Six Recolors of Ancient Transport Urn Sculpture
AncientTranportUrn.png - width=1920 height=720
Recolors of white, red,blue and green marble as well as gold ,silver platedplated
AncientTranportUrn1.png - width=1831 height=669
Some urns glow in the dark
Out there was in ancient days a lot of materials to make urns of. Here is some more for your collection: white, red, green, blue marbles and gold- and silver-plated metal. Some of them glow in the dark!
All textures made by me, for the marbles from Maxis texture for Red Marble and the metal urn's textures made from Maxis Bronzed Texture and all manipulated in GIMP 2.8
Material Definitions edited following "Exploring the TXMT" by pixelhate
This custom content if it is not clothing, may require a seperate download to work properly. This is available at Colour Enable Package (CEP) by Numenor.
| Recolor of Maxis Ancient Transprt Urn in 6 package-files
Uploaded: 12th Jul 2018, 5.41 MB.
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#Decorative, #Ancient, #Urn
by WesHowe 16th Jan 2005 at 12:36am
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