Character Values Overhaul

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The Character Value (CV) system introduced in Parenthood is underdeveloped and hasn’t been updated in years. In an unmodded game, only 12 traits out of the 60+ traits available to Sims have an impact on CVs. Also, if a child ages up with a worrisome trait like “Evil,” their existing CVs will remain largely unchanged. This mod corrects that and goes several steps further.

What This Mod Does

  1. All traits (including Toddler and expansion pack traits) will now have an impact on Character Values when a Sim is first created.
  2. Rebalances points needed for earning Parenthood traits (more info below)
  3. Increases randomization of Character Values to ensure that no two Sims are exactly alike.
  4. Character Values now slowly decay over time.
  5. Sims with a Character Value in the red behave as if they have the associated negative trait.
    • ex: a Child Sim with -20 points in Responsibility will behave and roll wants as if they had the Irresponsible trait.
  6. When a Sim ages up, the trait they age up with will impact their Character Values. (Requires Lot 51 Core Library)
  7. Infant traits will impact a Sim's Character Values when they age up to a Toddler. (Requires Lot 51 Core Library)
  8. All of the boring Character Value notifications ("Sim is in range to earn Responsible trait") have been replaced with 30+ livelier ones (all notifications fit in the game, are gender neutral, and have been spell checked). This is for English only. All other languages will continue to use their language's default notifications.

Latest Updates
Update: 1/16/25
  • Updated for patch 1.112
  • Now requires Lot 51 Core Library
  • Added Life & Death traits
  • Added Grouch trait

Update: 8/27/24
  • Added support for all 18 languages
  • Ended support for BlockRewardsAddOn

More Detailed Information

List of Traits and the Character Values they impact

Toddler traits

Infant traits

Character Value points rewarded by traits are balanced

Points needed to earn negative and positive Parenthood traits have been modified

Randomness of values

Autonomy and wants


This mod is not compatible with Zero_PH_Parenthood_Fixes. I've incorporated Zero's fix into this mod.

Despite the emphasis on traits in this mod, no trait files have been modified. The main files this mod modifies are the lifeSkillStatisitc XMLs and the LifeSkills_Autonomy buff XMLs. I haven't encountered another mod that touches these.

My mod is compatible with mods that increase or decrease the rate at which you gain/lose Character Value points. This includes the difficulty adjustment setting found in MCCC.

For an added challenge, you can use my mod with Kuttoe's "mini mod: parenthood hard mode". But, be warned. You'll be seeing red!

Some features of this mod require Lot 51 Core Library

My mod will work without it, but if you want ALL of the features this mod has to offer, you need to make sure that you have "lot51_core.ts4script" somewhere in your mods folder. If you already have it, you're golden. If you don't, you can download it here.

Made with Sims 4 Studio
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