Move, Sort & Hide Interactions
01_main_5.png - width=1400 height=788
04_page_MoveAnyWhere.png - width=1920 height=1080
05_page_HideAnything.png - width=1920 height=1080
03_page_MoveSortHide_3.png - width=1366 height=768
02_page_NewCategories.png - width=1920 height=1080
06_page_DefaultSortings_2.png - width=1920 height=1080
07_page_UI.png - width=1920 height=1080
zerbu_mod_create_pie_menu_large.png - width=1828 height=1571
Here's how to create your custom categories
08_page_ComputerSort.png - width=1920 height=1080
09_page_TellStory.png - width=1920 height=1080
10_page_ChatCoWorker.png - width=1920 height=1080
11_page_TalkWeather.png - width=1920 height=1080
12_page_Help.png - width=1920 height=1080
13_page_Share.png - width=1920 height=1080

Update june 14: fixed bugUpdate june 4: select multiple (new), auto reload (new), shift-hide anything (new), small additions, changes and fixes Update mai 24: fixed bugs, updated stuff, added Portuguese (Fla SimsBR) and Japanese (maru) translations
Do you like clicking "More options..." 15 times to find an interaction ? Then stay away, this mod will rob you of that pleasure.
This mod allows you to move, prioritize and hide any interaction within the game (sim, pets, objects, phone, debug).
Update (June 4)
I am happy to say that new features that some of you have been asking have finally been added to the mod

- added multi-select! You can move up to a 100 interactions at the same time ! Actually there is no limit, but I wouldn't recommend moving more at the same time
- added auto-reloading! Remember that
reload_local_interactionscheat ? No more ! The mod should now detect new CC/Mods/Packs/Patches and reload on his own ! - added new UI for hiding stuff behind shift-clicks (It's on the computer) You can also take anything out of a shift click. warning : I can't figure out why, but this won't work on most social interactions. This will work on most object interactions.
Here are other small additions :
- fixed small error with game update
- changed cheat code : everything is now unlocked by default
- added 5 new categories. 4 in Romance (Kiss, Flirt, Express Love, Touch) and 1 in Funny (Joke). Again I-uh.. Google translated them, so feel free to... you know.
- added all missing texts from the previous patches for English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese.
- added default sorting for a few new interactions (I didn't know what to do with the new <Enthuse/Complain about *music_preference*> because they are both the same interaction with a different text. But to find them all type: socials_Targeted_Friendly_SimPreference_Recent_Music)
Go to...
go to Basic use of this mod
go to Advanced use of this mod
go to Small stuff this mod also does
go to I don't have an English game
go to Errors and Suggestions
go to Videos
Basic use of this mod
This section explains how to use the mod. Four new interactions can now be found on the computer under "Sort Interactions". Check out some examples in the video below.
- Move an interaction
An interaction like "Get to Know" or "Imply Mother is a Llama" belongs in a certain category. In this case, to "Friendly" and "Mean". Moving an interaction, means changing its category.
To help you organise your interactions, this mod brings 70+ new categories with 25 revamped/new pie menu icons. But it is not limited to those. Any custom content category can be used as well.
Special case : If you want to move "Get to Know" between "Friendly" and "Romance" (basically not in any category), you will have to select my fake "root" category as a destination.
- Change an interaction's priority
The order in which EA displays interactions is defined by a number from 0 to 10. That number is set on all the interactions. If multiple interactions have the same number, EA will display them in alphabetical order. Changing an interaction's priority means changing that number.
- Hide an interaction
You can now hide any interaction within the game, and unhide them at any time.Now with the ability to put/take out stuff behind a shift-click.
- Hide a category
Actually, categories cannot be hidden if they have interactions inside. Similarly, you can't display a category that is empty. So hiding a category actually means hiding every interaction inside, thus making it disappear.
Advanced use of this mod
This section lets you know how you can take full advantage of this mod, but at the risk of being frustrated and/or confused.
- Custom content
By default, not all of the custom content interactions/categories will be found by the mod. If they are in obvious places, like in the "Friendly" category, then yes, they will be found. But if they are in their own categories or on objects, you will most likely have to unlock everything.(deprecated)
You will most likely have to search for the author's name instead of the interaction itself. If you would rather search for the interaction's displayed text, here's what you have to do. The next part is kind of why I consider this mod to still be in Alpha stage.
Short version that doesn't explain stuff or make any sense, you just have to trust me :
Just type the cheat code cLineLy.load_missing_texts into the console. Then press OK to all the next messages that appear.
If it tells you that the number of messages to come is well over 30, I would suggest you download an auto clicker, and go grab yourself a cup of coffee. You will only have to do this once.
Long version that makes you feel like you know what the mod is doing to your game :
When you search for an interaction like "MC Command Center", the displayed text of that interaction needs to be available to the mod. So that the mod can compare your search with the displayed text of each interaction. But behind the mod (aka python), texts look a little like this "0x110B1E89". And I have not yet found a way to turn "0x110B1E89" into "MC Command Center". And back in 2015, SimGuruModSquad confirmed that "python does not have access to the [displayed texts]".
But I have found some kind of solution. You will have to enter this cheat into the console cLineLy.load_missing_texts. You will then see a dialog box containing the displayed text of a custom content interaction. By pressing OK the content of the text field will be send back to the mod as readable text. Python now has access to "MC Command Center" instead of "0x110B1E89". The mod will now save that value in a text file on your computer so that you don't have to do it again. And if to you, this looks like a hack, or feels like a hack... well that's because it is a hack. And an ugly one at that. Thinking about it, it's not even right to call it a solution. But it works ! You can now search for "MC Command Center". So one dialog box will popup for each custom content interaction.
Each dialog will tell you how many of them are still left. If it tells you that there are a lot of upcoming dialog boxes, feel free to download an auto clicker and to go grab a drink for a few minutes. I tried to take control of the mouse from inside the mod to do that, but I guess (with reason) EA disabled that kind of behavior. - Unlock everything
By default, only the social interactions (from sim to sim) are available to move/prioritize/hide. Why ? Because the interactions on objects are confusing to say the least. You can unlock every interaction within the game with this cheat code cLineLy.enable_sorting_for_objects True. You can just set it to false to lock them back.(deprecated, this is now default. Though, it is still confusing, so feel free to check out the video)
Here is a short video going through some of the weird things with objects.
- Hide behind shift-click
If you don't know what a shift-click is, you should probably ignore this section.(please don't, have fun with it)
If you don't like the new "Sort Interactions" taking up a slot on the computer. You can hide it behind a "shift-click" with this cheat cLineLy.hide_sorter_behind_shift True. Using False will unhide it.
With this mod, you can use this "hide behind shift-click" on other interactionsbut there is no UI for it yet(yes there is now, through the computer) but it doesn't work on most social interactions, only object interactions.
- Disable default sortings
The mod's default sortings are there to help. They are supposed to be a head start to make you spend less time organizing every single interaction in the game. But if the way you want to organize your interactions is fundamentally different and you feel like it will take you more time with the default sortings than without, you can disable them with this cheat cLineLy.enable_default_sortings False. Using True will re-enable them.
Here are lists with what the mod's default sortings do :
You can use Ctrl+F to find a specific interaction.
Now in category Interactions root, Acting - Act not Bored
- Act not Embarrassed
- Cry On Demand
- Learn New Lines
- Practice Dramatics
root, Acting, Perform Scene - Perform Comedy Scene
- Perform Dramatic Monologue
- Perform Musical Scene
root, Acting, Perform Scene For Tips - Perform Comedy Scene for Tips
- Perform Dramatic Monologue for Tips
- Perform Musical Scene for Tips
root, Actions - Adopt as Care Dependent
- Go Home
- Turn On Fame Shine
root, Computer Glasses - Scan for Mood
- Scan for Traits
- Take off Computer Glasses
root, Computer Glasses, Web, Research - Research Pick-up Lines
root, Disguise - Alter Disguise
- Disguise Self
- Remove Disguise
root, Fame - Incite Cheers
- Make Fans Swoon
- Pose For Pictures
- Summon Squad
- Turn On Fame Shine
- Use Celebrity Walkstyle
root, Friendly - Talk Up Another Sim
root, Friendly, Apologize - Apologize
- Apologize for Long Hours
- Beg Forgiveness
- Make Peace After Fight
- Mend Differences
- Sincere Apology
root, Friendly, Ask - Ask About Inspiration
- Ask About Rabid Rodent Fever
- Ask About Scouting Career
- Ask For Help Cleaning
- Ask For Typing Tips
- Ask about Another Sim
- Ask about Career
- Ask about Day
- Ask about Degree
- Ask about Food
- Ask about Home Region
- Ask about School
- Ask about WooHoo
- Ask for DNA Sample
- Ask for Flexibility Tips
- Ask for Juice Fizzing Tips
- Ask for Large Loan
- Ask for Recycling Tips
- Ask for Small Loan
- Ask if Good or Bad
- Ask if Mermaid
- Ask if Single
- Ask to Be Put to Bed
- Ask to Be Snow Bro
- Ask to Hang Out
- Ask to Join Household
- Ask to Just Be Friends
- Ask to Leave
- Ask to Spray The Monster Under The Bed
- Which way is the way to the beach?
root, Friendly, Brag - Beach Flex
- Boast about Messing Around
- Brag About Beating Climbing Time
- Brag About Being Curry Champion
- Brag About Climbing Prowess
- Brag About Job Title
- Brag About Small Home
- Brag About Winning Game
- Brag about Dinner Party
- Brag about Grades
- Brag about Skillz
- Brag about Startup
- Brag about Surviving Food Poisoning
- Discuss Conquests
- Show Off Outfit
root, Friendly, Celebrate Holiday - Ask For Present
- Be Thankful
- Blow Horns
- Complain about {2.String}
- Discuss Details of Season Premiere
- Give {2.String} Gift
- Purchase Gifts
- Share {2.String} Excitement
- Share {2.String} Spirit
- Sing about {2.String}
- Spin {2.String} Noisemaker
- Throw {2.String} Confetti
- {2.String} Toast
root, Friendly, Chat with Co-Worker - Ask about Salary
- Ask for a Crystal
- Ask for a Metal
- Brag about Promotion
- Complain about Work
- Complain about Workload
- Congratulate on Promotion
- Deliberate Medical Theory
- Discuss Case
- Discuss Case Theories
- Discuss Soccer Strategies
- Discuss Work
- Don't Talk about Crime Club
- Enthuse about Delivering Baby
- Enthuse about Inventions
- Enthuse about Solving Case
- Gossip About Office Romances
- Gossip about Co-workers
- Praise Work Ethic
- Secret Scouting Handshake
- Talk to the Chief
root, Friendly, Chat with Family - Ask about Future Plans
- Ask for Advice on Biting Technique
- Back in My Day
- Bring Up Embarrassing Childhood Moment
- Deep Personal Conversation
- Give Family Advice
- Give the WooHoo Talk
- Kiss Cheek
- Lecture about Grades
- Lecture about Misbehavior
- Lecture about Responsibilities
- Lecture about Sunlight
- Offer Advice on Vampire Life
- Praise for Good Grades
- Secret Handshake
- Share Ancient Lore
- Talk about Journal Entries
- Teach Valuable Lesson
root, Friendly, Chat with Friend - Banter with Old Friend
- Become Best Friends
- Deep Conversation
- Express Admiration
root, Friendly, Chat with Neighbor - Chat about Property Values
- Complain about Local Youths
- Compliment House
- Discuss Local Cuisine
- Discuss Neighborhood Changes
- Gossip about Neighbors
root, Friendly, Chat with Vampire - Ask to Turn
- Brood about Being a Vampire
- Discuss Plasma Flavors
- Gossip about Ancient Vampires
- Recall Mortal Life
- Show Off Powers
- Vampiric Spar
root, Friendly, Complain - Complain About Flavorless Meat Substitutes
- Complain about Bills
- Complain about Classes
- Complain about Cooling Costs
- Complain about Everything
- Complain about Food Poisoning
- Complain about Fruitcake
- Complain about Heating Costs
- Complain about Lack of Power
- Complain about Lack of Water
- Complain about Mosquitoes
- Complain about Parents
- Complain about Spirits
- Complain about TV Size
- Complain about Technological Apocalypse
- Whine about Curfew
- Whine about Grounding
- Whine about Unfair Life
root, Friendly, Compliment - Compliment Art
- Compliment Color Choices
- Compliment Costume
- Compliment Home
- Compliment Outfit
- Compliment SimScuffle Skills
- Compliment Style
- Compliment Wedding
- Compliment Yoga Pants
- Compliment on Recent Article
- Flatter
- Heartfelt Compliment
root, Friendly, Do Together - Ask To Play In Fountain
- Ask to Play In Waterfall
- Ask to Stargaze
- Kick Soccer Ball with {1.SimFirstName}
root, Friendly, Do Together, Massage - Ask for Foot Massage
- Ask for Hand Massage
- Offer Foot Massage
- Offer Hand Massage
root, Friendly, Do Together, Swings - Ask to Be Pushed on Swing
- Ask to Push on Swing
- Ask to Swing With
root, Friendly, Emotions - Ask For Reassurance
- Ask about Love Life
- Ask for Advice
- Complain about Boredom
- Complain about Problems
- Describe New Idea
- Give Pep Talk
- Give Relationship Advice
- Gush about Partner
- Hip Bump
- Propose Crazy Scheme
- Rant and Rave
- Share Insecurities
- Suggest Fun Activities
- Talk about Dreams
- Tell Unbelievable Story
- Vent
root, Friendly, Fame - "Besties" Friendly Introduction
- Ask for Autograph
- Ask for Hug
- Ask for Selfie
- Ask to Take Picture of {1.SimFirstName}
- Hug Fan
- Make {1.SimFirstName} Swoon
- Sign Autograph
- Take Selfie With Fan
root, Friendly, GeekCon - Argue About Gif Pronunciation
- Debate 1000 Ant Sized Bears vs. 1 Bear Sized Ant
- Rant About TV Show Cancellation
- Talk Lovingly About Cosplayers
root, Friendly, Give - Birthday Gift
- Bro Gift
- Friendly Gift
- Give Apartment Key
- Give Crafted Gift
- Give Flower Arrangement Gift
- Give Residence Keys
root, Friendly, Help - Brighten Day
- Calm Emotions
- Cheer Up Parent
- Comment on Appearance
- Console about Death
- Discuss Stressed Mood
- Help Fix Bad Relationship
- Help Out
- Hook Up With
- Lend Emotional Support
- Point Out Flaws
- Share Emotional Burden
- Tragically Try to Cheer Up
- Try to Calm Down
- Try to Cheer Up
- Unintentionally Crush Dreams
- You'll Be Okay
root, Friendly, Hug - Bro Hug
- Cuddle
- Express Love
- Hug
- Hug Lovingly
- Hug Out the Cold
- Snuggle
root, Friendly, Save Conversation - Find Common Ground
- Save Awkward Conversation
- Save Boring Conversation
- Save Unpleasant Conversation
- Try to Chat
root, Friendly, Share - Give Medical Advice
- Gossip
- Gossip About Office Romances
- Gossip about Bear
- Gossip about Sakura Tea effects
- Offer Career Advice
- Reveal Deep Secret
- Share Big News
- Share Burden
- Share Conspiracy Theories
- Share Excitement
- Share Ideas About Crafting
- Share Melancholy Thoughts
- Share Mermaid Discovery
- Share Overheard Rumors
- Share Photos
- Share Resolution
- Share Secret
- Share Vampire Knowledge
- Show Off Selfies
- Show Pictures of Selvadorada
- Teach to Knit
root, Friendly, Talk about - Talk about Art
- Talk about Day
- Talk about Dinosaurs
- Talk about Favorite Animal
- Talk about Favorite Color
- Talk about Party
- Talk about Princesses
- Talk about Superheroes
- Talk about Toys
- Talk about Trucks
root, Friendly, Talk about Batuu - Chat about Datapads
- Chat about Sabacc
- Chat about Starfighters
- Chat about Wookiees
- Discuss The Force
- Enthuse about Batuu
- Enthuse about Lightsabers
- Rave about Droids
root, Friendly, Talk about Celebrities - Ask to Badmouth...
- Ask to Hype...
- Ask to Praise...
- Share Excitement
- Whisper About Celebrity
root, Friendly, Talk about Interests - Boast about Family
- Brag about Possessions
- Bro Bump
- Complain About Love Life
- Convince to Enlist in the First Order
- Debate Best Captains
- Discuss Favorite Art Pieces
- Discuss Favorite Artist
- Discuss Favorite Authors
- Discuss Favorite Band
- Discuss Favorite Recipes
- Discuss Fine Cuisine
- Discuss Hydration
- Discuss Interests
- Discuss Latest Book
- Discuss Outfit
- Discuss Sports Statistics
- Discuss World Peace
- Dismiss Evil Ways
- Enthuse About Gardening
- Enthuse about Cakes
- Enthuse about Cats
- Enthuse about City Planning
- Enthuse about Conservation
- Enthuse about Crushing the Resistance
- Enthuse about Dogs
- Enthuse about Eating Organic
- Enthuse about Farseer Data Corporation
- Enthuse about Fruitcake
- Enthuse about Galactic Credit Skimmers
- Enthuse about Green Energy
- Enthuse about Interests
- Enthuse about New Albums
- Enthuse about New Show
- Enthuse about Outdoors
- Enthuse about Processing Power
- Enthuse about Space
- Enthuse about Stopping the First Order
- Enthuse about Thrill of the Steal
- Enthuse about Thrill-Seeking
- Enthuse about Vegetarianism
- Enthuse about {2.String}
- Evangelize Benefits of Health Food
- Evangelize Benefits of Junk Food
- Evangelize Grilled Cheese
- Evangelize Vegetarian Benefits
- Fire Up
- Fish for Compliments
- Inspire to Join the Resistance
- Obsess about Favorite Show
- Point Out Constellations
- Reveal Brilliant Invention
- Share Brilliant Ideas
- Share Love of Cats
- Share Love of Dogs
- Talk About Eco Lifestyle
- Talk about Art
- Talk about Bestsellers
- Talk about Favorite Animal
- Talk about Home
- Talk about Latest Party
- Talk about New App
- Teach about Responsibility
- Theorize about Aliens
- Unintentionally Insult Interests
root, Friendly, Talk about Meal - Complain about Dish
- Compliment Food
- Discuss Food Flavors
- Enthuse about Meal
root, Friendly, Talk about Movie - Ask Question About Movie's Plot
- Chat About Actors
- Complain About Actor
- Complain About Director
- Declare Favorite Movie Genre
- Discuss Scene
- Enthuse About Movie
root, Friendly, Talk about Skill - Discuss DJ Techniques
- Enthuse about Fabrication
- Give Parenting Tips
- Rave about Favorite Singers
root, Friendly, Talk about Skill, Acting - Mentor Acting
root, Friendly, Talk about Skill, Archaeology - Discuss Ancient History
- Give Archaeology Lecture
root, Friendly, Talk about Skill, Cooking - Discuss Gourmet Dishes
- Give Cooking Tips
- Share Cooking Secrets
- Talk about Cooking
root, Friendly, Talk about Skill, Dancing - Discuss Dance Techniques
root, Friendly, Talk about Skill, Fishing - Boast about Biggest Catch
- Discuss Local Fishing Spots
- Share Fishing Tips
- Talk about Best Bait
root, Friendly, Talk about Skill, Fitness - Discuss Fitness Techniques
- Practice Fighting
- Show Off Muscles
- Suggest Working Out
root, Friendly, Talk about Skill, Handiness - Brag about Handiness
- Give Repair Tips
- Talk about Handiness
root, Friendly, Talk about Skill, Herbalism - Enthuse about Herbalism
- Give Herbalism Tips
- Talk about Herbalism
root, Friendly, Talk about Skill, Instruments - Discuss the Best Violinist
- Enthuse about Guitar Solos
- Rhapsodize about Piano Sonatas
root, Friendly, Talk about Skill, Juice Fizzing - Enthuse About Juice Fizzing
- Give Juice Fizzing Tips
root, Friendly, Talk about Skill, Logic - Discuss Logic Puzzles
- Provide Logical Solution
- Share Astronomy Knowledge
root, Friendly, Talk about Skill, Mixology - Share Mixology Secrets
- Talk about Drink Making
root, Friendly, Talk about Skill, Painting - Describe Aesthetics
- Discuss Color Theory
root, Friendly, Talk about Skill, Rock Climbing - Ask about the Beta of a Route
- Brag about High Altitude Views
- Chat about Favorite Holds
- Coach Rock Climbing
- Offer Rock Climbing Tips
- Provide Rock Climbing Tips
- Show Off Hand Calluses
root, Friendly, Talk about Skill, Skiing & Snowboarding - Brag about Shredding
- Chat about Rad Slope
- Coach {1.SimFirstName} in Skiing
- Coach {1.SimFirstName} in Snowboarding
- Deliberate Ski Style
- Discuss Past Ski Experiences
- Endure the Burn
- Give Advice on Avoiding Wipeouts
- Inquire about Powder Conditions
- Offer Ski Expertise
- Offer Ski Expertise For Free
- Provide Snowboarding Tips
- Revoke Snow Bro
root, Friendly, Talk about Skill, Video Gaming - Debate Game Strategy
- Discuss Latest Games
- Gossip about Video Game Pros
root, Friendly, Talk about Skill, Wellness - Discuss Cognitive Focusing Methods
- Offer Mental Relaxation Tips
- Recommend Self Esteem Exercises
- Share Detox Secrets
- Suggest Visualization Techniques
root, Friendly, Talk about Skill, Writing - Ask about Favorite Author
- Enthuse about Iambic Pentameter
root, Friendly, Talk about University - Brag about Grades
- Complain about Classes
- Complain about Professor
- Complain about Textbook Costs
- Discuss Project Ideas
- Discuss Upcoming Test
- Tell Joke About Foxbury Institute
root, Friendly, Talk about Vampires - Ask about Vampire History
- Confess Fear of Vampires
- Debate Existence of Vampires
- Enthuse about Vampires
- Praise Vampire Lifestyle
root, Friendly, Talk about Weather - Complain about Cloudy Weather
- Complain about Cold
- Complain about Heat
- Complain about Heatwave
- Complain about Rain
- Complain about Snow
- Complain about Sunlight
- Complain about Sunny Weather
- Complain about Thunderstorms
- Complain about Wind
- Talk about Current Temperature
- Talk about Current Weather
root, Friendly, Tell Story - Share Personal Story
- Share Travel Stories
- Share War Stories
- Talk about New Adventure
- Tell Crazy Story about Last Night
- Tell Dramatic Story
- Tell Engaging Story
- Tell Insider Story
- Tell Make Believe Story
- Tell Spooky Scout Story
- Tell Story
- Tell Story about Defeating the Mother Plant
- Tell Tales of Galactic Adventure
- Tell Tales of Galactic Conquest
- Tell Tales of Smuggling
- Tell a Omiscan Folk Tale
root, Friendly, Use Powers - Analyze Personality
- Empathize
- Secret Handshake
root, Friendly, Work Tasks - Ask for Donation to University
- Ask to Volunteer Time
- Ask {1.SimFirstName} to Model Look
- Collect Qualitative Feedback
- Conduct Product Survey
- Give Inspirational Speech
- Interview about Life
- Interview about Neighborhood Action Plans
- Interview about Utilities
- Interview for Story
- Interview {1.SimFirstName}
- Military Introduction
- Network With {2.SimName}
- Offer to Make-Over {1.SimFirstName}
- Offer to Pump Up
- Pitch Story Idea
- Practice Lecture
- Recruit Product Tester
- Salute
- Spar
- Spread Conservation Awareness
- Try to Recruit into Military
root, Mean, Argue - Assert Correctness
root, Parenting - Ask to Cleanup Toys
root, Romance, WooHoo - Try For Baby in Coffin
- Try For Baby in Lighthouse
- Try for Baby
- Try for Baby In Shower
- Try for Baby as Bats
- Try for Baby in Bush
- Try for Baby in Cave
- Try for Baby in Closet
- Try for Baby in Dumpster
- Try for Baby in Hot Tub
- Try for Baby in Money Pile
- Try for Baby in Sauna
- Try for Baby in Tent
- Try for Baby in the Hot Springs
- WooHoo
- WooHoo as Bats
- WooHoo in Bush
- WooHoo in Closet
- WooHoo in Coffin
- WooHoo in Hot Tub
- WooHoo in Leaf Pile
- WooHoo in Lighthouse
- WooHoo in Money Pile
- WooHoo in Observatory
- WooHoo in Rocket Ship
- WooHoo in Sauna
- WooHoo in Shower
- WooHoo in Tent
- WooHoo in Waterfall
- WooHoo in the cave
- Woohoo in Dwelling
- Woohoo in Hot Springs
root, Scan - Scan for Mood
- Scan for Traits
root, SimRay - Freeze Ray
- Transform
root, Singing - Practice Singing
root, Sports - Drink Energy Juice
- Get Hyped
- Go Jogging
- Jog to Clear Mind
- Practice Juggling
- Prepare For The Moment
- Ride Bike Around
- Stretch It Out
You can use Ctrl+F to find a specific interaction/category.
Now in category Moved category with content root, Friendly, Ask, Ask to See Outfit : - Athletic
- Cold Weather
- Everyday
- Formal
- Hot Weather
- Party
- Sleepwear
- Swimwear
root, Friendly, Brag, Brag About Owning : - Bee Box
- Convince to Buy Fabricator
- Convince to Buy Recycler
- Dew Collector
- Insect Farm
- Planters
- Solar Panel
- Vertical Garden
- Wind Turbines
root, Friendly, Do Together, Perform Scene For Tips : - Perform Action Scene for Tips
- Perform Drama Scene for Tips
- Perform Horror Scene for Tips
- Perform Romance Scene for Tips
- Perform Sci-Fi Scene for Tips
root, Friendly, Do Together, Perform Scene : - Perform Action Scene
- Perform Drama Scene
- Perform Horror Scene
- Perform Romance Scene
- Perform Sci-Fi Scene
- Practice Acting
root, Friendly, Do Together, Massage, Offer Massage : - Give Deep Tissue Massage
- Give Fertility Massage
- Give Sports Massage
- Give Stone Massage
- Give Swedish Massage
root, Friendly, Do Together, Massage, Ask for a Massage : - Ask for Deep Tissue Massage
- Ask for Fertility Massage
- Ask for Sports Massage
- Ask for Stone Massage
- Ask for Swedish Massage
root, Friendly, Give, Simoleons : - ?100
- ?1000
- ?10000
- ?500
- ?5000
root, Friendly, Share, Share Lifestyle Tips : - Share Adrenaline Seeker Tips
- Share Close-Knit Tips
- Share Coffee Fanatic Tips
- Share Energetic Tips
- Share Frequent Traveler Tips
- Share Health Food Nut Tips
- Share Hungry for Love Tips
- Share Indoorsy Tips
- Share Junk Food Fiend Tips
- Share Outdoorsy Tips
- Share People Person Tips
- Share Sedentary Tips
- Share Single and Lovin' It Tips
- Share Techie Tips
- Share Technophobe Tips
- Share Workaholic Tips
root, Friendly, Talk about Weather, Declare Weather Preference :
root, Friendly, Work Tasks, Teach about : - Teach about Acting
- Teach about Charisma
- Teach about Comedy
- Teach about Cooking
- Teach about Fitness
- Teach about Gardening
- Teach about Handiness
- Teach about Logic
- Teach about Painting
- Teach about Photography
- Teach about Programming
- Teach about Research & Debate
- Teach about Robotics
- Teach about Rocket Science
- Teach about Videogaming
- Teach about Writing
root, Friendly, Tell Story, Tell a Group Story : - A Fairy Tale
- A Ghost Story
- An Adventure Story
root, Sports, Rock Climbing : - Chalk Hands
- Do Pre-Climb Stretching
- Make Energy Bar
- Make Protein Bar
root, Singing, Sing Song :
root, Actions, Utensil Preference : - Prefer Forks
- Prefer Lacquered Wood Chopsticks
- Prefer Plain Wood Chopsticks
- Prefer Plastic Chopsticks
- Prefer Steel Chopsticks
root, SimRay, Mind Control : - Clean
- Eat
- Panic
- Sit
- Sleep
You can use Ctrl+F to find a specific interaction.
Ask about Career, 2
Ask about Day, 3
Ask about Day, 3
Ask about Home Region, 2
Ask if Single, 2
Ask to Join Household, 2
Become Best Friends, 2
Discuss DJ Techniques, 6
Enthuse about Fabrication, 6
Give Parenting Tips, 6
Go Jogging, 9
Practice Singing, 1
Practice Singing, 1
Rave about Favorite Singers, 6
Revoke Apartment Key, 3
Shout Forbidden Words, 1
Stargaze, 1
Summon Island Elementals, 2
Summon Volcanic Bomb, 2
Talk to Self, 2
Tell Story to Self, 2
Throw Tantrum, 1
Small stuff this mod also does
- Warn About the Bed Safety, now only sims who died crushed by the Murphy bed can use it (how it was supposed to be).
- Talk about Home, Aliens can now do it again (how it was supposed to be).
- Discuss Local Fishing Spots, only those who unlocked the fishing skill can use it (because it was annoying).
Stuff this mod doesn't do
- This mod does not unlock "gameplay locked" interactions like career interactions. It only hides or unhides them.
- This mod does not let you move/prioritize categories, only interactions (for now)
When you install new content
When you first launch the game, the mod will go through all your existing interactions, index them and store them locally. That way, when you search for an interaction, it doesn't have to load every existing interaction (over 25'000) each time. And when you restart the game again, it won't have to do it a second time. Now don't get me wrong, that's just 2 seconds of loading, but I will take every second out of the loading screens I can get.
Remember to do this step for new custom content.
Upcoming packs
When a new pack comes out, you will notice that the search system doesn't work quite right for the new interactions. That is expected behavior (for now). I will update it as soon as possible.
How come I can find some interactions, but not all of them ?
That's because the search system of this mod also searches through every interaction's "hidden name". For example, the hidden name for "Ask about Day" is "mixer_social_AskAboutDay_targeted_Friendly_alwaysOn". Now, let's say that "Ask about Day" is from an upcoming pack. If you searched for "Ask about Day", you would still find what you were looking for because "Ask", "Day" and "About" are all inside its hidden name. But if you searched for "Become Best Friends" you would not find the interaction, because its hidden name is "mixer_social_AskToBeBestFriends_targeted_Friendly_HighScore" and "Become" is not in it. If you only typed "Best Friends" then you would find it.
If you don't want to wait for me to update, but still want to search for the new interactions by their displayed text, you can do that. You can do the same thing you would do for custom content and it'll work. Be warned though, a whole new pack can bring between 100 to 800 new interactions so... have that auto-clicker nearby.
I don't have an English game
For now, this mod can be used as expected on English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese games. What about the other languages ? They will be added. Because this mod relies so heavily on the game's and the player's text inputs to work, it takes some time to make it compatible. If you use one of the mentioned languages, feel free to correct any bad translations (I used Google Translate) and send them to me.
Does that mean that the mod doesn't work for other languages ? The mod will work. But you will have to search for the interactions/categories using their English names.
If you play the game in an available language, but the mod still forces you to search in English, you can force it in your language with this cheat cLineLy.set_language EN (replace with EN, FR, DE, ES, PT, JP).
Errors and Suggestions
As this mod is somewhat still in its Alpha-ish phase, it is prone to errors and open to suggestions. If you have any of those, feel free to send an e-mail at
For errors, please always attach the file cLineLy_interactionSorter_Exception.txt. If the game tells you that the problem comes from a specific file, please send me that one as well.
You can try to auto-repair the mod by entering the cheat cLineLy.reload_local_interactions. In some cases this will help.
Basic use of this mod
→ go back to Basic use of this mod
Confusing interactions
→ go back to Unlock everything
Previous updates
Update mai 24
- fixed the "Hide behind shift click" cheat code that didn't work properly after a game update
- fixed an error from happening when another mod used non-existing string (5/5 people who had this problem was with Basemental's 0xD925E0E0F, but if any other mod does the same, it will now work as well)
- upgraded the handling of unknown languages; no more visible warnings
- added Portuguese (Fla SimsBR) and Japanese (maru) translations
- added all missing texts from the previous patches for English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese.
- added default sorting for a few new interactions
Typical installation. Un-zip (extract) the downloaded file and install both the .package file and the .ts4script file in your mods folder.
Don't forget to enable script mods in the options menu of the game.
Make sure only one copy/version of the mod is in your mods folder.
If you don't see the new "Sort Interactions" options appear on the computer, then the script was not properly installed.
Compatibility and requirements
This mod is mostly script. The only thing that isn't, is the categories (I have not yet found a way to edit simData files through script). So if you have a mod that changes the displayed text of the categories mentioned above (category sortings), the text might revert back to EA's default.
Credits and Thanks
Lots of thanks to the creators of these modding tools which helped me understand Sims 4 :
TS4 Tuning Description Browser - scumbumbo
XML Extractor for The Sims 4 - scumbumbo
Tuning Inspector - MAL22
Script Reloading - fetusdip & scumbumbo
Additional Credits to VS Code, S4S, Photoshop
Uploaded: 14th Jun 2021, 996.9 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
Read the upload description for installation instructions. If nothing else is specified, do the following:
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) into your Mods folder
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
- Mod still not working? Make sure you have script mods enabled
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Updated: 14th Jun 2021 at 10:54 PM - new features, fixes, changes
#Interactions, #Pie Menu, #Move, #Sort, #Prioritize, #Hide, #Organize, #Interaction Sorter, #shift-click
[Script Mod] enable advanced debug/cheat interactions
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