Default replacement - FT "uberfamily" dresses for AF/YAF

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These are default replacements for the afbodyuberfamily dresses from FreeTime. Since they replace outfits from FreeTime, FreeTime is required for them to work properly. Resources are compressed.

Each of the eight outfits in the Maxis set has two replacement options, one which has a print pattern and one which is a solid color. You can replace any or all of the afbodyuberfamily outfits, and can mix and match the replacement packages as you choose, so long as you only use one package for any particular outfit. If you use more than one replacement package for an outfit, the game will use the one that loads last, which may not be the one you want. You can use the replacement packages with another default for afbodyuberfamily, as long as they load after it.

The replacement mesh is by DeeDee, and is available in a separate rar file. The solid replacements for the afbodyuberfamily outfits without aprons are from DeeDee's set. The print replacements and the solid replacements for the Maxis outfits with aprons are from this set of recolors by Kooli. While Kooli set her recolors as Formal and Everyday, the replacements, like the Maxis originals, are set as Everyday only. Both sets contain recolors that I didn't use, as well as teen and elder versions of the outfits. (If you get the versions that have the TF and EF outfits repositoried to the AF outfits, note that the repositoried TF and EF packages will work with the replacement packages.)

The 16 replacement packages are in four separate rar files.Two of the rar files have the solid and print replacements for the Maxis outfits without aprons, and two have the solid and print replacements for the Maxis outfits with aprons, so none of the rar files has more than one replacement package for any given outfit. Each rar file contains an image that shows which replacement outfits it contains, names the Maxis outfit each one replaces, and identifies the recolors they were made from.

If you have DeeDee's or Kooli's AF outfits, and want to delete the CC versions of the replacements you select, be sure to do it by deleting the CC packages themselves, rather than by deleting the CC outfits from within Body Shop or CAS.

Custom content in images:
Default skins by Leh
(Note: The download links at GoS don't work, the skins can be downloaded here
Default eyes by Lyran (Wayback Machine link)
(Note: The download link is the pic of the eyes. It appears to be working at least some of the time.)
Default replacement eyebrows by rainstorm25

Poly count: 3940 (higher than Maxis)

Additional Credits:
DeeDee for the mesh; DeeDee and Kooli for the textures.
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