Recolors of fakepeeps7's "Toddler Togs for Tepid Temperatures"
Catalog.jpg - width=800 height=985
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The rar file named alienpod_pfbodydresssailor_Custom.rar contains a non-default version of recolors that alien pod made as a default for the FreeTime "sailor dress" for female toddlers. These outfits can be seen in the top row of the catalog pic. Originally, I didn't plan to do more than make a custom version of that default, but ended up making some more recolors, using one of alien pod's textures as a template. The outfits in the middle row of the catalog pic have tops from my default set for the BG child overalls, rescaled to 512x512. The center straps on the sandals and the purple shorts are my recolors; the yellow shorts are from one of fp7's textures. The outfits in the bottom row have tops which are retextured with a color-shifted version of the jacked up rainbow pattern by freeflight at Colourlovers. These five outfits are in dharden_fp7_pFpuffsleevetopshorts.rar .
Here's a composite of closeup views that do a better job of showing the recolored sandal straps and the purple shorts. The blue and yellow shorts are from fp7's textures; the blue shorts were used in alien pod's default.
Here's a side view of the outfits. The tops are mine, everything else is from alien pod's default.
Custom content in pictures:
Default skins by Leh
(Note: The download links at GoS don't work, the skins can be downloaded here
Default eyes by Lyran (Wayback Machine link)
(Note: The download link is the pic of the eyes. It appears to be working at least some of the time.)
Default replacement eyebrows by rainstorm25
Additional Credits:
fakepeeps7, for the mesh and the shorts.
alien pod, for the default textures.
freeflight at Colourlovers for the jacked up rainbow pattern.
The basic pattern for the top is the CF blouse from Open for Business. Textures from defaults by alien pod and myself have been slightly edited to remove a very small area that is not used by fp7's original textures. Doing this keeps a spot of color from appearing on the Sim's right arm.
The blue, purple, and yellow tops use tweaked versions of textures from Skell's recolors of the OFB CF blouse.
| Recolors of fp7's "Toddler Togs for Tepid Temperatures"
Uploaded: 3rd Apr 2020, 295.2 KB.
| Non-default version of alien pod's default of pfbodydresssailor from FreeTime
Uploaded: 3rd Apr 2020, 182.7 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
Meshes needed
This download requires one or more meshes to work properly. Please check the Description tab for information about the meshes needed, then download them below:MTS cannot guarantee any off-site links will be available |
Toddler Togs for Tepid Temperatures by fakepeeps7 |
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Updated: 8th Apr 2020 at 10:45 PM
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