White Rabbit Major
Courses of this major include:
Semester 1 -- Why "Bubble Blower" cushions are Surrealistic Pillows
Semester 2 -- Why the Social Bunny is late for Social Intervention dates
Semester 3 -- Alien Abduction as a "down the rabbit hole" experience
Semester 4 -- The Matrix: Why Neo is told to "follow the White Rabbit"
Semester 5 -- The role of the White Rabbit: Disney's "Kingdom Hearts"
Semester 6 -- The role of the White Rabbit: Nintendo's "Super Mario 64"
Semester 7 -- The White Rabbit in Thompsim's "Fear and Loathing in Veronaville"
Semester 8 -- Next Career Reward: White Rabbit "Bath Crystals" Lab?!!
Orginal GUID: 0x002BA808 (will not overide any majors).
Custon icon: a freaky rabbit silhouette
Linked careers are: Science, Natural Science, or Criminal.
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Analysis of The White Rabbit Nirvana (Bubble) Blower: This hookalike device can be used indoors or outdoors, and if you have windowpanes on your house, your Sim can be either "inside looking outside" or "outside looking inside" during the experience. Sims inhale the contents of the object and are seen floating in the air, corresponding to an "Alice when she's ten feet tall" allegory. Furthermore, the color of the bubbles is significant. Blue bubbles mean the Sims using it are best to just "Hang Out" after using it, and not go anywhere for a while. When green bubbles occur, the recipient Sims have an 8 in Playful, and tactile sensations are enhanced. This could lead to orgiastic tendencies; but of course, as the Simmer, you can promote or arrest this possibility.
Analysis of the Social Bunny as White Rabbit: After the Social Bunny "drops from the sky", it can only be seen by the Sim for whom it arrives, and is thus considered a hallucinitory experience by other Sims who view that Sim as "crazy." "Oh, dear! Oh, dear!"; the Social Bunny always arrives late, after the Sim in need already exhibits a lot of "crazy" behaviors, like rocking a sack of flour in its arms, etc. Color of the Social Bunnies are significant, in that Blue and Yellow Social Bunnies (yellow + blue = green) do Playful interactions in the same lot, corresponding to green bubbles as Playful in the White Rabbit Nirvana Blower. Finally, the Social Bunny and the Social Worker are operational dualisms. The late mythologist Joseph Campbell would probably say the Social Bunny was closest to the Native Americans' Trickster God, while the "child-consuming" Social Worker is probably closest to the Goddess Kali.
Thanks to the folks at SimPE and to FrikaC, whose 2005 MajorsMadeEasier is needed to make alternative majors smoothly managed and available.
Comments and "Thank You's" are always appreciated after downloading! Enjoy!!!
Uploaded: 23rd Dec 2006, 7.6 KB.
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Updated: 14th Feb 2007 at 4:45 PM - new pix
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