Default Face Replacements--Elders Use Adult Face Templates

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Personal Picked Upload! This is a personal favourite of the creator!
This is a set of default face replacements for only Elder sims. Elder sims will use the face templates their adult counterparts use so their face shapes won't change when becoming elders (bigger noses, bigger ears, droopy eyes etc.) I got tired of my sims' faces changing drastically when they aged up from adult to elder.

These will conflict with all default face replacements that alter the elder faces---which is probably all of them. This set is for people who want to stick with the look of the Maxis faces but give their elder sims a "face lift"

Sims that already exist in game will not be affected, only newly created/generated sims will have the changes. This also means that sims born in game to parents who have the old face templates will inherit the old face templates too.

I highly recommend getting Argon's argon arch fix at MATY which will make sure that the 21st (Cper) and 25th (Csla) elder face templates appear correctly.

To install extract the files to your downloads folder and just delete them if you want to uninstall them.

I compressed the files using jfade's Compressorizer

Additional Credits:
AllenABQ for their base templates
Sim-Wolf for their Elder Female "Base Face Template" Chin Fix which made me realize it was possible to do this
Katu_Sims for their livejournal tutorial which I followed to figure out how to do this---here
Jfade for his Compressorizer
Creators of SimPE EA/Maxis
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