S4 -- Aristocracy, Royalty & Mistress Career Pack
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automate the careers after sims marry into the royalty AND aristocracy ✅
integration with my Monk vs Nun careers for nobles/royals to send their children into those services ✅
enabling sims to give paramours & concubines monetary AND physical gifts
create separate relbits/relationships b/t concubines, a concubine's child and the legal spouse, and the siblings
begin & finish a system of hierarchy from the ranking of concubines among said concubines for each of the different careers along (basically finally build the dynamics of the harem when the "keeper" is away), like concubines punish other concubines w/their higher rankings
enable monarchs to choose a new spouse--IF said spouse has died--amongst their harem, but only those of thighest rank AS AN OPTION
make royal paramours' familes demand they make royals grant them "favors"
include interactions of paramours asking/demanding lover abandon other paramours
create a new Part time career: "Royal Heir"
create a "Head of Household" and a "Noble Heir of Household" trait, with special interactions for each
This was meant to enable historical/fantasy players' nobles & royals with income and was otherwise cosmetic. For more gameplay, I'd recommend either: downloading KiaraSims' royalty Career mod for royal sims; using llazyneiph's Royalty Mod for both Noble&Royal sims; or using all the same time and by your discretion, choosing what mod will supply your noble or royalty careers.
You can't just be anyone to associate with everyone! Status and rank matter more than most else, and your titles reflect upon your bearing!
With 13 new careers and new relationships in this pack, you can officially become a noble, royal, or the lover of a noble or a royal! Adopted from three different societies of real history ("Europe", Heian Japan, Tang-dynasty China, and a mixing of different eras of the Ottoman empire's existence). Sims can now become the "paramour" of either a noble or a royal sim under 2 new interactions.
Those in Royal marriages cannot divorce and those in paramour-lover OR concubine-"keeper" relationships cannot break up.
Both paramours and concubines can now receive gifts from their keepers/lovers ("Household") through either "Give Special Gift to Paramour" or the interaction "Give Gift to Pleasing Concubine".
A) "Paramour" - "Lover" [EU Careers]
Those with those careers can ask sims to be their intimate companion, and that sim will automatically join either Paramour career according to what career that sim has. Royal sims (Of the Blood, NOT Consorts or those born Illegitimately) or Noble Sims.
Find under "Relationship" --> "Change Relationship (ignore the picture
B) "Former Paramour" - "Former Lover" (and more) [EU Careers]
If/when they decide to end those relationships, you must go to "Mean" for the "End Relationship" interaction. The "Former Paramour"/"Former Lover" relbits will be added and the sims will be "fired" from their paramour careers.
C)"Born Out of Marriage" (One's Bastard)
Through the Interactions "Acknowledge..." or (if you have only one eligible child) "Acknowledge Child" under the PieMenuCategory "Household", EU Aristocratic and Royal Sims can openly acknowledge a child they had out of wedlock. The first interaction lets you select which children, if there is more than one. Selected children will receive the EU "Illegitimate Scion" career if the parent worked with is a has the EU Aristocrat career/the Illegitimate Royal Scion career if their parent has the EU Royal career. Regardless if the other parent is noble, royal, or has no career and is technically a "peasant".
D) "Concubine" - "Keeper" [Japan, China, Ottoman Careers]
Unlike the paramour relationships, sims will not attain a "former" anything relationship if one manages to break up sims. You can't or shouldn't be able to, anyway. Once a concubine, always one (unless one rises up to become the Imperial Sovereign's Main Consort--feature not yet available).
You can get a sim to become your concubine by either asking them (one-on-one "Ask to Be Concubine" interaction under "Household", from higher-ranked sim to a lower-ranked one)
OR, if you are royal
starting a "Royal Selection of Concubines" event and using a self interaction "Select Concubines" during said event. Said new concubines will join the career according to their respective "Keeper"s.
E) "Spouse's Concubine" - Keeper's Spouse" [Japan, China, Ottoman Careers]
Through the Interaction "Introduce Self to Keeper's Spouse..." under the PieMenuCategory "Household", Aristocratic and Royal Sims will be "introduced" to the legally married partner of their lover.
So you NEED to have set up the "Concubine" - "Keeper" relationships first!
UNLIKE paramours, concubines neither their "keepers" can end the relationship.
If you are royal, you can "promote" or "demote" your concubines through "Raise Concubine's Rank"/"Lower Concubine's Rank" under "Royal Ranking", under "Household".
Very Important -> If you choose the Royalty Mod version of this mod, when you want to choose one of my "Aristocrat" careers, you need to ONLY have a "baron", "count", or a "marquis" trait. If you have a royal trait AND a noble trait at the same time, you won't be able to join an "Aristocrat" career! Whereas if you have both a royal trait AND a noble trait, you can still join a "Royalty" career. Still, if you want to add a concubine level from a "Royalty" career (under the Concubine branch), I suggest you add a crown royal trait, join said career/level, and then remove the crown royal trait if you want the concubine to stay a baron or whatever.
European Aristocracy [In Game: "Aristocrat (EU)"]
You are part of a family ruling over a part of the realm under the head of the Sovereign. Even before the rise of the Sovereign, your ancestors plotted their first lines in the ground. If they were smart, they also claimed mines and established personal trades to support their status through overwhelming wealth!
- "Gentry": You have not entered the royal court or made any sort of debut. Having a title but no recognition.
- “Courtier”: You said a temporary farewell to your royal patron and hopefully made a good impression. Now you must attend many parties and build special skills to catch the attention of other higher-ranked aristocrats.
- “Knight/Dame or Royal Attendant”: You still hold no lands under your own authority or name yet, so you need to start building connections with other nobles and even some wealthy merchants. To be a complete part of the nobility, you have to have both material land and build wealth based on your social credit--and that comes with showing off your genealogy! You are also subject to being drafted into Your Grace's Sovereign Forces, so you need to be as fit as you can! Or you went under serve a Sovereign or their family member, attendant to their every need...and having an intimacy that has you closer to personal plans.
- “Lord/Lady”: Now assigned a small section of serfdom owned by a connection, you must learn how to direct others and flout your authority over the peasants you are responsible for. Be careful not to have one of them act out, or it might be your head!
After choosing a branch, the sim will officially be “Baron/Baroness”, “Marquis/Marquess”, “Count/Countess”, “Duke/Duchess”, or an “Archduke, Archduchess”.
- “Overseer of a Barony”: You've made it! Still, you will always be lower than an Earl or a count, even if you are ranked higher than titleless gentry..
- “Overseer of a County”: Lower than an Marchioness, but higher than a Baron.
- “Overseer of a Margarviste”: Lower than an Duke, but higher than a Count or an Earl.
- “Overseer of Duchy”: Lower than an Archduchess, higher than a Marquess.
- “Of the Archduchy” (the Level after Duke/Duchess) You live with a status second only to the Sovereign! You can also possibly inherit their throne.
- “Baron/Baroness”: Now you can call yourself a true Aristocrat! Many Lords and Ladies must report to you if they want to obtain any large resource.
- “Marquis/Marquess”: While you don’t have as much power as a Count, Duchess, or Archduchess, you still can pretend you are as significant as the Sovereign for the pecuniary boost!
- “Count/Countess”: You are a powerful ally for most Aristocrats. As your closer control over many a Marquis and your closeness to the Duke puts you in a liminal position of power, you can shift lesser Aristocrats towards the higher-ups.
- “Duke/Duchess”: You control an entire sector of Counties. Your opinion is also considered paramount when there is a new project begins, sometimes even before then.
- “Archduke, Archduchess”: You have either been adopted into the Sovereign family, or you already are a part of it. Well, now you can enjoy being this close to the Sovereign.
*[European] Aristocrat's Illegitimate Child -- PT Time
You are descended from a family ruling over a part of the realm under the head of the Sovereign...but illegitimately. A person of your parent's house either refused to legally acknowledge you as their legal child, or you were simply born born out of wedlock. Because your parent(s) is not a royal, there's really little chance for you to rise into a prestigious station or gain new titles such a duke's or marchioness', but at least your parent acknowledged you as their own and likely has set you up will liveable funds for a time! Right?
Base Level
"Aristocrat's Illegitimate Child (EU)"
Japanese Aristocracy [In Game: "Aristocrat (Japan)"]
You are part of a family ruling over a part of the realm under the head of the Emporer or Empress. Even before the rise of the imperial ruler, your ancestors plotted their first lines in the ground. If they were smart, they also claimed mines and established personal trades to support their status through overwhelming wealth!
Base Level
"Ryouko": You are a lower-class noble who may do either of the following: guard an imperial tomb or serve a member of a higher-ranked family as one higher than a slave or a servant but still subservient and lowly.
- “Zakko”: You are one of many various clans and families.
- “Shinabe”: You are a part of the caste that provides various goods and labor to the Imperial Court rather than supplies from agriculture. In other words, you are part of an artisan or craftsman clan.
- “Kanjin”: You are either the spouse of government officials or one of the government officials possessed with one of the court ranks.
After choosing the Kanjin branch, the sim will 6 options of what rank official they will be (in order of less prestigious/lowest to most/highest):
(These have no descriptions)
- “Junior Third Rank”
- “Senior Third Rank”
- “Junior Second Rank”
- “Senior Second Rank”
- “Junior First Rank”
- “Senior First Rank”
Chinese Aristocracy [In Game: "Aristocrat (China)"]
You are part of a family ruling over a part of the realm under the head of the Sovereign. Even before the rise of the Sovereign, your ancestors plotted their first lines in the ground. If they were smart, they also claimed mines and established personal trades to support their status through overwhelming wealth!
Base Level
"諸侯 (zhū hóu)": You are one of many various feudal nobles.
Branches/Levels/Titles(These have no descriptions)
- (These have no descriptions)
- “男 nan (baron/baronness)”
- “子 zi (viscount/viscountess)”
- “伯 bo (earl)”
- "侯 hou (marquis/marquess)"
- "公 gong (duke/duchess)"
Ottoman "Aristocracy" [In Game: "Aristocrat (Ottoman Empire)"]
You are part of ruling elite of a territory or territories and the administration under the ruling Sovereign, or members of their household's families.
If you are part of the askeri, you are part of a class that holds three main groups: military, court officials, and clergy, but also includes anyone granted a tax exemption in return for a service. Though your family may have served the Sovereign for generations, you were not born with a title or the tax exemption, and by the Sovereign's desire, you can lose your position or you can give it up for a non-governmental role. Thus, your income and sustenance depends on the Sovereign as well.
If you attend and are a part of the Divan, you are part of the group of people with the constitutional or legal task to advise the Imperial Sovereign. The members are known as ministers and secretaries and they are appointed by Imperial Sovereign. You will beesponsible for the day-to-day management of the government and response to sudden events, whereas the legislative and judicial branches work in a measured pace, in sessions according to lengthy procedures. Initially, the Divan was an informal gathering of the senior ministers presided over by the Imperial Sovereign in person, and eventually the Divan's composition and function became firmly regulated.
Base Level
"In Service to the Imperial Sovereign"
- “bey”: Those who are executive, rather than legislative, governors of a province. Some may hold titles for a chieftain and an honorific title traditionally applied to people with special lineages.
- “askeri”: Not quite an "aristocrat" but part of a ruling elite, by the Sovereign's desire, they can lose their position or they can give it up for a non-governmental role. Since they are exempt from taxation, their income and sustenance depends on the Imperial Sovereign. In exchange, they provide certain services.
- “viziers”: A high-ranking political advisor or minister in the Imperial Sovereign's service. You assist the grand vizier, replace them when they are absent on campaign, and command armies when required.
- Of Officers' Households: Those married into or descended from those who hold office. They can be spouses or underage/unoccupied children and other relatives.
Mali Aristocracy [In Game: "Aristocrat (Mali Empire)"]
You are part of a family of "farbas" (or those who have submitted themselves to the Mansa) or local cheiftains, or you may be part of the Ghaba council who alos have their power through hereditary practice but can be appointed by the mansa. Even before the rise and victory of the Mansa's ancestor--the first Mansa--your ancestors plotted their first lines in the ground. If they were smart, they also claimed mines and established personal trades to support their status through overwhelming wealth!
Base Level
"Of the Aristocracy": You are part of a family of "farbas" (or those who have submitted themselves to the Mansa) or local cheiftains, or you may be part of the Ghaba council who alos have their power through hereditary practice but can be appointed by the mansa. Even before the rise and victory of the Mansa's ancestor--the first Mansa--your ancestors plotted their first lines in the ground. If they were smart, they also claimed mines and established personal trades to support their status through overwhelming wealth!
- Farbas: Those who are executive, rather than legislative, governors of a province. Some may hold titles for a chieftain and an honorific title traditionally applied to people with special lineages.
- The Gbara, or the Great Assembly: The deliberative body and council of state of over 30 clan delegates presided over by a belen-tigui (master of ceremony). Different dignitaries have different portfolios (war, justice, economy, foreign relations, religion, etc.). Sometimes, said belen-tigui can even decide who gets to speak during an assembly, even the Mansa themselves!
Base Level: "Lower Administrator"
- Branch #1: belen-tigui ("Master of Ceremonies") -- The leader of any and all assemblies.
- Branch #2: Djon-Tan-Nor-Woro ("carriers of quivers") -- The military wing of the Gbara, also can be called the Farari. They are responsible for leading the main army by sections and sometimes governing provinces (tinkurus) or counties (kafos). Because of the high price of horses, Mandekalu horsemen, or the cavalry, are equipped by the ton-tigi, or the mansa, with their mount.
- Branch #3: The Clans of Maghan ("Princely Clans") -- Clans who have a seat in the Gbara by virtue of their close relartion to the Mansa; imperial clans and related clans that could also ascend to the throne, but are not the mansa's direct children or parents...perhaps 2nd cousins or cousins removed.
- Branch #4: Religious Leaders -- Religious traditional clans serving as "marabout guides" for the rest of the nobles. Are mainly responsible for performing interpretations for omens and other happenings. they also were responsible for passing down religious knowledge and gave advise to a breadth of other leaders in the Gbara.
- Branch #5: The Clans of Nyamakala ("wielders of Nyama") -- Nyama is the power or energy that flows within and between everything, and its skilled manipulation is necessary to perform certain functions, especially smithing or serving as a chronicler/bard/griot, working as historians, storytellers, poets, musicians, and praise singers to preserve their people's oral traditions and genealogies or provide new material for the warrior clans.
These administrators are thus a literary as well as a smithing bloc, as their department is in the creative & communicative actions of community.
There are the:
- Branch #1: Diabate (Jeliw / Djeliw; chroniclers and praise singers)
- Branch #2: Kanté (Numun-Fin; blacksmiths, whose spouses can be often potters)
- Branch #3: Kamara (Numun-Siaki; working precious metals into jewellery)
- Branch #4: Kamara (Finè; mediators of disputes and announcers; talkers without music)
- Branch #5: Koroma (Noumoun-Kule; these work wood to make art)
- Branch #6: Sylla (Garanke = 'leatherworkers' or makers of shoes, harnesses, and cushions)
European Royalty [In Game: "Royalty (EU)"]
You are part of the ruling family of a major territory with several other noble persons of various lineages. The head of your house is the ruling Sovereign, King, or Queen. Other nobles may wish they had your position(s) or want to marry in, but be aware there are always those with more ambition who would go even further to get what they want...
Base Level
"Crown Royal": Any member of the royal family.
After choosing a branch, the sim will be either someone who married into the royal family (consorts), people directly descended from a royal ("of the blood") and born into wedlock, or those who are descended from a royal but born out of wedlock (illegitimate).
- "Consorts": Those Married into the Royal Family.
- “Of the Direct Lineage”: Legitimate members of the Blood
- “Of the Direct Lineage (Illegitimate Persons)”: They could be those the ruler or parent refuses to legally acknowledge as their child or just those who were born out of wedlock.
Those Married into the Royal Family.
Base Level
"Married into the Family"
Secondary Branches
- "Empress Consort": Female consort of the Sovereign of an empire.
- “Emperor Consort”: Male consort of the Sovereign of an empire.
- “Imperial Consort”: Gender-neutral for the consort of a non-ruling member of an imperial family.
- "Queen Consort": Female consort of the Sovereign of a single realm.
- “Princess Consort”: Female consort of a non-ruling Sim of the Blood.
- “Prince Consort”: Male consort of a Sovereign or a non-ruling Sim of the Blood.
- "Royal Consort": The consort of a Sovereign or a non-ruling Sim of the Blood.
- "The Ruling Sovereign's Parents": These are either the biological parents of the ruling sovereign or the spouses of the last one.
Of the Direct Lineage
Legitimate members of the Blood.
Base Level
"Of the Blood."
Secondary Branches
- "Emperor ": A male imperial Sovereign.
- “Empress”: A female imperial Sovereign.
- "Imperial Sovereign”: The gender-neutral title for the imperial Sovereign.
- "Queen": A female Sovereign.
- “King”: A male Sovereign.
- “Princess”: A Sovereign's close female relative: their sister, aunt, niece, female cousin, or daughter.
- “Prince”: A Sovereign's close male relative: their brother, uncle, nephew, male cousin, or son.
- "Crown Royal": A Sovereign's close relative: their sibling, avunculate relation, the child of their avunculate relative--cousin, or child.
Of the Direct Lineage (Illegitimate Persons)
Base Level
"Illegitmate Scion of a Royal": Your royal parent has either failed to acknowledge you as their own child, or your parents weren't married when you were born--you'd be born out of wedlock.
However, your parent might legitimize you to make you able to start your own house or otherwise be attentive and affectionate enough to ensure your welfare through money, shelter, and/or titles.
Japanese Royalty [In Game: "Royalty (Japan)"]
You are part of the ruling family of a major territory with several other noble persons of various lineages. The head of your house is the ruling Imperial Sovereign, Emperor, or Empress. Other nobles may wish they had your position(s) or want to marry in and there are always those with more ambition who would go even further to get what they want, but unless they can prove they are descended from the goddess 天照大御神, 天照大神 (Amaterasu Ōmikami) or 大日孁貴神 (Ōhirume no Muchi no Kami), they're out of luck.
Base Level
"Crown Royal": Any member of the royal family.
After choosing a branch, the sim will be either someone who married into the imperial family (consorts) or one directly descended from a royal.
- "Consorts": Those Married into the 皇室 (kōshitsu/kouzoku) Imperial Family.
- “Of the Direct Lineage”: The ruling imperial ruler and those of their blood.
- "Imperial Concubines 側室 (sokushitsu)": Sims who the Imperial sovereign has either favored or has taken on as their secondary consort, never outranking their main consort: the 親王妃 (shinnoh), "Emporer Consort", or "High Imperial Consort". These are those who lived with the imperial sovereign to produce imperial children and heirs for them. They are not formally married to the Imperial Soveriegn, and are not part of the imperial family, but they are part of the imperial household. Their children with the Imperial Sovereign can be "adopted" at any time by the Imperial Sovereign's main consort.
Those married into the 皇室 (kōshitsu/kouzoku) Imperial Family.
Base Level
"Married into the Family"
Secondary Branches
- "皇后 (kōgō -- Empress Consort)": The main female consort of the Imperial Sovereign or the one bestowed this title after birthing their heir.
- “*Emperor Consort*”: The main male consort of the Imperial Sovereign or the one bestowed this title after siring their heir.
- "High Imperial Consort": The main consort of the Imperial Sovereign or the one bestowed this title after having their heir.
- “親王妃 (shinnoh / ohi -- Princess Consort)”: Female consort of a non-ruling Sim of the Blood.
- “*Prince Consort”: Male consort of a non-ruling Sim of the Blood.
- “Imperial Consort”: Gender-neutral for the consort of the non-ruling member of the family.
- "女院 (nyōin)": A woman who gets treated similarly as a retired Emporer because they are a close female relative of the Imperial Sovereign or a woman of comparable standing. Can be the mother, wife, aunt, etc. of an abdicated or current Imperial Sovereign..
- "*Emperor Emeritus*": The male consort of the abdicated, former Imperial Sovereign.
- "Imperial Consort of the daijo": Gender-neutral for the consort of the abdicated, former Imperial Sovereign.
Of the Direct Lineage
The ruling imperial ruler and those of their blood.
Base Level
"The ruling imperial ruler and those of their blood.."
Secondary Branches
- "天皇 (tennō -- Emperor )": A male imperial Sovereign.
“女性天皇 (josei tennō -- Empress)”: A female imperial Sovereign. - "Imperial Sovereign”: Gender-neutral for the Sovereign.
- "王女 (naishinno / ōjo -- Princess)":
- “王子 (shinno / ōji -- Prince)”:
- “Imperial Family Member”: Gender-neutral for any close relative of the imperial sovereign.
- “太上天皇 (daijō tennō -- Emperor Emeritus)”:The abdicated, former emporer.
- "*(daijō josei tennō --Empress Emerita)": The abdicated, former empress.
- Imperial Emerit: Gender-neutral for the former, abdicated Imperial Sovereign.
Imperial Concubines 側室 (sokushitsu)
- 嬪 (Hin -- "Beauty")
- 夫人 (Fujin -- "Madame")
- 妃 (Hi -- "Consort")
Chinese Royalty [In Game: "Royalty (Imperial China)"]
You are part of the ruling family of a major territory with several other noble clans of various lineages. The head of your house is the ruling Imperial Sovereign, Emporer, or Empress. Other nobles may wish they had your position(s) or want to marry in and there are always those with more ambition who would go even further to get what they want, but that would be very hard to accomplish without a clear indication that they have recieved a Mandate of Heaven through action or ceremony!
Base Level
"Crown Royal: Any member of the imperial family.
- "Consorts": Those Married into the Imperial Family.
- “Of the Direct Lineage”: Those born of the current or previous Imperial Sovereigns.
- "Imperial Concubines 嬪 (pín)": These are those who lived with the imperial sovereign to produce imperial children and heirs for them. They are not formally married to the Imperial Soveriegn, do not outrank their official consort (the Empress consort, the Emperor consort, or the High Imperial Consort), and are not part of the imperial family. But they are part of the imperial household. Their children with the Imperial Sovereign can be "adopted" at any time by the Imperial Sovereign's main consort.
Those Married into the Imperial Family.
Base Level
"Married into the Imperial Family"
Secondary Branches
- "皇后 (Huánghòu / wáng hòu - Empress Consort)": The main female consort of the Imperial Sovereign or the one bestowed this title after birthing their heir.
- “*Emperor Consort*”: The main male consort of the Imperial Sovereign or the one bestowed this title after siring their heir.
- "妃子 (fēizǐ - Imperial Consort)": The highest ranking consort of the Imperial Sovereign but not their main spouse.
- “嬪 (pín - Imperial Concubine)”: A lower-ranked consort of a ruling Sim of the Blood.
Of the Direct Lineage
Those born of the current or previous Imperial Sovereigns.
Base Level
"Those born of the current or previous Imperial Sovereigns."
Secondary Branches
- "皇帝 (Huángdì -- Emperor)": The male Imperial Sovereign.
- “皇帝 (Huángdì - Empress)": The female Imperial Sovereign.
- "皇帝 (Huángdì -- Imperial Sovereign)": The Gender-neutral Imperial Sovereign.
- "公主 (gōngzhǔ -- Princess)": Any female member excluding a spouse of the Imperial Sovereign and consorts of those born into the family.
- "王子 (wángzǐ -- Prince)": Any male member excluding a spouse of the Imperial Sovereign and consorts of those born into the family.
- "皇室成员 ("Huángshì chéngyuán"-- Imperial Family Member)": Any member excluding a spouse of the Imperial Sovereign and consorts of those born into the family.
Imperial Concubines 嬪 (pín)
Those born of the current or previous Imperial Sovereigns.
- "才人 (cái rén - Lady of Talents)"
- “美人 (měi rén - Beauty)”
- "婕妤 (jié yú - Lady of Handsome Fairness)"
- “嬪 (pín - Imperial Concubine)”
- 夫人 (fū rén - Consort)
Ottoman Royalty [In Game: "Royalty (Ottoman Empire)"]
You are part of the ruling family of a major empire of provinces under the head of your household, who is the ruling Imperial Sovereign.
Other nobles may wish they had your position(s) or want to marry in, but be aware there are always those with more ambition who would go even further to get what they want...
Base Level
""Part of the Royal Palace"
- "Of the Imperial Harem": The secluded area of the royal household reserved for the Imperial ruler's "lower" consorts, their concubines, and their servants. Servants include enslaved concubines. This part of the household is intentionally very cloistered and hidden from public view to maintain & preserve the privacy & sanctity of the consorts, future sultans, and harem at large.
- "Consorts": Those who legally are married or have been married to the Imperial Sovereign or their blood-related relatives, thus they are also those who married into the Kraliyet Ailesi. Includes spouses, grandparents and parents from other families or who have risen from their former enslaved or "lower" consort status. These do not include the Kadın or the ikbal.
- “Of the Direct Lineage”: The Imperial Sovereign and those of their closest blood relatives.
Of the Imperial Harem
Those Married into the Imperial Family.
Base Level
"Inner Palace"
Secondary Branches
- "Eunuch": De-sexed & recruited into the royal household as a servant, these servants work in the kafes (princley quarters) or the harem. The main tasks performed are watching over the concubines and attendants in the harem, negotiating and speaking to both the Imperial Sovereign and their relatives, and supervising the palace and keeping everyone safe. The chief eunuch (Kapı Ağası), is in charge of 1000s of other eunuchs as head of the "Inner Service" (the palace bureaucracy, controlling all messages, petitions, and State documents addressed to the Imperial Sovereign), head of the Palace School, gatekeeper-in-chief, head of the infirmary, and master of ceremonies of the Seraglio, and is the only one allowed to speak to the Imperial Sovereign in private.
- 'Kalfa”: Attendants and supervisors in service in the imperial palace.
- "In the Imperial Sovereign's Personal Favor": Those who the Imperial Sovereign graced.
Those Married into the Imperial Family.
Base Level
"Married into the Family"
Secondary Branches
- "büyük valide sultan": Grandparent of the reigning Imperial Sovereign.
- "valide sultan -- والدة السلطان”: Parent of the reigning Imperial Sovereign.
- "haseki sultan ("sultan consort") -- خاصکى سلطان”: The chief consort of the Imperial Sovereign.
- "hatun ("lady") -- خاتون ": Wife of an imperial descendant.
- “damad ("prince consort") -- داماد”: Husband of an imperial descendant.
- “Imperial Consort”: Gender-neutral for a consort of an royal descendant who is not the Imperial Sovereign.
Of the Direct Lineage
Base Level
"The ruling imperial ruler and those of their blood.."
Secondary Branches
- "Sultan, or the padishah -- پادشاه,// سلطان": The Imperial Sovereign.
- "şehzade ("Imperial Prince") -- شاهزاده”: Male descendant of the Imperial Sovereign in the male line.
- "sultana ("Imperial Princess") -- سلطان”: Female descendant of the Imperial Sovereign in the male line.
- "Imperial Descendant": Gender-neutral term for a descendant or direct relative of the Imperial Sovereign. Can be through a sultana or an imperial prince (grandchild or an avunculate relation).
Mali Royalty [In Game: "Royalty (Mali Empire)"]
Base Level
"Crown Royal"
You are a member of the ruling family.
- "Consorts": Those married into the mansa's family.
- Of the Blood”: Direct descendants of a mansa.
Base Level
"Married into the Family"
Secondary Branches
- "Qasa": The female consort of the ruling mansa of the empire; however, unlike European consorts, traditionally she rules almost equally to and with the mansa.
- “Emperor Consort": The male consort of the ruling mansa of the empire.
- "Mansa's Consort”: The consort of the ruling mansa of the empire.
- "Imperial Consort": A consort of a mansa's closely related relative.
- "A Ruling Mansa's Parent": The parent of a ruling mansa or the spouse of a past one.
Of the Blood
Base Level
"Of the Blood"
Secondary Branches
- "The Mansa": The imperial ruler of the entire territory, under which all the lesser rulers report to.
- “Daughter of a Mansa -- Princess": Female child of a mansa.
- "Son of a Mansa -- Prince": Female descendant of the Imperial Sovereign in the male line.
- "Imperial Descendant of a Mansa": You are a direct descendant of a mansa, present or past, current or previous. Whether that be a grandchild or a child.
Paramour -- PT Time
Base Level -- (The only level for this career)
"Noble Paramour"
You have not entered the royal court or made any sort of debut. Having a title but no recognition.
You have a relationship with a noble lover, even if they (or you) are married. However, it's likely not that much of a secret. Because your lover isn't royal, you're just not that significant outside of your lover's household, but life may be much better than what it was before.
You just have to keep them happy and avoid their (maybe) jealous spouses...
Royal Paramour -- PT Time
- " 'Little' Paramour": You are an unacknowledged, less important royal lover, even if the court may know you are involved with a royal. You're still not important enough to most powerful and ambitious sims to curry favor with, though your lover may grant some gifts to you in "secret".
- “Declared Paramour”: You have been presented (or brought back) to the royal court! Now you can semi-publicly advise your lover, broker favors for "clients", forge state & international alliances, and negotiate with foreign diplomats. You have no official title. However, many at court seek your favor to get closer to your lover. You should be selective in what you take into your inner circle--you never know who may even catch your lover's eye and replace you!
- “' Paramour-with-Title' ”: Nothing has changed, really aside from you receiving an official title that has nothing to do with your "formal" position as your lover's only lover. You, however, are so dependent on it that you likely sign your name with your lover (even over their spouse!) on official documents.
Palace Servant (China)
Base Level
"Palace Servant": You work for the royal household as well as for the rest of the court.
- "Eunuch": 'De-sexed & recruited into the royal household as a servant, these servants work in the harem. The main tasks performed are watching over the concubines and attendants in the harem, negotiating and speaking to both the Imperial Sovereign and their relatives, and supervising the palace and keeping everyone safe. The chief eunuch and sort of assistant to the Imperial Sovereign, is in charge of 1000s of other eunuchs as head. As one attends the the Imperial Sovereign from their birth and as they rarely left the palace, eunuchs were the only means to reach the Imperial Sovereign. It was the tight control of access that gave them an immense source of income; a bribe of gold to the appropriate officials was needed to gain the Imperial Sovereign's ear. While eunuchs receive only a basic subsistence salary but they frequently take a portion of all goods passing through their hands. Even low grade eunuchs will expect a proportion of food carried into the palace by farmers. They are often at odds with the officials and nobles who sought an audience. However, it's not only the Imperial Sovereign had the use of eunuchs, senior members of the Imperial family would also have a smaller number of such servants. Many eunuchs formed a secret police force, spying on potential rivals to the throne and also threats to their own power. Although unable to sire children, they are allowed to adopt, and this is a powerful form of patronage. Rich eunuchs can buy houses outside the palace but close that they could use as long as they were back by sunset.
- "Harem Servant”: Servants who work for the royal household reserved for the Imperial ruler's "lower" consorts, their concubines, and their servants. This part of the household is intentionally very cloistered and hidden from public view to maintain & preserve the privacy & sanctity of the consorts, future imperial sovereign, and harem at large.
- "Ordinary Servants": Palace servants who don't personally attend to any particular concubine or consort, tasked under any of the numerous departments in the royal palace.
Palace Servant (Japan)
Base Level
"Palace Servant": You work for the royal household as well as for the rest of the court.
- "Ordinary Servants": You are a palace servant who doesn't personally attend to any particular concubine or consort, tasked under any of the numerous departments in the royal palace.
- “Harem Servant”: De-sexed & recruited into the royal household as a servant, these servants work in the harem. The main tasks performed are watching over the concubines and attendants in the harem, negotiating and speaking to both the Imperial Sovereign and their relatives, and supervising the palace and keeping everyone safe. The chief eunuch and sort of assistant to the Imperial Sovereign, is in charge of 1000s of other eunuchs as head.
Palace Servant (Ottoman)
Base Level
"Inner Palace Servant": You work for the royal household reserved for the Imperial ruler's "lower" consorts, their concubines, and their servants. Servants include enslaved concubines. This part of the household is intentionally very cloistered and hidden from public view to maintain & preserve the privacy & sanctity of the consorts, future sultans, and harem at large.
- "Eunuch": De-sexed & recruited into the royal household as a servant, these servants work in the kafes (princely quarters) or the harem. The main tasks performed are watching over the concubines and attendants in the harem, negotiating and speaking to both the Imperial Sovereign and their relatives, and supervising the palace and keeping everyone safe. The chief eunuch (Kapı Ağası), is in charge of 1000s of other eunuchs as head of the "Inner Service" (the palace bureaucracy, controlling all messages, petitions, and State documents addressed to the Imperial Sovereign), head of the Palace School, gatekeeper-in-chief, head of the infirmary, and master of ceremonies of the Seraglio, and is the only one allowed to speak to the Imperial Sovereign in private.
- “Kalfa”: Attendants and supervisors in service in the entire imperial palace.
IF you have MizoreYukii's Arranged Marriage Mod, all sims get a new self-interaction: "Review Available Sims for Marriage..." (doesn't proceed to anything).
IF you have llazyneiph's Royalty mod, sims will automatically join the base level of either the EU or Ottoman Royalty/Aristocrat careers upon aging up to Child.(They must live in Oasis Springs upon aging to grow into the OTTOMAN career; all other regions will use the EU career.)
IF you have my Medieval Monk AND Medieval Nun careers, sims in either the EU aristocratic or royalty careers can "send" Or ask to be "sent" into a life of a monk or a nun through the interactions "Assign an Ascetic Life" & "Ask for an Ascetic Life".
Sims who can send or be asked to be sent:
great-grandparent [Lumpinou/adeepindigo]
great great-grandparent [Lumpinou]
stepparent [Lumpinou/adeepindigo]
granduncle/aunt [Lumpinou]
Lot51's Core Library
- If you wish to use the monarch careers with another mod like Kiarasims4 Royal Family or llazyneiph's Royalty Mod, I suggest you install Turbodriver's Unlimited Jobs mod. The paramour & noble's illeg child careers are available no matter what, since they are Part Time careers.
- CHOOSE BETWEEN THE VERSIONS in the zip file: a Non-Royalty Mod version vs a Royalty Mod-required version.
- The “Titles” do not appear above Sims’ heads!
- Always delete the previous versions before placing them in your mods folder and playing your game.
- Sims4Studio
- Mod Constructor (V5)
Filename | Type | Size |
[AvathePit] Aristocracy, Royalty, and Mistress Careers_3-1.zip | zip | |
[AvathePit] Aristocracy, Royalty, and Mistress Careers_3-1_STRINGS.package | package | 110710 |
[AvathePit] Aristocracy, Royalty, and Mistress Careers_3-1.package | package | 72892728 |
[AvathePit] Aristocracy, Royalty, and Mistress Careers_3-1_LzRoyaltyMod.package | package | 72895240 |
[AvathePit] Aristocracy, Royalty, and Mistress Careers_3-1.zip
Uploaded: 2nd Mar 2025, 137.59 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the file(s) into your Mods folder
Need more information?
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
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Updated: 2nd Mar 2025 at 11:51 PM
S4 -- ASoIaF Careers: Faith of the Seven
by AvathePit updated 18th Dec 2024 at 9:31am
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S4 -- (Medieval) Monk Career [EU]
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S4 -- (Medieval) Nun Career [EU]
by AvathePit updated 18th Dec 2024 at 8:47am
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S4 -- The "Deathless Lover" Mod
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S4 -- ASoIaF Career: City Watch
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Members are weaponed-trained defenders of cities under the authority of the highest authority of the city. more...
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