Less Ignored Holiday Traditions

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It really annoyed me that certain sims can't enjoy holiday traditions because their traits make them ignore them, so I made this mod. As somewhat of a 'loner' myself, I found it infuriating that sims with this trait had so many incompletable traditions. As you can see from the screenshots, I have a sim that has some traits that would usually cause several traditions to be restricted, such as loner, hates children, and hot-headed, but with this mod all traditions are now available for her to complete. I think holidays are a time that people are perhaps more willing to go out of their comfort zone, so just because a sim is a loner most days of the year, it doesn't mean they wouldn't want to spend the holidays celebrating with their friends and family. I didn't think the restrictions made sense, so get this mod and they will be gone for you too! Find the complete list of restrictions that I have removed below...

Restrictions Removed:
Air Grievances
- Good
- Loner
Festive Spirit
- Evil
- Materialistic
- Hates Children
- Snob
- Unflirty
- Loner
- Lazy
- Gloomy
Be Thankful
- Child
- Snob
- Materialistic
- Kleptomaniac
- Jealous
- Slob
- Also removed that Kleptomaniacs love this tradition because I don't think it makes sense
Grand Meal
- University Housing
- Mean
- Lazy
- Clumsy
- Glutton
- Also removed that Good Sims love this tradition because I don't understand the logic in that
Flower Bunny
- Hates Children
- Mean
- Also added that Childish Sims love this tradition
- Squeamish
- Lazy
- Loner
Give Flowers
- Evil
- Mean
- Unflirty
- Noncommittal
- Loner
Give Gift
- Evil
- Mean
- Loner
Give Joke Gift
- Loner
Give Mean Gift
- Good
Give Romantic Gift
- Unflirty
- Loner
- Lazy
- Gloomy
Go on Date
- Loner
- Unflirty
Go on Vacation
- Loner
Go Streaking
- Unflirty
Attend Holiday Ceremony
- Evil
- Lazy
- University Housing (updated after the Harvestfest screenshots were taken)
Invite Guests
- Loner
Party Spirit
- Loner
- Lazy
- Ambitious
- Hates Children
Polar Bear Plunge
- Lazy
Father Winter
- Evil
Tell Stories
- Loner
Trick or Treat
- Loner
- Snob
- Hates Children
Watch Romantic TV
- Unflirty
Water Fun
- Snob
Wear Costumes
- Lazy
Night on the Town (Free Food and Drinks)
- Elder
Prank Day (Mischief Spirit)
- Hot-headed

If you have any ideas, suggestions, or requests regarding things that could be added or changed, or even for a new flavour of the mod, please feel free to leave a feedback comment!
Please leave a Thanks and a Favourite if you like my mod!

Packs I own and this mod was created with:
Cats & Dogs, City Living, Discover University, Get Famous, Get to Work, Get Together, Island Living, Seasons (all EPs), Dine Out, Jungle Adventure, Parenthood, Vampires, Laundry Day Stuff, Spooky Stuff, Vintage Glamour Stuff
Packs I do not currently own:
Deluxe Upgrade, Outdoor Retreat, Realm of Magic, Spa Day, Strangerville, Backyard Stuff, Bowling Stuff, Cool Kitchen Stuff, Fitness Stuff, Kids Room Stuff, Luxury Party Stuff, Moschino Stuff, Movie Hangout Stuff, My First Pet Stuff, Perfect Patio Stuff, Romantic Garden Stuff, Toddler Stuff

I am pretty sure this mod will work perfectly fine with just the base game & Seasons or any combination of packs. I apologise if features added by packs I do not own have not been included or not been thoroughly tested, please feel free to leave any feedback regarding this.

This mod will conflict with any mod that edits the same resource:
Tuning Files used:
Type: Holiday Tradition Tuning 3FCD2486
Group: 0x0000001A
184645 holidayTradition_BeThankful 000000000002D145
185435 holidayTradition_BBQ 000000000002D45B
185430 holidayTradition_TellStories 000000000002D456
182133 holidayTradition_HaveDecorations 000000000002C775
182128 holidayTradition_PolarBearPlunge 000000000002C770
187454 holidayTradition_WearCostumes 000000000002DC3E
185428 holidayTradition_GoOnVacation 000000000002D454
182110 holidayTradition_BeFestive 000000000002C75E
185433 holidayTradition_GoStreaking 000000000002D459
185431 holidayTradition_Play 000000000002D457
182116 holidayTradition_AirGrievances 000000000002C764
183389 holidayTradition_GiveGift 000000000002CC5D
182135 holidayTradition_Gardening 000000000002C777
182112 holidayTradition_BeRomantic 000000000002C760
182125 holidayTradition_WatchRomanticTV 000000000002C76D
185427 holidayTradition_Fasting 000000000002D453
182121 holidayTradition_TalkToFatherWinter 000000000002C769
187447 holidayTradition_TrickorTreat 000000000002DC37
182113 holidayTradition_GiveFlowers 000000000002C761
182111 holidayTradition_EatGrandMeal 000000000002C75F
182117 holidayTradition_GoToServices 000000000002C765
187776 holidayTradition_FlowerBunny 000000000002DD80
182126 holidayTradition_Ghosts 000000000002C76E
182122 holidayTradition_GiveRomanticGifts 000000000002C76A
185432 holidayTradition_Clean 000000000002D458
182127 holidayTradition_GiveMeanGifts 000000000002C76F
182295 holidayTraditions_Surprise_PrankDay 000000000002C817
185410 holidayTradition_WaterFun 000000000002D442
185424 holidayTradition_Exercise 000000000002D450
182264 holidayTraditions_Surprise_NightontheTown 000000000002C7F8
182132 holidayTradition_Party 000000000002C774
182118 holidayTradition_GiveJokeGifts 000000000002C766
182119 holidayTradition_InviteGuests 000000000002C767
182123 holidayTradition_GoOnDate 000000000002C76B

Additional Credits:
Thanks for Sims 4 Studio for their easy to use tool to make little mods like this!
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