Science Geek as Exterminator Service (TS2 styled)

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Update 2:Added Traditional Chinese and German translation. Thanks Little Duck Liu and McNero !

Update 1:Added Frence and Russia translation. Thanks murkoose and Symbolism !

What does this mod do:

This mod make the science geek service NPC the "exterminator service". Sims can hire science geeks from phone to remove roaches from the house, same as the exterminator service from The Sims 2.


This mod works fine on its own, but it is recommended to have/install:

University Life: The spraying animation use the street art animation from this EP, if it was not installed science geeks will just stomp on them.

Twinsimming's Pest Control Mod: This mod don't spawn roaches in the game, and this mod will be useless if it isn't installed.


This mod will conflict with mods that also alter:
Interaction: ScenerioRoach.StompRoaches

How to use:

If there's roaches on the lot, sims can call science geek on phone/home phones, under services... pie menu. Costs 50 simoleons. Once requested, science geek will visit your lot and get rid of the roaches, and charge when they leave.

All roaches will be destroyed when they leave, disregard whether they can reach the roach.

All service sims will use the spraying animation.

Stomp Roaches:

This mod overrides the Stomp Roaches interaction. Stomping roaches will no longer be 100% successful, and the chance can be increased with athletic and martial arts skill.


-Allow sims to fire the science geek

-By default the tuning of science geek is hardcoded, this mod make it tunable. If you want all premade science geeks keep their role on world load change the pool count to 2

-I do not recommend to call the service when the game hasn't yet generate a science geek (simulated the service once). This won't be a problem in EA premade worlds

-Do not use the force NPC... Science Geek cheat on mailbox. It will permanently make the service be in requested state and nothing could be done

And happy Sims 2 re-release day!

Big thanks to Twinsimming for pest control mod and testing!
Battery's script mod template
Visual Studio 2022
Multiple modder's tutorial.
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