S4 -- (Medieval) Clergy Career

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**Heavily influenced by sokkarang's Priest Career.**

Priests and other members of the clergy have the professional purpose of giving religious insight to various realms and thus retain unique places in society with their own set of privileges, like being exempt from paying taxes. They preside over vocatioal ceremonies and weddings, and are in charge of ensuring that religious occasions and events are observed. They also can perform final rites for those dying to give them the higher chance of meeting the Watcher. Reading and writing are taught to all members of the clergy.


  • "Novice": You are a person who will join the Watcher-sworn numbers of the clergy from the years as young as five. You do not really interact with most persons outside of the living spaces except when a supervising authority figure is assigned to you and other novices. Hopefuly, you can gain some friends while you work your way up. but you will also spend your time reading core texts and preserving them, praying, and/or doorkeeping (usher parishioners as they enter and exit the church).
  • “Acolyte”: Not much has changed except you work at the alter as a server by carrying the processional cross, lighting candles, and holding the holy book and torches during Mass. As you walk down aisles you swing the thurible, carry the incense boat, or hand out offerings to ushers. You may also be expected to assist a deacon or the priest set up and clean up the altar.
  • "Lector": You unfortunately simply do not have access to the Watcher's oly text as a deacon might, so your job is to read sacred texts apart from the holy book during worship. You are up to date on all readings and sermons planned by your priest, and you know when to offer assistance during services of all kinds. You're sort of an everyman.
  • "Deacon": You are a cleric of the Watcher faith and fulfill administrative duties associated with the church. During the service of Mass, your responsibilities include assisting the priest, reading aloud from the Watcher's sacred text, and preach the homily. You may also be asked to perform baptisms, lead funeral rites, and preside over weddings. You may or may not actually lead a deanery in your own right, which can hold several parishes lead by priests.
  • "Bishop": As a bishop, you now possess full priesthood and can ordain sims into the clergy. You are responsible for a diocese made up of several deaneries. You preside over the altar and lead services. Depending on where you preside but usually like other bishops, you may levy taxes on the peasants, settle important issues such as annulments of marriage, even maintain an army of his own to assist the monarch during war!
  • "Archbishop": The Pope has handpicked you out of a line up of bishops to work under them to carry out their directions in particular diosceces from your own eccelestical province. You are addressed as "Your Grace" and "Most Reverend." Thus you have jurisdiction over bishops and oversee an archdiocese where several dioceses reside.
  • "Cardinal": You are one of many other Cardinals who serve as advisors to the Pope, who chooses them to hold the title for life. Collectively, you and your peers constitute the College of Cardinals. The most solemn responsibility of cardinals is to elect a new Pope in a conclave--almost always from among you--when the seat is vacant. Also, cardinals collectively participate in papal consistories in which matters of importance to the faith are considered and new cardinals may be created.
  • "Pope": As the official link between the Final Place and this corporal illusion of a world, you have the supreme position in the faith institution's holy ordering. You occupy a position of respect, power and importance, influencing all the land, and intervene to resolve doctrinal (even sometimes political secular) disputes.


  • You MUST have the Trait "Worship of the Watcher" trait from Lumpinou's Rambunctions Religions to access this career.
  • For a bishop or archbishop to be promoted there MUST be a sim w/the Pope level promoting them through the social interactions: "Promote ___ to Archbishop" OR "Promote ___ to Cardinal".
  • IF YOU HAVE my Aristocracy, Royalty, and Paramour Career pack, sims in either the EU aristocratic or royalty careers can "send" Or ask to be "sent" into a life of a monk or a nun through the interactions "Assign to Priesthood" & "Ask for Priesthood" IF THEY ARE MALE (the to-be-sent).

Sims who can send or be asked to be sent:
  • parent
  • grandparent
  • great-grandparent [Lumpinou/adeepindigo]
  • great great-grandparent [Lumpinou]
  • aunt/uncle
  • stepparent [Lumpinou/adeepindigo]
  • granduncle/aunt [Lumpinou]


Runs from Child to Elder.

Married or engaged sims cannot join this career! And if after joining, they marry, they will automatically "quit".


Things NEEDED:
  • Lot51's Core Library
  • Lumpinou's Rambunctions Religions

Tools Used:
  • Sims4Studio
  • Mod Constructor (V5)
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