The Realistic Reactions Mod
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New Realistic Reactions menu
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Moodlets for the Cheating Module
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New Realistic Reactions menu
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6/19/21 - Updated with misc. fixes and a few new features, including an optional add on package file (requires the XML Injector mod: that adds computer interactions, such as rant about cheating partner online and for famous sims 3-5 star celebrity sims to interact with fans. This mod is being heavily edited, restructured, and worked on so more fixes and new features to come soon

11/25/2020 - Updated to Fix LE & errors in MC Command Center log
11/14/2020 - Updated with Russian translation by Origamika and Portuguese translation by melqui1. Thank you Origamika and melqui1!
11/10/2020 - Updated for 11/10/20 Patch
10/31/2020 - Fixed an LE (Last Exception) that was occurring when loading saves with the mod and the buffs for children reacting to cheating not disappearing. Please keep reporting if you encounter any more and thank you all!

10/17/2020 - Updated with Chinese Translation by mency1129. Thank you, mency1129!!!
10/16/2020 - Updated with Russian Translation by Origamika. Thank you, Origamika!!!
Update 10/2020 - In this update, there have been a number of bug fixes for all the reactions included in this mod. The biggest change is to the reactions to cheating. Sims will no longer consider flirting to be "cheating." The base game's Flirty Spouse buff will still occur (meaning the sim's spouse will still react), but they will no longer declare their partners as cheaters when flirting. The Flirty sim's children will have new reactions if they see their parents flirting with other sims.
Also included, Portuguese Brazil translation by melqui1. Thank you, melqui1! (Working on learning the Sims 4 Translater so that translations can remain even as the mod updates)
Updated on 8/7/20 with Russian Translation Provided by Origamika. Thank you, Origamika!
Updates for 8/4/20:
- Fixes for Eco Lifestyle Patch Updates
- The feature for children reacting to their parent's cheating has been added back to the mod
- Autonomy for the confess to cheating interaction has been disabled by default since some users were experiencing an issue with the interaction being spammed repeatedly. A toggle has been added to the Realistic Reactions menu to turn on autonomy for Confess to Cheating.
- Fixes for various bugs
7/8/20: Updated with Russian Translation by Origamika and Chinese Translation by MMCCC
Updates for 7/1/20:
- Some coding used for testing was causing Sims to show "Cheated With" relationship, even if they have been monogamous. This has been corrected.
- Added toggles under the Realistic Reactions Menu to "Disable Flirty Spouse Cheating Reactions". With this option, the sims will still get the default game's flirty spouse buff, but will not get this mod's cheating buffs/interactions. Married/Partnered Sims will have to woohoo with others to be considered cheating
- When clicking on a Sim's partner/spouse/significant other, there is now an option under the Realistic Reactions Menu to "Remove Cheating Relationships With This Sim". This will remove the Cheated With and Unfaithful relationship bits.
Currently being worked on:
Adding autonomy and autonomy toggles
Options to turn on/off different parts of the mod you wish to use
Traits affecting reactions
New modules for the mod
The Realistic Reactions Mod:
The Realistic Reactions Mod for The Sims 4 is designed to overhaul how sims react to situations in the game. Currently, there are three categories included in this mod:
1. Cheating Overhaul
2. Overhaul to how Sims react when seeing family members fighting with one another
3. Sims reacting to teen pregnancy (if mods are installed to allow teens to get pregnant)
Due to the intensity of moodlets/buffs, you may wish to use with mods that disable emotional deaths. Previously, this mod was split into three individual modules. This has been cleaned up to now include one zip file containing one package and one script file, both of which should go in your Mods folder.
Please delete all previous Realistic Reactions files before installing this version! Due to updates in Mod Constructor, this version of the mod was completely rebuilt from the ground up, so all buffs from the previous version will be removed. Also, the current version is only available in English.
Changes made in the 6/23/20 Update:
- Combined all modules into one
- Added Toggles to turn on/off certain modules in the Realistic Reactions menu
- Update to fix LE's that were occurring from different aspects of the mod
- Autonomy for Confess to Cheating has been completely turned off. Sims will only confess if you select for Sims to do so
- Fixed accuracy so Sims should now only get cheating moodlets if they actually cheat
- New Interactions. For now, these do not have a toggle, but the next update will allow you to turn these interactions off if they do not want them in your game. The new interactions include a special menu for conversing with mixologists at the bar (similar to the one in The Sims 3), the ability to ask the parents of your bf/gf for their hand in marriage, and the ability for Sims with children to brag about them.
- The feature for children reacting to their parent's cheating is being perfected and has been removed (this will be added back in next update)
As always, this mod is being worked on and revised so thank you to everyone that has let error reports and mod suggestions in the comments!
(5/31/20) Uploaded Spanish Translation of all three modules provided by Isa5263. Thank you, Isa5263. (File named The Realistic Reactions Mod - Spanish )
(4/17/20) All modules updated with Russian Translation by Origamika. Thank you, Origamika!
(4/16/20) Updated with more bug fixes that were affecting the mod's cheating interactions.
(4/16/20) Updated to fix a bug that caused some to experience the issue of not being able to click on their active sim.
(4/15/20) Updates for V3 Cheating Overhaul - Module 1:
- Disabled Autonomous "Confess to Cheating" interaction. Also, after confessing once, the interaction is removed (until cheating occurs again).
- Confronting or Fighting Cheating Partner (or the person they are cheating with) will result in major changes to their friendship/relationship.
- Removed some of the actions were causing sims to be labeled as cheaters incorrectly.
- Traits now factor into how cheating affects everyone involved: they may get angry, sad, or feel fine (for example, evil sims will fell fine after being caught cheating).
(11/19/19) Updated with Pie Menu Fixes that were causing major issues for some users
(11/13/19) Updated for Patch PC
(10/29/19) Fix for LE that occurred in the last update (thanks NateTheL0ser!) for V3 Cheating Overhaul - Module 1 - Please redownload V3 of this module
(10/26/19) Minor Additions for V3 Cheating Overhaul - Module 1 - Please redownload V3 of this module
Minor changes for realistic autonomy (sims should behave more realistically to being cheated on). Also, being caught cheating or confessing to cheating will now remove flirty buffs for both sims (this prevents them from being flirty with each other and to instead react appropriately. A bigger update with trait-based effects is coming soon

(10/8/19) Last Exception bug fix for V3 Cheating Overhaul - Module 1 - Please redownload V3 of this module!!!
This mod has been tested with Tmex's Better Exceptions and the LE generated from the W. Whims portion of the mod has been fixed.
(10/3/19) Major bug fixes for V3 Cheating Overhaul - Module 1 - Please redownload V3 of this module!!!
Thanks to YourFalseHope for reporting issues with the Wicked Whims and SimDa portion of the mod. Now, the confess to cheating part should work correctly and only appear if with the the W.Whims mod if your sim has WW with someone other than their partner (and not for solo interactions). With LittleMsSam's SimDa mod, sims should now be able to confess after both hook up calls (which is a rabbit hole interaction) AND when having one night stands.
(9/26/19) Mandinha95_4 provided the Brazilian translation of all three modules! This file has been added for download (when unzipping the file you may choose all modules or the specific ones you wish to use). This will be added to the main files in the future. Thank you, Mandinha95_4!
(9/24/19) Please redownload!! Updated Files - Buffs have been turned back down significantly (most are in the +4 and +5 range with one for anger in +8 range). mency1129 has provided the Chinese Translation for all three files. Thank you so much mency1129! There will be updates soon with more fixes and traits affecting each buff.
(9/15/19) Updated Files - Fix for Confess To Cheating being available to sims who haven't cheated and German Translation Thanks to LösserFöffel. Thank you so much LösserFöffel for this translation! Also, added a third module to allow sim parents to react to their teens being pregnant (this is still a W.I.P. as well)
V3 Update is here!!! (9/14/19) - More Big Changes & Still More to Come
Please download V3 of the desired module(s). If you previously downloaded V1 or V2, please replace the original downloaded V1 or V2 files in your mods folder.
The V2 files are still available, but have been marked OBSOLETE. V2 had a lot of bugs that were fixed in V3.
The updated files you want to download are called:
Realistic Cheating Mod V3 - Module 1 - Cheating
Realistic Cheating Mod V3 - Module 2 - Children Witness Parents Fighting
* zip Files seem to work best for both PC & Mac users, so that will be the format used now and going forward*
Thank you to everyone that has downloaded the mod so far! Also, thank you to everyone that left suggestions in the comments. I've been working hard on this update and V3 contains the following changes:
Cheating Overhaul - Module 1
- Increased Buff Intensity: Buff weights for several buffs in the mod have been increased to 50. This should improve realism by making them weigh more than all of the sims buffs before the cheating occurred.
- Several bug fixes for engaged Sims: Romantic interactions between Sims engaged to one another was incorrectly triggering cheating buffs. This has been fixed.
- Support for WW : If you use the WW mod, Sims that WW with someone other than their partner will grant themselves and their partner buffs ( Both parties receive buffs if once catches the other in the act. If the partner doesn't witness the act, the cheating Sim will be able to confess to cheating).
- Support for LittleMsSam's SimDa Hookup Calls: If you use LittleMsSam's SimDa App Mod and a Sim with a spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée accepts and goes through with a hookup call, they will be able to confess cheating to their partner.
- Reactions from the cheater and the person cheated on are now random: With this update, instead of Sims reacting the same every time, they now react in random ways - including embarrassed, sad, or stressed. Evil Sims may even get happy when cheated or angrily want revenge when cheated on.
- New Buffs: After consoling children that witnessed cheating, they will receive a new random lingering buff instead of being fine afterward
Sims Reacting To their Parents Fighting - Module 2
- An Individual Menu was added to all Sims, so the module can be disabled for individual Sims not in the active household.
Parents Reacting to Teen's Pregnancy - Module 3
- Parents will get interactions if their teen is pregnant and showing (if mods are used to allow teen pregnancy).

The Cheating Overhaul menu has two sub-menus:
1. Cheating Overhaul System For Active Household
Enabled for Active Household - Enabled by Default: Enables the Cheating Overhaul System's buffs and interactions for the entire household.
Disabled For Active Household - Disables all of the Cheating Overhaul System's buffs and interactions for the entire household. Useful if you want to turn off the system for a household you are playing.
2. Cheating Overhaul Mean Interactions For Active Household
Cheating Overhaul Mean Interactions Enabled For Active Household - Enabled by Default: Enables the mod's mean interactions, such as "Fighting For Cheating" and "Convince That Your Cheating Is Their Faught".
Cheating Overhaul Mean Interactions Disabled For Active Household - Disables all of the mod's mean interactions. The sims will still receive the mod's buffs/moodlets, but will not have the mean interactions appear.
For MODULE 2: Kids-Elders Witnessing Their Parents Fighting Overhaul V3
This module has two sub-menus:
1. Option For This Sim
(Note: This option is overridden by the Disable Reactions for the Entire Household option under Options For Active Household.)
Default: Reactions Enabled.
Reactions Disabled - Disables mod's fight reaction changes for the individual/active sim.
Reactions Enabled - Enables fight reaction changes for the individual/active sim.
2. Options For Active Household
(Note: Disabling Reactions for Entire Household overrides the Reactions Enabled Option For This Sim setting)
Enable Reactions for Active Household - Enabled by default. Enables fight reaction changes for the entire household.
Disable Reactions for the Entire Household - Disables fight reaction changes for the entire household. Useful is you are playing a particular household vanilla/base-game style.
Description of V3 of Realistic Reactions
The Realistic Reactions Mod for The Sims 4 is designed to overhaul how sims react to situations in the game. It is split into modules so you can pick and choose which features you want in your game. Due to the intensity of moodlets/buffs, you may wish to use with mods that disable emotional deaths (I tested these mods without other mods and did not experience emotional deaths, but wanted to provide a disclaimer). Future updates will provide buff intensity options and autonomy controls.
The current modules are the Cheating Overhaul and the Children Witnessing Their Parents Fighting Overhaul
MODULE 1: Cheating Overhaul V3
In the current version of the game, when a married/dating/engaged sim gets caught cheating by their spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée, their spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée gets jealous for a period of time (they receive a +3 angry Flirty Spouse buff that lasts for up to 23 hours) and that's it. The cheating spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée and the person they cheated with are happy from their romance and if the married/dating/engaged couple has children, there is no effect on the children at all. This fits with the cartoony nature of The Sims 4, but doesn't necessarily fit a more realistic play-style.
With the Cheating Overhaul module, if a sim cheats and is caught by their spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend or fiancée, the following will happen:
- The married/dating/engaged sim will receive a random buff (for example, they may become embarrassed, sad, or stressed, receiving a +50 embarrassed, sad, or stressed moodlet "Caught Cheating" that lasts for 24 hours).
- Their spouse will get a new +50 angry buff/moodlet "You're A Cheater" (in addition to the angry +3 Jealous Spouse buff the unmodded game already gives them). This +5 angry buff/moodlet "You're A Cheater" lasts for 2 days (it lasts for up to 8 days if you have roburky's Meaningful Stories installed). The intensity of the buff will be changed to give different options in an update).
- The sim that cheated with the married/dating/engaged sim will become embarrassed, receiving a +50 embarrassed moodlet "Caught Cheating With Married Sim" (for married sims) and "Caught Cheating with Taken Sim" (for dating and engaged sims) that lasts for 4 hours ( it lasts for up to 16 hours if you have roburky's Meaningful Stories installed).
- If the married/dating/engaged sims have children and they are present, the children will receive a +50 sad moodlet "Cheating in Household" if they are in the child/kid life stage. Teens-Elders that witness their parents cheating will receive a +50 angry version of the "Cheating in Household" moodlet. For both the kid and teen-elder versions, the buffs last until a special interaction is used.
This moodlet last until on of their parents use the "Console About Witnessing Cheating" interaction. After the interaction is used, their children (of any age) will no longer have the +5 sad/angry "Cheating in Household" moodlet/buff.
New interactions will unlock for the Household. Some can change or remove the buffs/moodlets they have received.
- Under the Friendly interactions menu, the new interaction "Apologize for Cheating" will appear when clicking on your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée that you cheated on
- Under the Mean interactions menu, the new interaction "Convince That Your Cheating Is Their Fault" will appear when clicking on your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée that you cheated on. This will remove their +5 embarrassed moodlet "Caught Cheating".
For the sim that was cheated on:
- Under the Friendly interactions menu, the new interaction "Forgive for Cheating" will appear when clicking on your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée. This will remove the sim's angry moodlets and replace it them with a +5 sad moodlet "Forgave Spouse For Cheating" that lasts for 4 hours for married sims and a +5 sad moodlet "Forgave For Cheating" that lasts for 4 hours for dating and engaged sims.
Their spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée will no longer have the embarrassed moodlet. It will be replaced with a +5 sad moodlet "Forgiven For Cheating" that lasts for 4 hours.
- Under the Mean interactions menu, two new interactions "Confront About Cheating" and "Fight For Cheating" will appear when clicking on your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée.
If the sims is married, the interactions "Confront For Cheating With Your Spouse" and "Fight For Cheating" will appear when clicking on the sim your spouse cheated with. If the sims is a boyfriend, girlfriend, or fiancée, the interactions "Confront For Cheating With Your Romantic Interest" and "Fight For Cheating" will appear when clicking on the sim your boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée cheated with.
For both of the married/dating/engaged sims if they have children:
- Under the Friendly interactions menu, the new interaction "Console About Witnessing Cheating" will appear when clicking on your children. Doing so will remove that child's +5 (sad moodlet for kids and angry moodlet for teen-elder) "Cheating in Household". If used with roburky's Meaningful Stories mod, there may be lingering sadness buff that appears (in my testing, the time varied from 1-2 hours).
For the sim that the married/dating/engaged sim cheated with (if in the active household):
- For Married Sims: Under the Friendly interactions menu, the new interaction "Apologize for Cheating With Their Spouse" will appear when clicking on the spouse of the person you cheated with.
For Dating/Engaged Sims: Under the Friendly interactions menu, the new interaction "Apologize for Cheating With Their Significant Other" will appear when clicking on the boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée of the person you cheated with.
- For Married Sims: Under the Mean interactions menu, the new interaction "Taunt About Cheating With Their Spouse" will appear when clicking on the spouse of the person you cheated with. This will remove their embarrassed moodlet and give them the new interaction "Brag About Cheating With Married Sim" (this will not appear on the sim they cheated with,the spouse they taunted, or children that witnessed the cheating occur).
For Dating/Engaged Sims: Under the Mean interactions menu, the new interaction "Taunt About Cheating With Their Significant Other" will appear when clicking on the boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée of the person you cheated with. This will remove their embarrassed moodlet and give them the new interaction "Brag About Cheating With Taken Sim" (this will not appear on the sim they cheated with, the boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée they taunted, or children that witnessed the cheating occur).
Those moodlets and interactions all happen when a sim is caught cheating, but what happens if an active sim cheats and isn't caught?
If a married/dating/engaged sim cheats but is not caught, both they and the person they cheat with are given hidden traits and buffs.
MODULE 2: Kids-Elders Witnessing Their Parents Fighting Overhaul V3
In the unmodded game, sims react to their parents fighting with each other as if they would to seeing anyone fight (the buffs the game gives them to show them to be either happy or embarrassed about their "friend" winning/losing the fight). This mod overhauls the sims' reaction to make them realistically react with sadness or anger after witnessing their parents fighting.
MODULE 3: Parents Reacting to Their Teen's Pregnancy
If you use mods to allow teens to get pregnant, this module will allow parents to react to the pregnancy once the teen's pregnancy starts showing. The interactions are Express Disappointment In Teen Pregnancy and Express Happiness in Their Pregnancy. Depending on the interaction used, both parties will receive +4 buffs of happiness, anger, or sadness. More to come with future updates.

V2 Update (8/17/19) - A Lot of Changes
Thank you to everyone that has downloaded the mod so far! I've been working hard on an update and V2 contains the following changes:
- The Cheating Overhaul has been expanded beyond spouses to work with boyfriend/girlfriends and fiancées.
- If you have the Get Famous Expansion, cheating and using any mean interactions from this mod such as Fighting or Taunting may result in reputation loss if other sims see you doing them.
- In the original mod, only children reacted to witnessing their parent's cheating. In V2, a cheating couple's children of all ages will react (kids will still get sad, but teens-elder children of cheater(s) will get angry).
- The "Fight Spouse for Cheating" option is now autonomous only for Evil and Mean sims. It is now user-directed for everyone else.
- The +4 angry and embarrassed Buffs have been increased to +5 intensity.
- The "Convince Your Cheating Was Their Fault" option was accidentally set for only Evil and Mean sims in the original mod. This has been fixed to be available for everyone.
- The "Children Reacting to Their Parents Fighting" module has been changed so that sims of all ages will react to their parents fighting. Child sims will still get sad, but teens-elders will get embarrassed at witnessing their parents fight with each other.
- A new "Absolve Self Of Guilt" interaction has been added. Sims that cheat can use this interaction with friends.
- The "Confess to Cheating" option was set to appear randomly in the original mod. This has been fixed (if someone cheats, but isn't caught, they will have the interaction until it is used).

The Cheating Overhaul menu has two sub-menus:
1. Cheating Overhaul System For Active Household
Enabled for Active Household - Enabled by Default: Enables the Cheating Overhaul System's buffs and interactions for the entire household.
Disabled For Active Household - Disables all of the Cheating Overhaul System's buffs and interactions for the entire household. Useful if you want to turn off the system for a household you are playing.
2. Cheating Overhaul Mean Interactions For Active Household
Cheating Overhaul Mean Interactions Enabled For Active Household - Enabled by Default: Enables the mod's mean interactions, such as "Fighting For Cheating" and "Convince That Your Cheating Is Their Faught".
Cheating Overhaul Mean Interactions Disabled For Active Household - Disables all of the mod's mean interactions. The sims will still receive the mod's buffs/moodlets, but will not have the mean interactions appear.
For MODULE 2: Kids-Elders Witnessing Their Parents Fighting Overhaul V2
This module has two sub-menus:
1. Option For This Sim
(Note: This option is overridden by the Disable Reactions for the Entire Household option under Options For Active Household.)
Default: Reactions Enabled.
Reactions Disabled - Disables mod's fight reaction changes for the individual/active sim.
Reactions Enabled - Enables fight reaction changes for the individual/active sim.
2. Options For Active Household
(Note: Disabling Reactions for Entire Household overrides the Reactions Enabled Option For This Sim setting)
Enable Reactions for Active Household - Enabled by default. Enables fight reaction changes for the entire household.
Disable Reactions for the Entire Household - Disables fight reaction changes for the entire household. Useful is you are playing a particular household vanilla/base-game style.
Description of V2 of Realistic Reactions
The Realistic Reactions Mod for The Sims 4 is designed to overhaul how sims react to situations in the game. It is split into modules so you can pick and choose which features you want in your game. Due to the intensity of moodlets/buffs, you may wish to use with mods that disable emotional deaths (I tested these mods without other mods and did not experience emotional deaths, but wanted to provide a disclaimer). Future updates will provide buff intensity options and autonomy controls.
The current modules are the Cheating Overhaul and the Children Witnessing Their Parents Fighting Overhaul
MODULE 1: Cheating Overhaul V2
In the current version of the game, when a married/dating/engaged sim gets caught cheating by their spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée, their spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée gets jealous for a period of time (they receive a +3 angry Flirty Spouse buff that lasts for up to 23 hours) and that's it. The cheating spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée and the person they cheated with are happy from their romance and if the married/dating/engaged couple has children, there is no effect on the children at all. This fits with the cartoony nature of The Sims 4, but doesn't necessarily fit a more realistic play-style.
With the Cheating Overhaul module, if a sim cheats and is caught by their spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend or fiancée, the following will happen:
- The married/dating/engaged sim will become embarrassed, receiving a +5 embarrassed moodlet "Caught Cheating" that lasts for 24 hours
- Their spouse will get a new +5 angry buff/moodlet "You're A Cheater" (in addition to the angry +3 Jealous Spouse buff the unmodded game already gives them). This +5 angry buff/moodlet "You're A Cheater" lasts for 2 days (it lasts for up to 8 days if you have roburky's Meaningful Stories installed). The intensity of the buff will be changed to give different options in an update).
- The sim that cheated with the married/dating/engaged sim will become embarrassed, receiving a +5 embarrassed moodlet "Caught Cheating With Married Sim" (for married sims) and "Caught Cheating with Taken Sim" (for dating and engaged sims) that lasts for 4 hours ( it lasts for up to 16 hours if you have roburky's Meaningful Stories installed).
- If the married/dating/engaged sims have children and they are present, the children will receive a +5 sad moodlet "Cheating in Household" if they are in the child/kid life stage. Teens-Elders that witness their parents cheating will receive a +5 angry version of the "Cheating in Household" moodlet. For both the kid and teen-elder versions, the buffs last until a special interaction is used.
This moodlet last until on of their parents use the "Console About Witnessing Cheating" interaction. After the interaction is used, their children (of any age) will no longer have the +5 sad/angry "Cheating in Household" moodlet/buff.
New interactions will unlock for the Household. Some can change or remove the buffs/moodlets they have received.
- Under the Friendly interactions menu, the new interaction "Apologize for Cheating" will appear when clicking on your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée that you cheated on
- Under the Mean interactions menu, the new interaction "Convince That Your Cheating Is Their Fault" will appear when clicking on your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée that you cheated on. This will remove their +5 embarrassed moodlet "Caught Cheating".
For the sim that was cheated on:
- Under the Friendly interactions menu, the new interaction "Forgive for Cheating" will appear when clicking on your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée. This will remove the sim's angry moodlets and replace it them with a +5 sad moodlet "Forgave Spouse For Cheating" that lasts for 4 hours for married sims and a +5 sad moodlet "Forgave For Cheating" that lasts for 4 hours for dating and engaged sims.
Their spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée will no longer have the embarrassed moodlet. It will be replaced with a +5 sad moodlet "Forgiven For Cheating" that lasts for 4 hours.
- Under the Mean interactions menu, two new interactions "Confront About Cheating" and "Fight For Cheating" will appear when clicking on your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée.
If the sims is married, the interactions "Confront For Cheating With Your Spouse" and "Fight For Cheating" will appear when clicking on the sim your spouse cheated with. If the sims is a boyfriend, girlfriend, or fiancée, the interactions "Confront For Cheating With Your Romantic Interest" and "Fight For Cheating" will appear when clicking on the sim your boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée cheated with.
For both of the married/dating/engaged sims if they have children:
- Under the Friendly interactions menu, the new interaction "Console About Witnessing Cheating" will appear when clicking on your children. Doing so will remove that child's +5 (sad moodlet for kids and angry moodlet for teen-elder) "Cheating in Household". If used with roburky's Meaningful Stories mod, there may be lingering sadness buff that appears (in my testing, the time varied from 1-2 hours).
For the sim that the married/dating/engaged sim cheated with (if in the active household):
- For Married Sims: Under the Friendly interactions menu, the new interaction "Apologize for Cheating With Their Spouse" will appear when clicking on the spouse of the person you cheated with.
For Dating/Engaged Sims: Under the Friendly interactions menu, the new interaction "Apologize for Cheating With Their Significant Other" will appear when clicking on the boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée of the person you cheated with.
- For Married Sims: Under the Mean interactions menu, the new interaction "Taunt About Cheating With Their Spouse" will appear when clicking on the spouse of the person you cheated with. This will remove their embarrassed moodlet and give them the new interaction "Brag About Cheating With Married Sim" (this will not appear on the sim they cheated with,the spouse they taunted, or children that witnessed the cheating occur).
For Dating/Engaged Sims: Under the Mean interactions menu, the new interaction "Taunt About Cheating With Their Significant Other" will appear when clicking on the boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée of the person you cheated with. This will remove their embarrassed moodlet and give them the new interaction "Brag About Cheating With Taken Sim" (this will not appear on the sim they cheated with, the boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancée they taunted, or children that witnessed the cheating occur).
Those moodlets and interactions all happen when a sim is caught cheating, but what happens if an active sim cheats and isn't caught?
If a married/dating/engaged sim cheats but is not caught, both they and the person they cheat with are given hidden traits and buffs.
MODULE 2: Kids-Elders Witnessing Their Parents Fighting Overhaul V2
In the unmodded game, sims react to their parents fighting with each other as if they would to seeing anyone fight (the buffs the game gives them to show them to be either happy or embarrassed about their "friend" winning/losing the fight). This mod overhauls the sims' reaction to make them realistically react with sadness or anger after witnessing their parents fighting.

In the current version of the game, when a married sim gets caught cheating by their spouse, their spouse gets jealous for a period of time (they receive a +3 angry Flirty Spouse buff that lasts for up to 23 hours) and that's it. The cheating spouse and the person they cheated with are happy from their romance and if the married couple has children, there is no effect on the children at all. This fits with the cartoony nature of The Sims 4, but doesn't necessarily fit a more realistic play-style.
With the Cheating Overhaul module, if a married sim cheats and is caught by their partner, the following will happen:
- The married sim will become embarrassed, receiving a +4 embarrassed moodlet "Caught Cheating" that lasts for 24 hours
- Their spouse will get a new +4 angry buff/moodlet "You're A Cheater" (in addition to the angry +3 Jealous Spouse buff the unmodded game already gives them). This +4 angry buff/moodlet "You're A Cheater" lasts for 2 days (it lasts for up to 8 days if you have roburky's Meaningful Stories installed). The intensity of the buff will be changed to give different options in an update).
- The sim that cheated with the married sim will become embarrassed, receiving a +4 embarrassed moodlet "Caught Cheating With Married Sim" that lasts for 4 hours ( it lasts for up to 16 hours if you have roburky's Meaningful Stories installed).
- If the married sims have children and they are present, the children will receive a +4 sad moodlet "Cheating in Household" that lasts until they age up to teen, unless a special interaction is used.
[spoiler]This moodlet appears whenever the children are around their parents until the parents use the "Console About Witnessing Cheating" interaction. After the interaction, the children will no longer have the +4 sad moodlet "Cheating in Household" moodlet/buff.
New interactions will unlock for the Household. Some can change or remove the buffs/moodlets they have received.
- Under the Friendly interactions menu, the new interaction "Apologize for Cheating" will appear when clicking on your spouse that you cheated on
- Under the Mean interactions menu, the new interaction "Convince That Your Cheating Is Their Fault" will appear when clicking on your spouse that you cheated on. This will remove their +4 embarrassed moodlet "Caught Cheating".
For the sim that was cheated on:
- Under the Friendly interactions menu, the new interaction "Forgive for Cheating" will appear when clicking on your spouse. This will remove the sim's angry moodlets and replace it them with a +4 sad moodlet "Forgave Spouse For Cheating that lasts for 4 hours.
Their Spouse will no longer have the embarrassed moodlet. It will be replaced with a +4 sad moodlet "Forgiven For Cheating" that lasts for 4 hours.
- Under the Mean interactions menu, two new interactions "Confront About Cheating" and "Fight For Cheating" will appear when clicking on your spouse.
The interactions "Confront For Cheating With Your Spouse" and "Fight For Cheating" will appear when clicking on the sim your spouse cheated with.
For both of the married sims if they have children:
- Under the Friendly interactions menu, the new interaction "Console About Witnessing Cheating" will appear when clicking on your children. Doing so will remove that child's +4 sad moodlet "Cheating in Household". If used with roburky's Meaningful Stories mod, there may be lingering sadness buff that appears (in my testing, the time varied from 1-2 hours).
For the sim that the married sim cheated with (if in the active household):
- Under the Friendly interactions menu, the new interaction "Apologize for Cheating With Their Spouse" will appear when clicking on the spouse of the person you cheated with.
- Under the Mean interactions menu, the new interaction "Taunt About Cheating With Their Spouse" will appear when clicking on the spouse of the person you cheated with. This will remove their embarrassed moodlet and give them the new interaction "Brag About Cheating With Married Sim" (this will not appear on the sim they cheated with and the spouse they taunted).
Those moodlets and interactions all happen when a sim is caught cheating, but what happens if an active sim cheats and isn't caught?
If a married sim cheats but is not caught, both they and the person they cheat with are given hidden traits and buffs.
MODULE 2: Children Witnessing Their Parents Fighting Overhaul
In the unmodded game, children react to their parents fighting with each other as if they would to seeing anyone fight (the buffs the game gives them to show them to be either happy or embarrassed about their "friend" winning/losing the fight). This mod overhauls the children's reaction to make them realistically react with sadness after witnessing their parents fighting.
Additional Credits:
Zerbu's Mod Constructor Version 4
Note from the Creator:
| Updated on 6/19/2021 with new features and Chinese translation by mecy1129
Uploaded: 26th Jul 2021, 357.9 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
Read the upload description for installation instructions. If nothing else is specified, do the following:
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) into your Mods folder
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
- Mod still not working? Make sure you have script mods enabled
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Updated: 26th Jul 2021 at 8:00 AM - 6/19/21: Various Bug Fixes, a few new features, and chinese translation
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