June is LGBTQIA+ Pride Month. There are so few pride-based uploads around here, though I know it's not for lack of tolerance, and as I am neither cis nor straight, I felt like it would be a good idea to put something together, hopefully for catchup2018...it may not be a season, or really a holiday, but it's definitely a celebration, and one that doesn't just have to stay confined to one month of the year. (Good thing, too, because it's already June 25th as I submit this.)
Here is a set of colorful pride flag shirts and dresses for AF, AM, TF, and TM. Due to time constraints and other such things, I haven't done all the flags I want to do yet. This upload includes the five I see most often: asexual, bisexual, gay, genderqueer, and transgender. In the future, I hope to expand this collection with aromantic, genderfluid, lesbian, nonbinary, and pansexual flag designs. If I receive any requests for others, they will be considered. All the flags are taken from
this page.
The shirts are all on basegame Maxis meshes. The mesh for the AF and TF dress is from
here (heels version), and the mesh for the AM and TM dress is
here (a fixed version of
these). Ergo, no EP or SP should be required for any of this. All I really did was overlay the flags over the textures and tweak them as necessary.
All of the dresses are in everyday and formal. The shirts, being separates, are in everyday only. Annoying, I know. I usually never do anything with separates, because I don't like that I can't use them for other categories if I want, but I also didn't want to limit people's choices of pants to go with them, so here we are.
Well, that's about it for now. Happy (very late) Pride Month to you all!
Additional Credits:
colorful capri pants
Default replacements that might or might not be in the group picture:
* t2suggas's
crease-free AM pants
* CatOfEvilGenius's
Not So Skinny Cowboy Pants
* CatOfEvilGenius's
Better Pants for Women
The Sims 2 Body Shop
Paint Shop Pro 7
This is a new mesh recolour, and means that you will need to download the particular mesh itself in order for this to show up in your game. See the
Meshes Needed section or read the text for more information.
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