Borderline Personality Disorder Custom Trait

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Borderline Personality Disorder Custom Trait

This mod will add the Borderline Personality Disorder custom trait to your game. Please be aware that this trait is only available to teens, adults, young adults and elders.

"People with Borderline Personality Disorder, besides having the criteria from the DSM-5, are also creative, generous, kind-hearted, empathic, curious, etc. All those personality features are from Dr Alain Tortosa's studies."

The Borderline Personality Disorder custom trait has the following features:
- Creativity
- Generosity
- Naivety
- Kind-Hearted
- Modesty
- Empathy
- Unstable Interpersonal Relationships
- Self-Derision
- Curiosity
- Enthusiasm
- Strength Of Character
- Very Demanding Of Oneself
- Sensitivity
- Disturbed Sense Of Oneself
- Fear Of Abandonment
- Depression, Anxiety, Anger, and Rage
- Inappropriate Anger

Occasional Buffs:
Your Sim will get, every 6 to 24 hours, a Inspired buff (emotion weight of 8) if he/she is in his/her home area.

Skill Tag Multipliers:
All the creative and musical skills (mixology, gourmet cooking, guitar, cooking, painting, piano, violin, writing, photography, baking, DJ mixing, singing, flower arranging, media production, and pipe organ) will permanently be set to 1.25.

About the commodities and the autonomy, your Sim will permanently have the following: Empathy Positive, Angry, Bored, Embarrassed, Focused, Happy, Inspired, Playful, Sad, Stressed, Uncomfortable, Bookworm, Creative, Hot-Headed, Romantic, Genius, Lazy, Good, Childish, Insane, Loves Rain, Loves Snow, Uncontrolled Emotion, Responsibility Positive, Conflict Resolution Negative, and Emotional Control Negative.

Relationship Track Multipliers:
Moreover, the relationship track multipliers for all your Sim's friendships and romances will permanently be set to 1.5 in both directions for the standard version (2 in both directions in the extreme version). In other words, all your Sim's relationships will gain more points from positive interactions and will lose more points from negative interactions.

Timed Buffs:
Your Sim will feel happy (emotion weight of 5) for 4 hours every time he/she performs a creative or musical activity. Your Sim will also feel playful (emotion weight of 3) for 1 hour every time he/she performs the following activities: fitness, dancing, comedy, gardening, programming, handiness, logic, rocket science, video gaming, fishing, wellness, and archeology. Moreover, your Sim will feel happy (emotion weight of 5) for 4 hours every time he/she learns new things. And every time your Sim will perform a creative or musical activity, he/she will feel angry (emotion weight of 3 for the standard version and 10 for the extreme version) for 1 hour, if his/her skill level related to the activity is below 3. Your Sim will also feel playful (emotion weight of 5) for 4 hours every time he/she plays in the mud, watches the kids network, builds a snowpal, etc. Moreover, every time another Sim is rude to your Sim, he/she will feel sad (emotion weight of 5 for the standard version and 10 for the extreme version) for 4 hours. Your Sim will also feel angry (emotion weight of 8 for the standard version and 10 for the extreme version) for 4 hours every time another Sim performs a mean interaction.

Emotion Weight Multipliers:
All the positive emotions (happy, energized, fine, and playful) will permanently be set to 2, and all the negative emotions (angry, embarrassed, sad, dazed, stressed, and uncomfortable) will permanently be set to 0.25 for the standard version (0.75 for the extreme version).

Random Buffs:
Every time your Sim will try an outfit, he/she will get a random buff (fearless, furious, confident, angry, depressed, elated, embarrassed, energized, fine, flirty, enraged, happy, humiliated, hysterical, miserable, mortified, passionate, playful, fired up, sad, silly, stressed, tense, or uncomfortable), which will last for the preset duration of this buff. Moreover, your Sim will get a random buff (furious, angry, depressed, enraged, sad, stressed, tense) every 24 to 48 hours if his/her social need is below 100.

Occasional Buffs:
Every 3.5 to 7 days, your Sim will have 25% chance to get a sad buff (emotion weight of 5 for the standard version and 10 for the extreme version), a stressed buff (emotion weight of 5 for the standard version and 10 for the extreme version), an angry buff (emotion weight of 5 for the standard version and 8 for the extreme version), and a enraged buff (emotion weight of 10 for both versions), for 4 hours.

Continuous Loots:
Your Sim will continuously feel focused (emotion weight of 8) while he/she is at the library.

Need Decay Multipliers:
Your Sim's Social Motive will permanently be set to 1.5.

Buff Decay Multipliers:
All your Sim's social buffs will be set to 1.5 as soon as he/she gets them.

Proximity Buffs:
Your Sim will feel all the same negative emotions (angry, sad, stressed) (emotion weight of 3) than the Sims around him/her, and those emotions will disappear as soon as your Sim gets away from those other Sims.

Some of the whims are as following: Mentor Someone in Fitness, Give Someone Cooking Tips, Paint, Start Writing Book, Share Ideas, Donate to a Charity, etc.

Buff Replacements:
The Flattered buff will be replaced with the Fine emotion (emotion weight of 1) for a duration of 2 hours.

Additional Credits:
Mod Constructor V4
Sims 4 Studio
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