Schizoid Personality Disorder Trait
Captura de pantalla (79).png - width=1327 height=814
Captura de pantalla (13).png - width=1061 height=850
Captura de pantalla (11).png - width=476 height=331
Captura de pantalla (12).png - width=369 height=243
>18/04/2023 changes: Updated for new patch and Growing Together expansion pack.
If you use alissontutoriais's Portuguese-Brazil translation, remember to download it again! Some key numbers have changed.
>27/01/2023 changes: Portuguese-Brazil translation by alissontutoriais added as additional file. Thank you!
Hi, this is my second time making a trait. This one’s a bit bigger.
Schizoid PD is characterized by a pattern of disinterest in relationships, anhedonia, apathy and a preference for solitary activities, among other symptoms. These sims feel disconnected from those around them and prefer to live in their own head. Currently, there is no standardized treatment for this personality disorder and prognosis is generally poor. Its prevalence is estimated to be from 3.1 to 4.9% of the US population.
- 1 core buff (Fine +5)
- 6 randomized buffs
Daydreaming! (Dazed +3)
Thinking about thinking about thinking... (Inspired +3)
Existentially Lonely (Sad +3)
Dissociating (Dazed +4)
Existential Dread (Scared +3)
Exhausted by life (Tense +2)
- 3 proximity buffs
Not interested (Bored +2)
(From being near people)
Don't look at me so intently... you'll only see what's behind me (Uncomfortable +2)
(When near a sim with romance level 40 to 80)
I want out (Tense +2)
(When near a sim with friendship level 45 to 80)
- 15 buff replacements
"First Kiss!" replaced with "Odd" (Sad +2)
"New Friend" replaced with "New Friend..." (Tense +3)
"New Friend (Career)" replaced with "New Friend..." (Tense +3)
"Made a New Friend" replaced with "New Friend..." (Tense +3)
"Made a New Good Friend!" replaced with "Are we really supposed to be that close?" (Tense +3)
"Just Married!" replaced with "How did I end up like this?" (Dazed +6)
"New Best Friend" replaced with "Best Friends?" (Tense +4)
"Engaged!" replaced with "Uh Oh... what have I done??!!!" (Scared +5)
"New Partner" replaced with "Uh Oh... what have I done??!!!" (Scared +3)
"First Woohoo" replaced with "That was pretty nice, but I could have just done it myself." (Fine +2)
"Feeling Close" replaced with "Too close..." (Sad +2)
"Deep Connection" replaced with "Too close..." (Sad +3)
"A Special connection" replaced with "Too close!!" (Tense +4)
"Growing Apart Pains" replaced with "Freedom..." (Fine +2)
"Break Up Blues" replaced with "Break Up" (Fine +4)
"Great Relief!", "Feeling a Close Connection", BrokenUp Friends Hidden, "Someone Special" and "Let the Good Times Roll" blocked.
- 1 Bored buff that appears with most social interaction
- 1 Broadcaster
- 3 New Social Interactions
"Philosophize about the nature of reality"
Conditions: Logic Skill Lvl 4 and upwards.
"What's wrong with them?" (TargetSim, Uncomfortable +2 when Friendship Below 60)
"Philosophy's fascinating!" (Actor, Inspired +3, Always)
"Admit to having difficulty connecting with people"
Conditions: A variety of relationship Bits, such as being Friends or Lovers.
"They Understood...?" (Actor, Dazed +2 when Great Success)
"So none of it ever meant anything to you??!!" (TargetSim, Sad +4, When no Great Success)
"Feeling guilty" (Actor, Sad +2, When no Great Success)
"Impulsively end relationship"
(Mean, friendly menu)
Conditions: Tense emotion, best friends, romantic partners, or engaged.
On level 1 success:
Removes the bits specified in conditions.
"????????!!!!!!!!" (TargetSim, Tense +4, when it runs out, angry +4 buff, when THAT runs out, sad +4 buff)
"A weight off my shoulders!" (Actor, Energized +3, when it runs out, Sad +2)
On level 2 and 3 success:
"That joke was in pretty bad taste..." (TargetSim, Uncomfortable +3)
"So that was for nothing..." (Actor, Tense +3)
- Loner WhimSet
- Emotions Modified
Angry (0.4)
Happy (0.3)
Focused (1.2)
Fine (1.4)
Inspired (1.4)
Confident (0.6)
Energized (0.2)
Bored (1.2)
Dazed (1.3)
Playful (0.6)
Embarrased (0.3)
Sad (0.6)
- Need Decay Modified
Social (0)
Energy (1.5)
- Need Increase Modified
Social (2)
- Relationship Buildup Modified
Friendship (0.1)
Romance (0.1)
Feud (0.3)
Mischief (0.3)
- Relationship Decay Modified
Friendship (1.7)
Romance (1.7)
Mischief (1.7)
- Skill Gain Modified
Writing (1.3)
Logic (1.2)
- Simology Modified
Empathy (0.5)
Emotional Control (1.4)
Conflict Resolution (0.8)
Manners (0.8)
- Autonomy Modified
Loner Autonomy (2)
Loner Solitude (1.3)
Social Motive (0)
Lazy Autonomy (1.4)
Insane Autonomy (0.4)
Bookworm Autonomy (1)
Creative Autonomy (1)
Be careful not to use this mod with others that replace the same buffs or have contradictory autonomy.
I'll probably be making more personality disorders in the future. Despite the high comorbidity between personality disorders, these will NOT be compatible with one another, as I'll be replacing some of the same buffs.
Made with Zerbu's Mod Constructor V5
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Void_SchizoidTrait.package | package | 131375 |
Void_SchizoidTrait.ts4script | ts4script | 1866 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
1_Void_SchizoidTrait_POR_BR.package | package | 4738 |
Uploaded: 25th Jul 2023, 46.0 KB.
Uploaded: 18th Apr 2023, 4.9 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
Read the upload description for installation instructions. If nothing else is specified, do the following:
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) into your Mods folder
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
- Mod still not working? Make sure you have script mods enabled
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