Fake Elevator Set 2 - Stainless steel
Floor 1.jpg - width=546 height=361
Floor 2.jpg - width=534 height=349
Floor 3.jpg - width=542 height=340
Elevator w control panel.jpg - width=319 height=442
Window 1.jpg - width=316 height=378
Window 2.jpg - width=272 height=355
Window 3.jpg - width=299 height=384
Window 4.jpg - width=280 height=352
Door frame n Window 5.jpg - width=283 height=363
All doors.jpg - width=600 height=450
1. The doors are recoulour of the Sliding Door.
-> Door 1, 2, 3 are made with stainless steel and glass in "the glass part", but without a door frame.
-> Door 4 are made with glass only in the glass part", but without a door frame.
-> Door 5 are made with steel only in "the glass part" and with a door frame. This also in stainless steel.
It also has a 2 button call panel for the elevator plased on the wood frame of the door.
Se pic for more detailes.
2. There are 3 steel floors. Se pic for more detailes.
3. 2 different walls. Both made only in stailness steel.
-> Wall option 1 - Stainless steel from floor to celing.
-> Wall option 2 - Stainless steel from floor to celing and an in elevator control panel. Buttons for 3 floors, opening and closing + an alarm button
I didnt make a wall paper with call buttons for the hall (outside the elevator) since they allready are on the door frame.
So. let me know what you think of them.
My Fake Elevator set 1 in Dark Teak can be found here
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Elevator Steel Walls.rar
Uploaded: 28th May 2005, 33.8 KB.
Elevator Steel Floors.rar
Uploaded: 28th May 2005, 24.2 KB.
Elevator Steel Door n Windows.rar
Uploaded: 28th May 2005, 154.1 KB.
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Updated: 29th May 2005 at 12:47 AM
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