Plumbob Nursery Set - Baby Pack 1 Part 1
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Plumbob Mobile with Glow On
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Plumbob Mobile with Glow Off
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Baby Monitor
Screaming baby wakes up parents
We thought a baby monitor should be able to help parents monitor baby, not just needs but also the classic hear the baby screaming. And rather than reinvent the wheel, we decided to re-use Inge's intercom/baby alarm from simlogical (original found here). Thank you Inge for the generous policy allowing us to continue building on your work.
The baby monitor consists of one transmitter that you put in the nursery, and a receiver that you put in the parents room. If turned on, the receiver will wake up parents if the baby wakes up and starts screaming. As per Inge's original code, there's only one channel so if you have multiple objects placed on the lot all receivers will react to sound from any transmitter you've placed. So if you have more than one nursery, you can put a transmitter in each one and both of them will send signals to the one receiver you've placed elsewhere.
Check baby needs
The baby monitor has a pie menu option that if selected brings up a dialog listing the exact motives of the chosen baby. Thank you Pescado for the original coding!
Scan baby needs
Rebecah at AffinitySims has a baby monitor that scans baby needs and notifies the player when the baby needs attention (part of her lullabies TS3 conversion set, found here). It's a great idea to have it scan motives and help the player out, but we didn't like her approach with pop up boxes so we decided to take inspiration from her idea but write our own code using dialogs instead. There are two versions, detailed scan and generic scan. Both are optional. Object will only scan if you turn on the function. If enabled, it will check all babies present on the lot every 30 minutes and use dialogs to notify you if there is a baby that is in need of care. The detailed scan will check the baby's energy, hunger, social and diaper status, and notify you which one needs fixing. It does not check bladder or hygiene, it checks if the diaper is soiled. The generic scan checks the same things, but doesn't tell you which motive it is that needs fixing, just that the baby needs attention.
Pregnancy bump fix
If you play with extended pregnancies or short rotations and you visit a lot of community lots, you've probably experienced the problem with pregnant ladies in the background suddenly sporting a third trimester bump even though they are only in second trimester. It's possible to fix it in SimPE, but closing the game just to fix that is rather annoying. No more! I found the relevant flag and created pie menu options that lets you set which bump the Sim should be showing, from inside the game. You can choose between first, second and third trimester. Note that this will not make the Sim pregnant, it only controls the visual.
So in summary this object can scan baby needs automatically in the background, show baby needs, wake up parents and fix pregnancy bumps. Woho!
Object information
The transmitter and receiver are both found in general/child, and they both cost 100 simoleons. The interactions to check needs, scan needs and fix pregnancy bumps are only available on the transmitter. The receiver is only necessary if you want to use the wake parents function.
Polygon count for the transmitter is 450 and the receiver is 164. They are both recolorable. They both come with green, blue, pink and black recolors.
Compatibility and conflicts
This object requires Pets, because Inge's original object requires Pets. We're very sorry that the object isn't available for everyone, but it would have been too much work to make separate versions.
Unfortunately changing the guids broke the wake up function, and we were unable to figure out why. Because of this our versions have the same GUIDs as Inge's, which means they conflict. We hope to fix this one day so you can use both, but for now you will have to choose between our version and Inge's version. As a nod to Inge we've included model changing for the receiver, so you can choose between gdayars new pretty monitor mesh, and the burglar alarm Inge used. If you were using Inge's intercom before, any object placed will remain as the burglar alarm. You have to use the pie menu to change model to monitor for previously placed objects to take the form of monitor. Newly placed object will automatically use the new mesh by gdayars.
No other conflicts. All code is private so there's no way it can conflict with anything else.
The updated version has slightly edited catalog description, nothing else is new.
Inge at simlogical for the wake parents up function
Pescado at MATY for the check needs dialog
maybesomethingdunno who was kind enough to let me steal a guardian bhav from one of his projects, saving me the trouble of writing my own
Rebecah for the idea to scan baby motives
Modified Baby Store Items
With these versions of the baby items, babies can no longer fall asleep while sitting in them. In the dangle master, babies will occasionally stop playing, close their eyes and just lie there. This is part of the animation and can't be fixed. But the baby is only resting, they aren't actually sleeping and won't gain any energy from it. Additionally, just like Rebalynn's versions on Leefish, I've lowered the threshold for bladder tantrums. I would have liked to remove it completely, but EA made some weird calls when coding so removing it completely would prevent babies from soiling their diaper while using the object. So we'll have to settle for a lower threshold, even if it's unrealistic that a baby would react to a full bladder.
Items are found in general/child. Bouncinator3000 costs 770, dangle master costs 60.
Compatibility and conflicts
Requires Apartment Life.
We have not changed GUID on these objects, so they will conflict with any version that uses the original GUID from the store. We chose not to change the GUID because if GUID is changed recolors you have for it will no longer work. We figured you either want babies to be able to sleep, or you don't, so no harm in having to choose between this version and the originals.
No other conflicts that I am aware of. Will conflict with other versions of the items using original GUID or group, and mods affecting the original group.
RebaLynn at Leefish who created less bladder tantrum versions back in the day
EA for creating these objects for the store
If anyone would like to take this and use it as base when fixing UVMapping or slaving to other things, feel free to

Plumbob Crib Mobile

It only has the one color, plum bob green, at the moment but I plan on rectifying that soon. It is found in General/Child for 50 simoleons. It spins, glows, and plays music (London Bridge) with an on and off for each one individually. The spinning and glowing stay on until you turn it off. Well, the music does too, but the song runs out after about 2.5 in game hours, so you have to turn it off and back on again if you want to actually hear it.
I kept each option separate as my friend Jo asked me to, because spinning items bother her, and that way she can enjoy the glow without the spin

It fits nicely on the base game crib, is setquartertile cheat friendly, and since it is cloned from Bubblebeam's it is base game compatible. You will have to use snapobjectstogrid false for exact placement on the freetime cribs however.
The song comes from Singing Bell and as part of their free sharing policy I have to put a link to their home page front page here To save the moderator problems locating the license agreement, it is here
It has a poly count of 1661
Plum Bobs and texture are mine.
Shouldn't conflict with anything. The zip download is called gammiplumbobmobile It includes the mobile package and the music package. Both are necessary for the mobile to work properly.
Game and Store Item Recolors
The Base Game recolors info:
Found under General/Child
Kinder Kontainer, base game crib recolor 275
Base Game Teddy Bear recolor, needs CEP extra, 49
Kinder Koddler, base game high chair, 50
Sanitation Station Base Game changing table recolor 400
Tinkle Trainer Base Game Potty Chair recolor 70 zip download is called gammiPBbabyitemrecolors
Baby Store Items recolors info:
Found under General/Child
Require Apartment Life
Danglemaster Recolor 60
Bouncinator 3000 Recolor 770 zip download is called gammiPBNbasegameitems
Freetime Activity Table Recolor 200 simoleons
Requires Irma's default replacement table, not included. You can get it here
Also requires Freetime expansion pack. zip download is called ggplumbobactivitytable
Textures are EA's and mine.
Polygon Counts:
Baby Monitor Transmitter - 450
Baby Monitor Receiver - 164
Bouncinator3000 - 1374
Dangle Master - 1405
Plumbob Crib Mobile - 1661
This is a new mesh, and means that it's a brand new self contained object that usually does not require a specific Pack (although this is possible depending on the type). It may have Recolours hosted on MTS - check below for more information.
| Requires Pets or higher
Uploaded: 1st Oct 2017, 102.2 KB.
| Plumbob Mobile with Music File. Base game compatible.
Uploaded: 30th Sep 2017, 1.81 MB.
| Freetime Activity Table Recolor
Uploaded: 30th Sep 2017, 4.6 KB.
| Base Game Nursery Item Recolors
Uploaded: 30th Sep 2017, 1.07 MB.
| Store Baby Item Recolors
Uploaded: 30th Sep 2017, 222.4 KB.
| Requires Apartment life
Uploaded: 30th Sep 2017, 5.62 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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