Moteé's Senate gown -Star Wars handmaiden
Motee_senate_gown.jpg - width=721 height=717
Motee_senate_gown_back.jpg - width=716 height=708
Motee_senate_gown_rest.jpg - width=1007 height=742

I've been working on this for quite a while.....
The pictures I had to use were..... definately not what I would've liked them to be.... High resolution that is...... And front matching the back would have been nice and easy ^^
But who needs easy when he can spend hours trying to work out how to make use of the pictures he's got....

Well... I hope you like the result... It really was time consuming
I think it is for YA as well.... It shows up under Everyday, Formal and Sleepwear... And I am delighted to say that whoever decides to use this dress on a pregnant sim will be lucky and the sims will keep the baby bump...
So... now the description: It is the dress Moteè wore in the third episode while she was attending a special senate session to declare the first galactic empire...
It's quite a beautiful gown that looks really interesting...
I also did the shoes.... not just colouring these sandals but giving them a bit of star wars flair that was possible.... I also tried to include that triangle on the shoulder.....
You'll need to get the mesh from pronupsims
the link below is a direct link...
You can get the mesh for the hair here... A recolour must be somewhere on that site as well...
If you like it, please make my day by telling me what's good or even what's bad.... *craving feedback*
Uploaded: 3rd Dec 2006, 438.4 KB.
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Updated: 21st Jan 2007 at 11:50 AM
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About Me
My Policy: (yeah I got myself one of these fancy things ^^)
You may use my textures and recolour them.
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You may include my costum content.
If you....
- used something I did to make your own stuff, please pm me with a link, because I want to see what you did (*nosy* ;) )
- used something I created, please link back...
Also: If you're proud of what you've done, I'll be happy to see it ;)