Narrow Lot ~ Minimal CC ~ 2B/1B with Garage: 2 Versions - Furn or UNF

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This is another of those "break" houses... Built whilst taking a break from fighting with that durned-TS2-roof-tool during the construction phase of my 1920's Series houses.

When I first saw this floor plan on-line I thought it looked like an old-timey riverboat. It was one of those: "I-gotta-sim-that! moments" .

Below are the original floor plans. This one is an almost exact replica. There was not room to add a built-in closet to bedroom #1 in the simmed version, so for that reason it is not what I would call a Master Bedroom. Therefore, it is decorated more like for a teen child than for an adult couple; and bedroom #2 is decorated more like for an adult couple. Feel free to change it around when you get it into your 'hood!

This house also required a few pieces of CC to do justice to the original design. They are included and listed below - all are build items - a fence (well... roof edger,) doors and a couple of windows.

I had planned to shrink this lot (making it really long and skinny) but then decided against it - so there is a real nice opportunity for a garden here.

Please scroll through all the above pictures to see everything this house has to offer. This house is available in 2 versions: Furnished or UNFurnished.
For both versions - All appliances, plumbing and lighting are included. The telephone is located in the kitchen. The garage entrance door is burglar alarmed. The stove has a smoke alarm.

This is a clean copy of this house/lot; no sim has ever lived here. The package has been cleaned with Mootilda's Clean Installer.

There is parking for two vehicles: one in the garage, and one on the driveway.

Pictures were taken with the following items in place, but they are NOT included:
- Invisible Smoke Alarm by pfish @ MTS2
- Invisible Driveway by Sophie-David @ MTS2
- Backless Cheap Shower and Tub/combo by Huge Lunatic (HL) @ MTS2
- Cubic Dynamics Pleasing Bookshelf from the EA Store/Cubic Set now hosted over at GoS
- TV_Floor Benno IKEA Pre-order incentive on GOS

Custom Content Included:
- Fence-Smoothedge-White by HugeLunatic (HL) @ Sims2Artists
- Column Value1 - corneredNObase by Huge Lunatic (HL) @ MTS2
- Stairwalls by Inge Jones @ Simlogical
- Intl Windows - SquareHigh and Mid by Huge Lunatic (HL) @ MTS2
- MM PlateGlass Doors by moune999 @ MTS2

Lot Size: 2x3
Lot Price (Furnished): $61,819
Lot Price (UNFfurnished): $39,712

Possibly used but NOT included - so, you may need to GO get it:
--- I use the Lifestyle Build Bundle wallpapers/floors ALL the time. (If you followed that link, it's the second link in the top post - extracted from Lifestyle Stories by Argon @ MATY) This 'bundle' lives back in my Bins folder so it doesn't have the CC star. If you ever enter one of my builds and find it has blank/unpapered walls/floors, it is because I used ones from this bundle and forgot to mention it. So, either substitute the wall/floor of your choice, or go get this bundle and re-install the lot (from your lot bin.)

Standard mods I use that are not necessary nor included - but were probably used whilst building/photo-ing/prepping this house for upload...
I use Niol/Moi's Roof Shader for brighter roofs
And, HW/Honeywell's A Little Greyer: Roof Trim Defaults
Then, if it's a Bespoke Roof recolor - it will be THESE adjusted versions by The Llama Park/Tumblr that you see used in the pictures.
(However, what you get in the packaged file, will either be the plain EA roof or the straight, un-modified Bespoke roof from the set here on MTS2.)
Maranatah's White Wall Top texture replacement
Moo's Turn On/Off Lights
Menaceman's Lunatech Lighting Fix
BeosBoxBoy's no-red-pause-mod
Nopke's Go Under Spiral Stairs mod for proper spiral stair usage
And, of course, everyone needs Numenor's CEP and SEP!
I also use FRAPs to take in-game pictures, and PhotoShop to clean/collage said pictures.
And, I highly recommend using gummilutt's Invisible Medicine Cabinet to add features to any mirror - as per her policy, it's not used or included in this lot.

Additional Credits:
Thank you EAxis for this wonderful game
And, MTS2 for this terrific website!
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