Numerology Lot Traits (Home 9 Added)
You can find those custom lot traits in Build Mode.
How to calculate your numerology for your house or apartment
For instance, if you live in a house that is at 3608 Pine Terrace, your house number is 3608. You then add: 3+6+0+8=17. Reduce 17 to a single digit: (1+7=8). If you live in a house 3608 Pine Terrace, you live in a 8 house.
If you live in an apartment, your most influential number is your apartment number, not your building number. Let's say you live at 3608 Pine Terrace, Apt #31. In that case, you calculate the numerology for your apartment number, which is 31. You add the sum of the number 31 (3+1=4). Your apartment is a 4.
Letters have numeric value as well. Use the chart below to determine the numeric value of your house name.
For example, if you live in a house called Comfy Cubby, you would take the numeric value of every letters (C+O+M+F+Y+C+U+B+B+Y=3+6+4+6+7+3+3+2+2+7) to calculate the sum (=43). Then, you reduce to a single digit (4+3=7). Your house is a 7.
To easily calculate your numerology, you can also go to and enter the number or the name of your house/apartment.
Home 1
"Promotes independence, innovation, ingenuity, ambition, drive and leadership. This is a wonderful home to live in if you are self employed and work out of your home. This is also a great home if there are people living together who wish to maintain their autonomy and freedom. Living here can strengthen your character, determination and self-confidence."
The Home 1 custom lot trait has the following features:
Promotes independence
Promotes innovation
Promotes ingenuity
Promotes ambition
Promotes drive
Strengthen self-confidence
Need Decay Multipliers:
Social (multiplier of 0.75)
Occasional Buffs:
Inspired (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours every 8 to 24 hours (75% chance)
Focused (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours every 8 to 24 hours (75% chance)
Energized (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours every 8 to 24 hours (75% chance)
Confident (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours every 8 to 24 hours (75% chance)
Skill Tag Multipliers:
Mental (multiplier of 1.25)
Effective Skill Tag Modifiers:
Mental (+1 point)
Continuous Buffs:
Stressed (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours when the Sim on lot doesn't have a career
Join Career
Get Promoted
Home 2
"This home is sure to be a loving, cozy atmosphere, where others will always feel welcome, nurtured, and loved. The energy of 2 is sentimental and sensitive. So, this is a lovely place for those who enjoy being surrounded by photographs of family and friends, and having people over for intimate gatherings, especially where feelings are expressed and affection is shared. It is a wonderful place for couples who love to do things together. It is particularly well-suited for romantic partners, best friends, and young families. Since the 2 energy fosters intuition and balance, this home is also well-suited for writers and healers."
The Home 2 custom lot trait has the following features:
Loving and cozy atmosphere
Feel welcome, nurtured and loved
Where feelings are expressed
Where love is shared
For romantic partners, best friends and young families
Fosters intuition
For writers and healers
Statistic Multipliers:
Writing (multiplier of 1.25)
Wellness (multiplier of 1.25)
Relationship Track Multipliers:
Friendship (multiplier of 1.25)
Romance (multiplier of 1.25)
Social Interactions:
Express Feelings (under Friendly) - which, if the interaction is successful, will add an happy buff (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours to the actor and an happy buff (emotion weight of 1) for 4 hours to the target Sim, plus the relationship will get a friendship gain - but, if the interaction fails, it will add a sad buff (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours to the actor and an angry buff (emotion weight of 1) for 4 hours to the target Sim, plus the relationship will get a friendship loss
Buff Replacements:
Uncomfy (from seating), Uncomfortable (emotion weight of 1) --> Canceled Buff
Sore Back (from mattress), Uncomfortable (emotion weight of 1) --> Canceled Buff
Continuous Buffs:
Always Welcome Trait
Immediate Interactions:
Know Traits (by clicking on the target Sim)
Home 3
"This home is sure to have a cheerful, upbeat energy. 3 is a fun, vivacious number, so this is a wonderful place to have lively social gatherings. It is a highly creative vibration, so if you are wanting to start a family or an artistic endeavor, this would be a great place! Feelings are openly expressed here, as well is unique innovative ideas. This is a wonderful home best suited for artists, singles, couples or families, or anyone who loves to live life to the fullest and express themselves with joy."
The Home 3 custom lot trait has the following features:
Cheerful and upbeat energy
Fun and vivacious atmosphere
For lively social gatherings
Highly creative vibration
For starting a family
Where feelings are openly expressed
For those who love to live life to the fullest and express themselves with joy
Occasional Buffs:
Happy (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours every 8 to 24 hours (75% chance)
Playful (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours every 8 to 24 hours (75% chance)
Energized (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours every 8 to 24 hours (75% chance)
Inspired (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours every 8 to 24 hours (75% chance)
Skill Tag Multipliers:
Creative (multiplier of 1.25)
Musical (multiplier of 1.25)
Social (multiplier of 1.25)
Social Interactions:
Openly Express Feelings (under Friendly) - if the interaction is successful, it will add a happy buff (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours to the actor and a happy buff (emotion weight of 1) for 4 hours to the target Sim, plus the relationship will get a friendship gain - if the interaction fails, it will add a sad buff (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours to the actor and an angry buff (emotion weight of 1) for 4 hours to the target Sim, plus the relationship will get a friendship loss
Custom Tuning:
On Ley Line Buff
Need Decay Multipliers:
Fun (multiplier of 0.75)
Energy (multiplier of 0.75)
Buff Decay Multipliers:
Playful (multiplier of 0.75)
Happy (multiplier of 0.75)
Energized (multiplier of 0.75)
Home 4
"This is a solid, secure, protected environment. 4 is the most grounded vibration of all, and relates to the earth, real estate and physical structures. This would be a great place for investments, whether it is related to properties, stocks, finances, or even your education. Discipline, structure, and responsibility are supported here. If you are growing your business, finances or family, this is a great home for you. This is a wonderful place if you prefer stability to change, or at least want your home to be conventional, even if the rest of your life is adventurous!"
The Home 4 custom lot trait has the following features:
Grounded vibration
Relates to the earth
For investments
Promotes discipline and responsibility
For growing your business, finances or family
Occasional Buffs:
Fine (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours every 8 to 24 hours
Skill Tag Multipliers:
Performance (multiplier of 2)
Occasional Events:
Small responsibility gain every 8 to 24 hours
Custom Tuning:
On Ley Line buff
$50-$500 gain every 2 to 3 days - which will add a happy buff (emotion weight of 3) for 8 hours
Effective Skill Modifiers:
Gardening (+2 points)
Home 5
"If you love to socialize this is the place for you! 5 loves to party so there is never a dull moment. 5 is the most gregarious of all the numbers so this is a great place for people who love having people over and entertaining guests. There are always surprises with 5, so if you love excitement and adventure, you?ve found the right place. Perfect for those who love to travel, meet new people, try new things, and enjoy your freedom. If you want to break up your routine, get out of a rut, or just have fun, you?ve found the right home!"
The Home 5 custom lot trait has the following features:
To socialize
For those who love entertaining guests
Promotes excitement
To have fun
Relationship Track Multipliers:
Friendship (multiplier of 1.25)
Skill Tag Multipliers:
Social (multiplier of 1.25)
Occasional Buffs:
Playful (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours every 6 to 24 hours
Happy (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours every 6 to 24 hours
Effective Skill Tag Modifiers:
Social (+2 points)
Home 6
"Perfect for families, couples, or artists, this home will inspire beauty, love and harmony. Your home is truly your sanctuary. People will feel immediately welcome when they walk into your home because of the balanced energy. It is best to have art and beauty around you, so you would want to decorate your home with pretty colors, comfortable furniture, and plants. You will feel the need to nurture and take care of others, so children and animals thrive here. Almost every type of person can feel happy in a 6 home. You are very lucky to live here!"
The Home 6 custom lot trait has the following features:
For families, couples or artists
Inspires love and harmony
Feel immediatly welcome
Balanced energy
To nurture and take care of others
For animals and children
To feel happy
Relationship Track Multipliers:
Friendship (multiplier of 1.25)
Romance (multiplier of 1.25)
Sim to pet (multiplier of 1.25)
Occasional Buffs:
Happy (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours every 6 to 24 hours
Playful (emotion weight of 1) for 4 hours every 6 to 24 hours
Fine (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours every 6 to 24 hours
Continuous Buffs:
Always Welcome Trait
Statistic Multipliers:
Wellness (multiplier of 1.25)
Skill Tag Multipliers:
Creative (multiplier of 1.25)
Musical (multiplier of 1.25)
Home 7
"If you are a mystic, writer, researcher, or spiritual seeker of any sort, you will love living here. 7 is a private vibration, and can be somewhat secretive. It inspires deep thought, reflection, and powerful insight. If you love to come home and have quiet time to read, reflect and restore, you will thrive here! To promote tranquility, water is a lovely element to add to this home, if you don’t already live near a body of water. You can have some thrilling spiritual and intellectual insights here, so it is a wonderful home to promote dramatic shifts in your consciousness."
The Home 7 custom lot trait has the following features:
- For writers, researchers or spiritual seekers
- Private and secretive vibration
- Inspires deep thought, reflection and powerful insight
- To have a quiet time to read, reflect and restore
- To have spiritual and intellectual insights
- For your consciousness
- Focused (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours every 6 to 24 hours
- Mental (multiplier of 1.25)
- Writing (multiplier of 1.25)
- Wellness (+2 points)
- Mental (+2 points)
- Share Untold Secret (under Friendly) - if the interaction is successful, the actor will get a happy buff (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours, and the target Sim will get a happy buff (emotion weight of 2) for 3 hours, plus there will be a large relationship gain, a friendship gain, a medium social motive gain, a Made A Deep Connection buff (60% chance) and a happy social commodity gain - if the interaction fails, the actor will get a sad buff (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours and the target Sim will get an angry buff (emotion weight of 2) for 3 hours, plus there will be a large relationship loss, and a friendship loss
- Share Private Story (under Friendly) - if the interaction is successful, the actor will get a happy buff (emotion weight of 2) for 3 hours, and the target Sim will get a happy buff (emotion weight of 1) for 2 hours, plus there will be a medium relationship gain, a friendship gain, a small social motive gain, and a happy social commodity gain - if the interaction fails, the actor will get a sad buff (emotion weight of 2) for 3 hours and the target Sim will get an angry buff (emotion weight of 1) for 2 hours, plus there will be a medium relationship loss, and a friendship loss
Home 8
"This is the right place if you are an entrepreneur or are career driven in any way! If you are running your business from your home, even better! 8 is a number of prosperity and abundance, so any financial endeavor will be promoted here. 8 is also a number of passion, therefore you will be encouraged to engage with people you feel strongly about, and activities that you love. Physical activities that require strength will be energized. If you are wanting to expand your status in the world, position in life, financial wealth, or size of your family, this is a great home for you!"
The Home 8 custom lot trait has the following features:
- For entrepreneurs and career driven people
- To run your business from home
- Prosperity and abundance
- Promotes financial endeavors
- Passion
- To engage with people you feel strongly about and activities that you love
- Energizes physical activities that require strenght
- For those who want to expand their status in the world, position in life, financial wealth, or size of their families
- Energized (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours every 6 to 24 hours
- Flirty (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours every 6 to 24 hours
- All (multiplier of 1.25)
- Performance (multiplier of 2)
- Friendship (multiplier of 1.25)
- Romance (multiplier of 1.25)
- $50-$500 gain every 2 to 3 days, plus a happy buff (emotion weight of 3) for 8 hours
- 75% chance for pregnancy
Home 9
"Everyone is welcome in a 9 home! 9 promotes feelings of love and acceptance. This is the number of universal love and compassion. Your intuition will be at an all time high. You might find yourself receiving phone calls and visitors from people seeking your advice. People will be drawn to your home because of the loving energy there. 9 is an international number, so might feel the need to travel, or welcome visitors from other parts of the world. You will find yourself conjuring memories and emotions from the past so you can have healing and forgiveness. Express feelings and creativity. Ultimately, you will learn a great deal about yourself and other people from living here. You will find many emotional rewards."
The Home 9 custom lot trait has the following features:
- Everyone is welcome
- Promotes feelings of love
- Promotes compassion
- Promotes high intuition
- Loving energy
- Might feel the need to traval or welcome visitors
- Memories and emotions from the past
- To have healing
- To express feelings and creativity
- To learn about yourself and others
- Romance (multiplier of 1.25)
- Friendship (multiplier of 1.25)
- Creative (multiplier of 1.25)
- Musical (multiplier of 1.25)
- Always Welcome Trait Buff
- Know Traits
- Flirty (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours every 6 to 24 hours (100% chance)
- Angry, Confident, Embarrassed, Energized, Flirty, Happy, Inspired, Playful, or Sad (emotion weight of 1) for 3 hours every 6 to 24 hours (100% chance)
- Fine (emotion weight of 2) for 4 hours every 6 to 24 hours (50% chance)
- Medium empathy gain every 2 to 3 days
- 1-8 visitors every 2 to 3 days
- Travel To The Museum
- Travel To The Park
- Travel To Spice Market
- Travel To The Arts Quarter
- Have A Drink At The Lounge
- Etc.
- Express Feelings (under Friendly) - he/she will get a happy buff (emotion weight of 3) for 4 hours - plus, if the interaction is successful, he/she will get a small relationship gain
Additional Credits:
Mod Constructor V4
Sims 4 Studio
Uploaded: 8th Oct 2019, 36.4 KB.
Uploaded: 5th Oct 2019, 15.9 KB.
Uploaded: 3rd Oct 2019, 25.0 KB.
Uploaded: 2nd Oct 2019, 16.3 KB.
Uploaded: 2nd Oct 2019, 11.5 KB.
Uploaded: 2nd Oct 2019, 15.2 KB.
Uploaded: 2nd Oct 2019, 28.9 KB.
Uploaded: 2nd Oct 2019, 22.3 KB.
Uploaded: 2nd Oct 2019, 21.5 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
Read the upload description for installation instructions. If nothing else is specified, do the following:
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) into your Mods folder
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
- Mod still not working? Make sure you have script mods enabled
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Updated: 8th Oct 2019 at 2:37 AM - Home 9 Added
#numerology, #lot, #lots, #trait, #traits, #lot trait, #lot traits, #home, #homes
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