Hacked COMPUTER (Not Global) << UPDATED 09/26/2007 <<
MQ_Computer_Recolors_Cheap_A.jpg - width=800 height=600
MQ_Computer_Recolors_Expensive_A.jpg - width=800 height=600
MQ_Computer7.jpg - width=800 height=600
MQ_Email_Hack1.jpg - width=800 height=600
MQ_Sunair_Computer1.jpg - width=750 height=562
MQ_Sunair_Computer2.jpg - width=800 height=600
UPDATED: 10/20/2006
<< v13.0 PETS >>
- Made a little tune-up based on concerns.
Here are my old features that I didnt upload before:
- Added "Private School Fees (ON/OFF)", your sim (child/teen) will automatically be admitted to a private school but you will pay private school fees everyday the amount is based on your sim's school Grade. (Requested by Sandilou, I think two months ago)
- Added "Auto Move In to College (ON/OFF)", your sim (teen) will automatically move in to college if his age days left is one day before turning into Adult and if his Wants is "Go to College" on that day.
- Added "Chat with... Frat Member and SS Member", for easy searching of Frat and Secret Society members. Because if you are going to hunt them in community lot sometimes some of them are not wearing their uniform, so I made an Online forum for them that will shows to us who are frat and SS members. This feature is also available for Teen in order for them to advance their relationship with them (frat and SS) before entering College.
- Added "Auto child Banking", your sim (child) will autonomously deposit 10K or 20K into his bank accounts for College fund if his bank accounts is zero and your household fund is greater than 10K.
- Added "Auto Withdraw All", your sim (elder) will autonomously withdraw all his bank accounts if his age days left is one day before meeting with Grim Reaper.
- "Work At Home" and "Pay Bills Online" can now be accessed in your sim's pie menus (click on your sim).
UPDATED: 10/21/2006
<< v13.1 >>
- Added "Shop Online/Buy Pets". It will appear beside your sim.
UPDATED: 10/27/2006
<< v13.2 >>
- Updated "Find a Job". (Reported by ladykatsim)
- Added "Bank Online.../Auto Child Banking is (ON/OFF)". But still all (Auto College, Private School and Child Banking) defaults are ON.
UPDATED: 11/04/2006
<< v13.3 >>
- Changed default to OFF (Auto College, Private School and Child Banking)
- Added buyable Transformer Potions (Vampire and Werewolf) in "SHOP ONLINE.../Gypsy..".
UPDATED: 11/20/2006
<< v13.4 >>
- Made English as default language to reduce filesize, to easy for me to edit it and to support all languages.
- Added the ff options:
"Bank Online.../Transmit Money.../To Household Funds.../(Playable/Sim Bin)" - send money to playable neighbor sims and sims who are in family bin, the money will be added to their household funds.
"Bank Online.../Check Money.../Household Funds.../(Playable/Sim Bin)" - inquire household funds of playable neighbor sims and sims who are in family bin.
- Removed "global text" taken from computer globals but still two global bhavs left, one is "sit in" that handles the stomping of feet when the computer is in use then someone want to use it and the other one is "ct-ring" that handles the no wake up when cellphones rings.
UPDATED: 03/03/2007
<< v14.0 SEASONS >>
- Added "Buy Collar" and "Buy Video Games" in SHOP ONLINE. (Requested)
- Added "Study Badges.../Gardening" and "Study Badges.../Fishing" (Requested)
- Added Seasons career rewards
- Enabled autonomous of Play SSX, but I inserted a conditions they would only autonomous play if their Fun level is below 50% and will automatically stop playing if their Fun reach 100%.
- I returned back "School.../Study Skills..." to work like OFB-Write Article where you can assign sim to study skills without earning money and badges. (Requested)
- Added "Outerwear" in SHOP ONLINE
- Added "Gypsy.../Plantophic-C" and "Gypsy.../Plantophic-X" in SHOP ONLINE, a potions for transforming your sim to plantsim and plantsim to sim.
- MQ_Resurrect-O-Nomitron_Bank_PETS.zip is still compatible with SEASONS.
v14.2 - I removed Plantophic-N potion because of that when they go to community lot they will change to green again. But I didnt give up that normal skin I made another feature "Make Skin.../(NOrmal/Plantsim)" in our Sim's Pie Menus (clicking your sim) so that we can manually change the skin of our plantsim. So if the game turns our normal skin plantsim to green, all we have to do is click our sim and "Make Skin...to Normal". This option is only available for plantsim. It is better to do it this way rather than messing up the global controller or making a local controller that will monitor plantsim on community lot. If you still want the Plantophic-N potion you can get the Buyable Plantophic-N potion at Insim.
UPDATED: 03/15/2007
<< v14.3 >>
- Added "Buy Produce and Fish" in SHOP ONLINE.
UPDATED: 04/19/2007
<< v14.4 >>
- Fixed buying eggplants issues.
- Added "School.../Study Time (Hours).../(1-10 Hours)", the length of hours that will do studying before taking a break (Requested by AnastasiaRenai)
- Added fallback routine for DeleteAllCharaters' users (tested once)
UPDATED: 09/10/2007
<< v15.0 BON VOYAGE >>
- Added recolour to Bonus Computer
- Added Buy Map, price $500
- MQ_Resurrect-O-Nomitron_Bank_PETS.zip is still compatible with SEASONS and BON VOYAGE.
UPDATED: 09/26/2007
<< v15.1 BON VOYAGE >>
- Added Buy Jewelry/ShowMeOff Rack items, prices are default plus $25
Requirements: UNI, NL, OFB, PETS, SEASONS, BV. If your dont have any one of the said EPs pls do not download this.
- Monique -
Uploaded: 26th Sep 2007, 680.3 KB.
Uploaded: 26th Sep 2007, 682.9 KB.
Uploaded: 26th Sep 2007, 1.16 MB.
MQ_SAobj132_lightcomputer_v5.4_SEASONS.zip .zip
Uploaded: 19th Apr 2007, 447.9 KB.
Uploaded: 19th Apr 2007, 450.1 KB.
Uploaded: 19th Apr 2007, 586.4 KB.
Uploaded: 20th Nov 2006, 350.5 KB.
Uploaded: 20th Nov 2006, 352.9 KB.
Uploaded: 20th Nov 2006, 293.0 KB.
Uploaded: 20th Oct 2006, 160.2 KB.
Uploaded: 20th Oct 2006, 12.0 KB.
Uploaded: 13th Jul 2005, 606.9 KB.
Uploaded: 13th Jul 2005, 191.9 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 26th Sep 2007 at 4:12 AM
Teleport anywhere, Wait Here and 1x1 Teleporter Rug << UPDATED: 09/08/2007 <<
by monique 2nd May 2005 at 11:57am
95 120.8k 50
Hacked BOOKCASE to learn more skills << UPDATED 03/02/2007 <<
by monique 29th May 2005 at 3:14pm
101 157.2k 81
Unselectable Sim's Motives Viewer << UPDATED 03/05/2006 <<
by monique 13th Nov 2005 at 2:43pm
26 33.4k 14
Work & Bring Home Friend Dialog << UPDATED 09/08/2007 <<
by monique 27th Feb 2006 at 6:35am
73 147.6k 205
Tenant and Landlord Mod v3.2 << UPDATED: 11/05/2006 <<
by monique 6th Jul 2006 at 1:14am
+1 packs
Open for Business
Automatic Payment Mod << UPDATED 04/15/2007 <<
by monique 16th Nov 2006 at 3:04am
+1 packs
Open for Business
Buyable Snapdragon and Make Invisible << UPDATED 05/01/06 <<
by monique 18th Mar 2006 at 5:27am
Like my Buyable Servo, I added "Buy 5 Less 25%" discounts too in Pie Menus. more...
+1 packs
Open for Business
By Function » Extracted Maxis Objects & Collections » Buyable and Recategoriser Mods
Vamp Nighttime Fun/Social Decay Hack
by monique 13th Oct 2005 at 7:24am
This hack will unfreeze and allow to decrease of your vamp's fun/social motives during nighttime. more...
+1 packs
ATM Machine << UPDATED 03/04/2006 <<
by monique 3rd Sep 2005 at 6:33pm
First, I would like to thanks HChangeri for his/her wonderful texture that made this hack looks like an ATM machine. more...
+3 packs
Open for Business
Browse and Buy Faster << UPDATED 10/20/2006 <<
by monique 12th Mar 2006 at 5:01pm
This hack allows your customer to browse and buy your goods by 50% or 25% faster. more...
+1 packs
Open for Business
Child Support v3.0 **UPDATED**
by monique 8th Jun 2006 at 1:06pm
This is a separate controller that will work behind your game and it wont conlicts with other hacks. more...
+1 packs
Open for Business
No Spoiled Food << UPDATED 03/04/2006 <<
by monique 20th Aug 2005 at 12:36am
No spoiled food except pizza, chinese food and buffet table. more...
58 62.6k 30
Cured of Lycanthropy Spam Hack
by monique 18th Nov 2006 at 3:24am
This will limit wants of Cured of Lycanthropy to Family (Blood related) and Engaged/Married. more...
+1 packs
No Spin When Changing Clothes << UPDATED 09/08/2007
by monique 25th Apr 2006 at 12:53am
This hack will skip the spinning animations. more...
64 65k 42
Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | University |
![]() | Nightlife |
![]() | Open for Business |
![]() | Pets |
![]() | Seasons |
![]() | Bon Voyage |