward so they where at the right distance to not deform too much the animation.
Note that allowing this interaction to run autonomously isn't a bed of roses. I noticed that Sims kept hugging again and again, so I had to do something. I used a workaround and put a cooldown in sim-hours to allow a specific Sim to hug another specific Sim only every x hours (tunable). More on that in the AUTONOMY section below.
New Social Interactions
ChangeDiaperChildren can change the diaper to toddlers and babies (the animation is very simplified).Chat
Note: with this addition, Children can now take care of all toddlers needs (well, except for bladder and energy, but they can
be potty trained and I have something in mind about sleeping)
- Children can chat with toddlers who learned to talk
- Toddlers who learned to talk can chat with toddlers (1on1) who learned to talk. (sounds familiar? More on that later)
Hopefully I was able to avoid the "freezing" effect (when a Sim who stopped playing an animation freezes
until the animation played by the other Sim involved isn't over). I'm sure there's a better way to handle that
than the monstrous code I've concocted.
I took an existing but unused object (I made a default replacement, if you want)
and turned it into a functional one. Now you can buy the baby bottle from the BuyCatalog:
- ByRoom/Kitchen/SmallAppliances
- ByFunction/Appliances/Misc
- ByFunction/Kids/Misc
It has an interaction to pick it up (the broken version used by morsels that doesn't work depending on where the object is slotted)
and if toddlers have it in their inventory they will drink it when hungry. Note: may need specifying motive threshold on ITUN
to avoid drinking it while not particularly hungry, we'll see.
Maybe it's a godly or cheaty item, but, hey, it's not mandatory to use it!
Or maybe you are shocked that you have to pay for something that Sims usually pull out of their... pocket for free.
This thing too may remind you of another mod, more about that later.
See the Compatibility section below for more informations.
This is a big gameplay change, so I made it optional and disabled by default.
To activate it, edit the CONFIGURATION xml in the _Mod package with S3PE (or another package manager).
Its section is near the top, you can't miss it. I suggest to only put "true" to the main tag, unselectable Sims
shouldn't use the new system (maybe if you do an heavy rotational play it could make sense).
To avoid any confusion, the tag I'm talking about is:
- kBabyBottleNeededInInventoryToFeed
If you activate the feeding overhaul, 3 more existing interactions will be replaced: GiveBottle
(the one used on held babies), DrinkBottle (an auxiliary interaction used by other ones)
and HighChairBase.GiveBottle (self explanatory).
Sims will only be able to feed toddlers/babies if they have a baby bottle in their inventory.
As optional package in the 2nd comment (#3), I've put a ITUN override mod that disables the 2 interactions
that allow to create food out of thin air when a toddler is sitting on the HighChair. If you have a food
processor and leftovers in the fridge, you can still serve those.
NOTE: Activating the feeding overhaul will make it possible to use CC baby bottles. The animation
will use the object itself instead of using the prop (which clearly can only match the default baby bottle).
In the 2nd comment (#3) I've uploaded a red-blood recolored baby bottle, for vampires.
This is a big gameplay change, so I made it optional and disabled by default.
To activate it, edit the CONFIGURATION xml in the _Mod package with S3PE (or another package manager).
Its section is near the top, you can't miss it. I suggest to only put "true" to the main tag, unselectable Sims
shouldn't use the new system (maybe if you do an heavy rotational play it could make sense).
To avoid any confusion, the tag I'm talking about is:
- kDiaperNeededInInventoryToChangeDiaper
As you can easily guess, this is similar to the previous overhaul, but it is about changing diapers.
Activating this overhaul will replace the ChangeDiaper interaction used on held toddlers/babies.
In order to change a diaper, Sims will need a diaper (or a diapers' box) in their inventory.
I got permission from ATS3's Sandy to make Overrides of her objects. Since you will only need them
if you activate the overhaul, I've put links, files and instructions in the 3rd comment (#4).
You only need my package if you use the overhaul, but you may still want Sandy's objects as decor items.
Note: the mod supports any CC diaper, just use my scripts on your favourite objects
(it's probably a good idea to also set LiveDraggingEnabled to true in the ObjectTypeFlags of the OBJD).
Here's a overview of which traits influence which interactions and how. Hopefully I'm not forgetting anything.
Most of these settings are xml tunable, some can be completely turned off.
Note: these choices are based on my current selection of installed EPs, but I believe they are all available in the BaseGame.
I may have used improperly some traits for lack of more fitting ones.
Unless otherwise stated, these should work for toddlers and babies alike.
Absent Minded: can space out (use idle animations) during chat. Toddlers only.
Absent Minded: has difficulty maintaining eye contact during chat/peekAboo/feedOnFloor/ChangeDiaper. Toddlers only.
Coward: can get the Scared moodlet from peekAboo and getting their candy stolen.
Easily impressed and Excitable : can get the Excited moodlet by playing PeekAboo or getting their candy stolen.
Evil: less likely to use Hug. Required to use StealCandy. Child+ only.
Family Oriented: more likely to use hug/ChangeDiaper/FeedOnFloor/PeekAboo. Some are Child+ only, some are toddlers only.
Friendly: more likely to use Chat/PeekAboo (trait being used outside its original purpose). Toddlers and Children only.
Good: more likely to use Hug. Toddlers and Children only.
Grumpy: can "refuse" a Chat/PeekAboo/Hug. Toddlers only.
Insane: can leave randomly the current interaction (peekAboo/Chat) and throw a tantrum. Toddlers only.
--- I'm not fond of this and is probably being used outside its original purpose.
Loner: less likely to use: Chat/PeekAboo/Hug. Toddlers and Children only.
Neurotic: can get the Stressed moodlet by PeekAboo/Chat/StealCandy/Hug.
The autonomous use of these interactions clearly is one of the main points of the mod.
Like I said before, it's hard to find the right balance. And take into consideration that my gameplay
experience may have been biased because I mostly tested the mod in a "White Room" environment.
I even eliminated all teen+ Sims, leaving a Child to take care of various combinations of babies
and toddlers (a gameplay situation you'll never have usually).
The behaviour I've described above talking about the ToddlerHug interaction (using the same interaction
over and over again, despite having the Social motive full) might manifest itself also with Chat and
PlayPeekAboo and Chat (those are the most vulnerable, others have checks on the code to prevent,
for instance, to feed a baby who doesn't have buffs related to a low hunger motive).
This will require some testing. Keep an eye on it.
These social interactions are probably more advertised than the xml defined ones.
This is a bit technical, but I'd like to mention for those interested the LookAfterBabyOrToddler Motive
(Sims with the DislikeChildren trait have a variant version of that, less "generous").
This represent the main driving factor that urges Sims to take care of toddlers and babies.
Note: only teen+ Sims have that Motive, so for Children I had to introduce other driving factors,
(such as the Social motive - backed up by the hunger motive for safety - for FeedOnFloor) to push
children Sims to use some of these interactions.
Another potential problem is that, FeedOnFloor specifically, is also usable by teen+ and for them it
is already well advertised, so adding further drive to use it might be too much.
The hard-coded checks will prevent to use it autonomously when not necessary (same thing for
ChangeDiaper), but the strong advertising will still make Sims choose to try to use it.
Now, I'm probably overly pessimistic/cautious/catastrophic and this is not really a big deal, but it
still worries me. What about splitting the interaction in two, one for children and one for teen+,
so each can have its own InteractionTuning (and associated ITUN resources)? Overkill?
This is all experimental, we'll see how it works and how much stress it adds to the system to pick up
the more fitting interaction. Note that the system was stressed even without the mod: Children were
continuously trying to use some of those interactions, wasting "computational cycles" for nothing.
As a worst case scenario, if things gets really ugly and there's no fix: turning off autonomy for
the naughty interactions. They didn't work without the mod, so it won't be a big deal anyway.
I tried to make most of the things tunable, in some case I went to ridiculous details
while in others I may have missed something important.
You can check the CONFIGURATION xml resource inside the *_Mod .package and see for yourself what you can
do to make the mod work along your personal preferences. All the tags are self-explanatory and I've added plenty
of comments. One of the things you can do is restrict some of the more sensible interactions to just relatives or
members of the same household. I also made tunable some of the CLIPs used, but I don't really recommend to
change them. Oh, and if there something that you don't like, you can probably disable it altogether.
Compatible with Cherry's Toddler Interactions mod, but some of the features are overlapping (2 different chat
interactions, babybottle as real object drinkable if in inventory vs babybottle drinkable out of thin air with Genious
trait required), so you may want to turn off some of them as you see fit: from the ITUNs in Cherry's mod and from
the CONFIGURATION xml in mine.
Here's some of the differences with the Chat interaction from Cherry's mod:
- target too gains social motive
- check if target is sleeping
- no clipping (feet)
- milder (tunable anyway) LTR liking improvement (IIRC that is tunable in her/his mod too, but no XML is provided).
If you use daluved1's White Formula Default Replacement Bottle, see my first comment (#2) for an
optional package that replaces the default thumbnails (displayed while navigating the BuyCatalog
and when using an interaction targeting the bottle, i.e. pickUp and drink) of the baby bottle to show
a white liquid instead of green, so the actual object will match the prop used in the animations
(they are two separate OBJDs).
Note: the baby bottle is compatible with my Generic Food Maker (you have to define it as object,
not as beverage) using "BabyBottle" as name. See that mod for more details.
If you use my Chewing Gum mod, you can add the baby bottle (again, using "BabyBottle")
to the shopping list of the grocery-type Rabbit Holes. In the description of my Ketchup and Co. mod
you can find detailed instructions on how to do that (it's inside a spoiler tag/button).
This mod replaces the following resources (use Dashboard to check if you already have mods that override them):
GiveBottle 0x02D5DF13-0x00000000-0x5CFBBD2343A1FF62
CarryToddler 0x02D5DF13-0x00000000-0x3A83D6AF9C46553E
FeedOnFloor 0x0333406C-0x00000000-0xFF6BD9B7C19DE3AB
PlayPeekAboo 0x0333406C-0x00000000-0xFB1EAB19A7844284
ToddlerHug 0x0333406C-0x00000000-0x8E8102D1D07B7718
StealCandy 0x0333406C-0x00000000-0x9EDC6E1B03C81304
FeedOnFloor_Sim 0x03B33DDF-0x00000000-0x6751F82A109C925C
PlayPeekAboo 0x03B33DDF-0x00000000-0x91F764E00CE6B5F9
ToddlerHug_Sim 0x03B33DDF-0x00000000-0x20AE9AF5E0ECE649
StealCandy_Sim 0x03B33DDF-0x00000000-0x4B2D487C68E190C5
Additional Credits
All respective authors and contributors of the tools and tutorials for modding TS3.
MTS and all modders who made the game much more enjoyable.
icemunmun for helping in my time of need.
21 June 2017
- The DrinkBottle interaction's name is now displayed correctly.
- Now toddlers can't drink a bottle in their inventory if they are in a high chair, crib, walker, etc, basically when they are not on the ground, except when they are held by another Sim. In those cases, the interaction was added to the queue, remained hidden, and was executed only when the toddler got back on the ground. While this wasn't properly a bad thing, it might be confusing for the player and overall undesired: maybe another Sim fed the toddler in the meantime and the bottle in their inventory is drank when the hunger need is already full.
- Toddlers with a babybottle in their inventory might autonomously queue the interaction to drink it while or after another Sim is using the interaction to feed them, thus ending up wasting their babybottle (drinking it when no longer hungry). To prevent that, before drinking the babybottle in their inventory, I've added a check on the hunger motive: if it is already >= 0 (half of the bar is filled) the interaction ends. This only happens if the interaction was used autonomously.
27 April 2017 : Now, even with the new feeding system disabled, the baby bottle itself will be used
instead of the prop when toddlers use the drink interaction on bottles in their inventory. All other
interactions, for obvious reasons, require the feeding overhaul enabled to do that.
26 April 2017 : Minor tweaks to the autonomy of the ChangeDiaper (on held babies/toddlers),
feeding held babies and giving bottle to toddlers on HighChair interactions (if the related overhaul is enabled)
25 April 2017 : Added checks on the snow level to prevent the use of some interactions on babies
(even if they were pretty hilarious to watch)
24 April 2017
- BugFix for the Drink interaction of the Baby Bottle
- Added routing flag to the footprint of the baby bottle, so Sims won't trample it when it's on the ground.
23 April 2017 : BugFix: now the FeedOnFloor interaction works even with feeding overhaul disabled.
21 April 2017 : Major Update, version 0.6 (Codename "Welcome to BugVille: Population Unknown")
- BugFix: teens and older Sims can now use FeedOnFloor again (as they can do w/o the mod)
with toddlers on crib or held by someone- BugFix: FeedOnFloor no longer available (it didn't worked, of course) when toddlers are on HighChair (whooops!)
- Note: I've noticed that the BabyBottle was actually an used object by the game, it is used by the HighChair interaction.
The good news is that my changes didn't cause any trouble. *sigh of relief*- Feeding and Diaper Changing Overhaul (see updated description for more details)
This is a big gameplay change, so I made it optional and disabled by default.
To activate it, edit the CONFIGURATION xml in the _Mod package with S3PE (or another package manager).
Its section is near the top, you can't miss it. I suggest to only put "true" to the main tag of each, unselectable
Sims shouldn't use the new system (maybe if you do an heavy rotational play it could make sense).
To avoid any confusion, the 2 tags I'm talking about are:
- kBabyBottleNeededInInventoryToFeed
- kDiaperNeededInInventoryToChangeDiaper
19 April 2017 : Removed PlayOnPuddle (moved to another mod)
12 April 2017 : First Beta Release, version 0.5 (Codename "Premature Uploadation")
--- Last minute fix: Baby Bottle made deletable/clonable by handtool while in Buy/Build Mode.
Uploaded: 21st Jun 2017, 339.8 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 16th Jun 2019 at 4:28 PM by Tashiketh
#child, #children, #toddler, #toddlers, #baby, #babies, #interactions, #social interactions, #change diaper, #feed, #baby bottle, #hug, #hugging
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