Nosy sim interactions
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because I'm not able to provide a bug free mod.
What I did is a tricky way to prevent your sims
from resetting with the help of a try and catch error
Now instead of resetting sims you will see a
blue pop up window and you'll have to click on delete.
I know this is lame and I'm really sorry I'm out of
options in how to fix my mod. I just wanted to bring
this possibility for those who absolutly want use the
mod but fear resets.

- Any romances?
Will tell you if a sim has romantic interests or no.
- Can we be exclusive?
If the sim says yes, they will stop having other
romantic interests. And whether they will say yes or no is up to them.

It's three new friendly social interactions :
- Do you have children ?
- Sims will answer the name of their children and their real age, thanks to Battery 's Real Age mod .
- You can tune the age by installing Battery 's Utility mod .
- Sims with the Family Oriented trait will ask autonomously.
- Who do you live with ?
- Sims will answer the name of the sims sharing their house and their real age, thanks to Battery 's Real Age mod .
- You can tune the age by installing Battery 's Utility mod .
- Any family ?
- Sims will answer the name of their parents and of their siblings.
- Sims with the Family Oriented trait will ask autonomously.
Hope you'll have fun!

- Some players are experiencing a reset error when asking these new questions in game. I opened a thread to test updates in order to fix this problem. If you want to help or report errors :
Future improvements :
- Grant the wish "Talk to" when asking these questions.
- Add "Any pets", "What skills do you have", and "What is your favorite dish"?

Thanks to CmarNYC for the great tutorial (Adding pie menu options to sims)
Thanks to Battery for the great help.
Thanks to Battof88 for sharing C# knowledge with me.

January 2022 V7.18
- Added more outcomes to the "Any romances?" and "Can we be exclusive?" questions.
Seldom errors now.
April 2021 V7.14
- Added new options "Any romances?", "Can we be exclusive?" and the blue error dialogue.
August 2020 V6.2
- Pets can no longer ask these questions.
- Fixed the error with supernatural sims causing reset.
- Fixed the English phrasing version.
- Now sims with the Family Oriented trait are encouraged to ask "Any family?" and "Do you have children?" and will even do it autonomously.
June 2020 V5.12
- Added a new option "Do you have family?", the sims will answer if they have parents and siblings.
May 2020 V4.10
- Added Stbl and French translation. Feel free to send me your translations, I'll be glad to add them to the mod, just replace everything between "< "STR> with your translation in the text file attatched to the mod.
FloTheory_CombinedNosySim V7.18.package.7z
Uploaded: 26th Jan 2022, 17.4 KB.
FloTheory_CombinedNosySim V7.14.package.7z
Uploaded: 8th Apr 2021, 16.8 KB.
FloTheory_CombinedNosySim V6.2.package.7z
Uploaded: 28th Aug 2020, 15.4 KB.
FloTheory_NosySim V5.12.package.7z
Uploaded: 19th Jun 2020, 13.9 KB.
Uploaded: 22nd May 2020, 13.6 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 26th Jan 2022 at 4:09 PM - ntically invol
#Notification, #social, #interaction, #autonomous, #genealogy, #children, #household, #family, #parents, #siblings
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