Padme's Lavendar Nightgown...
padmenightgown1hritza.jpg - width=196 height=482
padmenightgown2hritza.jpg - width=495 height=571
padmenightgown4hritza.jpg - width=195 height=491
Here is my newest Padme Amidala skin... her lavender nightgown from Star Wars epidode III!
As usual, there wasn't really a good mesh for it... and with her being pregnant the dress didn't look quite right. The back is a bit of a blur... it was really confusing how it all worked...
There is no mesh required. I used the one with the annoying little dangle at the back... If you want to dowload it without the dangle, just copy the texture and alpha files from mine onto the mesh made by WDS BriAnna here:
If you really want me to do it myself, just post below, and if enough people want it, I'll do it..
Now... Don't steal, sell, or claim my work as your own... please don't put it on your site, I'll be very sad and complain if you do.
Have fun with this... Dowload, post and say thankyou... Please?

Uploaded: 29th Jun 2005, 427.1 KB.
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Padme Amidala's Blue Nightgown
by soccerrocker1989 28th Jun 2005 at 4:47am
by despaired_girl 1st Jul 2006 at 1:35am
Padme Amidala Makeup and Headress
by hritza 6th Jun 2005 at 12:02pm
Hello! :howdy: Enclosed in the zip are some essentials for Queen Padme Amidala in Star Wars! more...
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