The flamegown hood
flamegown_hood.jpg - width=1024 height=489
I've had quite a bit of trouble doing this hood..... so this is like the 4th mesh I used and it was the best that I could do.... The mesh is actually really nice...
It's the longer bob in the middle....
teen- elder are the same hood, child has piggytails but the toddler has some kind of hood too... you'll see it

I couldn't make it shorter or something because that's something impossible for me...
I hope you like it....
Uploaded: 23rd Aug 2007, 35.5 KB.
Uploaded: 17th Dec 2006, 252.1 KB.
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Updated: 23rd Aug 2007 at 1:16 AM - I added the mesh.. I hope it works...
#star wars, #handmaiden, #flame gown, #flamegown, #hood
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