Padme Amidala's Senate Gown Episode II
Padme Amidala's Senate Gown EPII 2.JPG - width=290 height=508
Padme Amidala's Senate Gown EPII.JPG - width=702 height=720
Yay! More Padme skins! I think this is the prettiest skin I've made so far! (I'm getting better)
This is what Padme Amidala wears when talking to the senate in Star Wars episode II.
Don't steal, sell or claim my work as your own.
If you post it somewhere, put a link to this page, and on this page put a link to it. Got that?
Ok- Mesh is by shannara, you need it for this to work, and you can find it here:
If anyone makes a better dress or hair mesh *hint hint sleeves* please tell me and link to it!
Have fun!
Coming soon:
Handmaidens and her beautiful wedding dress!
Padme Amidala Ep II Senate Gown (hritza).rar
Uploaded: 19th Jun 2005, 732.7 KB.
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Padmé's Packing Gown - Episode II
by Beutelratti 12th Jun 2005 at 9:36pm
Padmé's Corset Gown - Episode II
by Beutelratti 17th Jun 2005 at 3:30pm
Padme Amidala Makeup and Headress
by hritza 6th Jun 2005 at 12:02pm
Hello! :howdy: Enclosed in the zip are some essentials for Queen Padme Amidala in Star Wars! more...
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