X-Men Academy ~ Hellions (Adults)

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Adult versions of the Hellions from New X-Men: Academy X. The wings mesh is not available for teenagers, so I made them as adults for that reason. On to the Downloads:

Hellion, aka Julian Keller, has the mutant ability of telekinesis.

Tag, aka Brian Cruz, has the mutant ability of touching someone and making them "it" sending everyone scurrying from them.

Rockslide, aka Santo Vaccarro, has the mutant ability to detach parts of his body and use them as projectiles. His rock skin makes him nigh-invulnerable.

Icarus, aka Jay Guthrie, has the mutant ability of flight via wings on his back. He also has his own healing factor.

Mercury, aka Cecily Kincaid, has the mutant ability of shape-shifting due to her body being made up of non-toxic liquid mercury.

Dust, aka Sooraya Qadir, has the mutant ability to transform into sand capable of cutting through flesh and steel.

Meshes: (Huge Thanks to the following, without them this would not be possible)

Dust and Mercury (All Females) sport Particleman's "Wonderbra" Heels mesh. Get it here: http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=54790

Dust sports the Biedermann hair mesh. Get it here in the downloads section: http://www.jeanette-meets-diesims2.de/

Rockslide sports Faeriegurl's Muscleman Mesh for University EP. Get it here: http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=56648 Be sure to also visit her site at http://www.sims2creations.com/

Icarus sports JosephTheSim2k5's Dragon Wing mesh. This is a glasses accessory, so it will be in the glasses section. Get the original here: http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=61558

Enjoy and Happy Simming ~ Syn

These characters and their costumes are not endorsed by or affiliated with Marvel Comics and/or Marvel Entertainment, or its licensors. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Costumes, Logos, and Characters copyright Marvel Entertainment, Inc. and its licensors. All Rights Reserved.
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